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End 2005-06-24


Name Id Total Score Total Empires
OWNAGE 610 2198379 4
Minreal Recycling Co. 611 1076971 5
Federation Federation 615 637703 3
X.Q.F. 621 427318 2
Kitty MUNCHERS 612 357536 4
Aquarian federation 619 292879 3
Tx Ownage 618 161719 2
Total Chaos 613 156712 1
Return of the dillys. 625 117458 1
C.K.M.E 623 94928 1
Bloodbutter 622 93401 1
Gorgon for president 624 80731 1
BattleSchool 616 56688 4
Twisted Ryders 620 29111 2


P Empire Id X Y FId Score AP Last Change A W
1 Spartapus 5295 4 9 610 1917412 18 2005-06-25 00:16:08 W
2 Skydive 13583 9 3 611 751631 2 2005-06-25 00:34:48 W
3 Exilim 6327 6 10 615 526305 1 2005-06-25 00:34:58 W
4 BuckeysMonkeys 12207 9 2 621 322312 186 2005-06-25 00:26:51 W
5 Little Sister 7507 5 1 619 257349 10 2005-06-25 00:34:08 W
6 Lexus Nexus 14633 6 1 - 196596 8 2005-06-25 00:34:27 W
7 Sentires 8816 3 4 - 174236 8 2005-06-25 00:23:05 W
8 AAAAAHHHHH 11740 9 6 613 156712 19 2005-06-24 23:21:46 W
9 Opacus Mortu 11016 7 9 612 125162 48 2005-06-24 22:17:03 W
10 Elite 13457 8 8 618 117754 65 2005-06-24 22:31:37 W
11 PHILLDODILLDO 5915 3 4 625 117458 24 2005-06-24 23:16:19 W
12 Grutiicia 15353 5 6 621 105006 500 2005-06-24 02:54:34 W
13 DoA 4221 2 8 610 104669 7 2005-06-25 00:34:58 W
14 Ecolitan Prime 14110 9 2 611 104428 34 2005-06-25 00:35:00 W
15 Achilles 14883 7 3 612 96768 59 2005-06-25 00:13:43 W
16 renagade24 9449 5 5 615 95068 174 2005-06-24 20:42:03 W
17 DarkHouse 15332 2 7 623 94928 36 2005-06-24 22:25:42 W
18 Gobbin 15085 9 10 622 93401 234 2005-06-24 13:02:06 W
19 Trip Fontaine 10715 4 4 - 92922 158 2005-06-24 18:31:45 W
20 Bluebear IV 13067 1 10 - 91624 204 2005-06-24 15:33:37 W
21 Frolick 15373 8 4 610 90771 237 2005-06-25 00:22:48 W
22 DreamMaster 14464 7 5 610 85527 342 2005-06-24 23:12:39 W
23 Soulless 13329 5 8 - 84332 236 2005-06-23 19:27:24 W
24 Vahalla 15467 2 3 - 83805 86 2005-06-24 10:19:02 W
25 Darkhorse 14451 10 8 - 83783 3 2005-06-25 00:20:18 W
26 Ringworld 14649 3 5 - 80938 4 2005-06-25 00:23:57 W
27 Gorgon 6648 1 5 624 80731 146 2005-06-24 21:50:41 W
28 Dutch 14478 10 5 611 79965 500 2005-06-23 19:20:17 W
29 Tai 8061 8 8 - 79035 161 2005-06-24 13:16:10 W
30 Maellstrom 13766 4 9 611 74645 0 2005-06-25 00:34:53 W
31 Mongonites 15302 8 8 - 73442 102 2005-06-24 17:08:14 W
32 Dalvian 7968 1 2 612 71914 500 2005-06-23 22:46:21 W
33 NeMo 15186 1 1 - 70798 82 2005-06-24 11:36:25 W
34 Friggin Awesomians 15388 8 2 - 67051 15 2005-06-25 00:28:50 W
35 Sofa King we todd did 13502 7 5 611 66302 500 2005-06-24 20:23:01 W
36 The Bearded Clams 8848 5 9 612 63692 500 2005-06-23 08:20:32 W
37 DWP 9755 10 6 - 58473 500 2005-06-23 09:15:18 W
38 sun duck 15426 10 1 - 55077 106 2005-06-24 06:52:38 W
39 UrzasPlanet 14424 6 1 - 54885 116 2005-06-24 11:12:39 W
40 hibye 15431 5 2 - 52810 116 2005-06-24 05:48:45 W
41 Metalion 15280 10 1 - 50354 500 2005-06-24 22:08:16 W
42 dayons 15009 8 5 618 43965 421 2005-06-24 08:51:28 W
43 Dez 15281 1 3 - 43887 417 2005-06-25 00:18:31 W
44 Arkon 15362 6 1 - 41826 146 2005-06-24 22:05:59 W
45 Cajo 15336 5 2 - 37517 184 2005-06-24 18:34:12 W
46 Sith Lord 15241 6 4 - 37044 498 2005-06-24 12:59:06 W
47 Awe 7740 9 5 616 36107 500 2005-06-23 23:44:50 W
48 omega weapon 15352 5 9 - 34968 321 2005-06-24 22:03:50 W
49 Universal Commercial 15471 8 6 - 34109 99 2005-06-24 09:25:24 W
50 scorpion 15414 4 6 - 32733 415 2005-06-23 22:00:14 W
51 Ussex 15498 10 8 - 30585 40 2005-06-24 20:08:36 W
52 Farqua 15191 8 5 619 29023 418 2005-06-22 10:02:32 W
53 nisso 8911 4 7 - 28758 274 2005-06-24 00:32:36 W
54 Lioness 15389 2 8 - 25074 108 2005-06-24 23:49:41 W
55 geocat 15444 4 4 - 24424 480 2005-06-24 01:14:00 W
56 wolves 15372 2 5 - 24233 158 2005-06-24 03:23:20 W
57 Lancleot 15491 7 10 - 21735 39 2005-06-24 21:02:20 W
58 mattopia 15291 10 6 - 19778 500 2005-06-21 18:24:21 W
59 SWORDIANS 4288 4 10 - 19563 116 2005-06-24 07:06:41 W
60 Shadow Dawn 15387 5 3 - 19517 500 2005-06-23 03:17:47 W
61 CJ 15328 7 2 - 17238 273 2005-06-23 10:42:41 W
62 Dealer Confederate 9936 4 5 615 16330 500 2005-06-22 00:48:27 W
63 Aquila 15505 1 3 - 16232 49 2005-06-24 16:23:07 W
64 Thug Luv 2889 10 1 - 15896 500 2005-06-21 08:57:49 W
65 vonZ 15525 10 6 - 15384 159 2005-06-24 10:12:47 W
66 Medri 15170 3 3 620 15264 500 2005-06-23 11:57:01 W
67 PimpWay 15347 9 4 620 13847 500 2005-06-23 03:05:42 W
68 Aquilonia 15545 1 2 - 13296 14 2005-06-24 23:44:44 W
69 webye 15520 2 8 - 12819 120 2005-06-24 17:22:58 W
70 DarkPower 15416 9 10 - 9886 500 2005-06-21 18:49:38 W
71 Magyar 15454 9 7 - 9790 500 2005-06-24 05:24:53 W
72 loto 15469 7 3 - 9678 118 2005-06-24 04:52:06 W
73 LosHobos 10871 3 10 - 9665 500 2005-06-24 08:08:10 W
74 Fire Nation 15371 8 9 616 9580 500 2005-06-21 18:50:57 W
75 Free beer 15290 4 6 - 9506 500 2005-06-21 14:35:31 W
76 Jedi Masters 15437 2 7 - 9503 470 2005-06-22 18:20:09 W
77 ong1990 15457 2 9 - 9374 93 2005-06-24 11:42:14 W
78 emperor 15246 4 10 - 9337 500 2005-06-22 00:24:47 W
79 WAG WOX 15442 4 3 - 9313 500 2005-06-24 17:11:49 W
80 Ashen Phoenix 15562 7 9 - 9155 5 2005-06-24 23:41:03 W
81 Gemini Empire 14702 1 9 - 9114 500 2005-06-20 04:52:02 W
82 Ehlohim 15428 4 10 - 9030 500 2005-06-23 03:08:58 W
83 Asgard 15566 4 8 - 8773 23 2005-06-24 20:54:32 W
84 Chain Gang 15380 4 2 - 8766 500 2005-06-16 23:22:05 W
85 losers 15345 1 1 - 8728 500 2005-06-23 11:08:18 W
86 Evil Empire 15127 7 9 - 8524 500 2005-06-21 14:30:13 W
87 Peacekeepers 15535 6 6 - 8458 193 2005-06-23 16:24:05 W
88 Rooks 15209 6 1 - 8359 500 2005-06-24 06:00:13 W
89 Kilgeran 15306 8 4 - 8276 500 2005-06-21 18:25:07 W
90 darkterror 15413 9 5 - 8172 500 2005-06-21 13:41:11 W
91 The Nazi Party 15086 5 9 - 8142 500 2005-06-19 03:59:10 W
92 Red Faction 15395 1 6 - 8056 500 2005-06-21 09:21:48 W
93 Empira Millennia 15480 2 9 - 7842 481 2005-06-22 22:46:11 W
94 gamingg 15458 2 9 - 7831 500 2005-06-21 06:55:17 W
95 Raul 15175 6 8 - 7783 500 2005-06-17 03:01:19 W
96 Xenos 15377 8 7 - 7554 500 2005-06-25 00:19:11 W
97 Xenocide 15147 4 2 - 7525 500 2005-06-15 09:51:03 W
98 Elemental Alliance 15300 5 10 - 7436 500 2005-06-22 22:47:10 W
99 hades 15215 5 1 - 7322 500 2005-06-21 14:32:29 W
100 Empire of Sai 15539 1 9 - 7140 215 2005-06-23 19:32:24 W
101 Darren 15376 9 6 - 7104 500 2005-06-16 16:25:38 W
102 Lemuria 15402 6 7 - 7091 500 2005-06-20 21:49:58 W
103 Nehekhara 15564 9 1 - 6823 33 2005-06-24 19:08:53 W
104 The Orchard 15490 7 8 - 6772 257 2005-06-23 05:45:38 W
105 Ang Telas 15329 1 8 - 6720 500 2005-06-14 09:51:15 W
106 Deepcore 15424 2 4 - 6682 500 2005-06-19 06:18:25 W
107 InsideHers 15359 9 2 619 6507 500 2005-06-15 23:00:35 W
108 demonoid 15361 7 8 - 6498 500 2005-06-15 23:46:32 W
109 Yunholoman 14738 5 5 - 6088 500 2005-06-17 00:49:30 W
110 davis101319 15243 2 6 616 6049 500 2005-06-18 06:23:15 W
111 Jylland 9492 2 8 - 6037 500 2005-06-16 11:38:11 W
112 Stax 15311 10 4 - 6020 500 2005-06-17 09:44:24 W
113 TooeleKrew 15396 1 2 - 6015 500 2005-06-20 10:57:18 W
114 zomby land 15178 6 7 - 6010 500 2005-06-20 20:43:25 W
115 Uuetron 15548 5 7 - 5831 125 2005-06-24 05:45:37 W
116 Darklands 15230 10 4 - 5612 500 2005-06-22 04:08:00 W
117 Vlad 6991 9 4 - 5584 500 2005-06-20 20:45:58 W
118 IDK 15351 2 10 - 5540 500 2005-06-15 09:08:19 W
119 Drowning in Blood 15425 1 10 - 5483 500 2005-06-19 07:43:16 W
120 Darkmore 15287 5 6 - 5469 500 2005-06-15 07:03:25 W
121 Toid 15558 3 3 - 5434 89 2005-06-24 09:42:31 W
122 Ygdrazill 15003 10 6 - 5386 500 2005-06-18 23:27:02 W
123 paladin 15542 5 5 - 5344 151 2005-06-23 23:29:45 W
124 broad red 15383 3 5 - 5312 500 2005-06-24 05:37:27 W
125 spacemaster 14113 9 5 - 5217 500 2005-06-20 21:56:41 W
126 Takil 15493 9 1 - 5181 393 2005-06-22 08:10:09 W
127 jaboobin 15516 7 1 - 5132 271 2005-06-23 03:41:44 W
128 Sastiquanto 15507 8 6 - 5109 334 2005-06-22 19:29:59 W
129 Gavo 15511 3 6 - 5040 227 2005-06-23 11:30:33 W
130 THe Hong 15552 3 2 - 4974 129 2005-06-24 07:12:29 W
131 Ryim Azulos 15167 4 3 616 4952 500 2005-06-16 13:36:23 W
132 Heywood 15327 2 3 - 4875 500 2005-06-14 02:58:24 W
133 pinky89 15378 7 9 - 4722 500 2005-06-16 18:37:19 W
134 Maldron 15365 8 6 - 4722 500 2005-06-16 06:22:59 W
135 history 15411 2 6 - 4543 500 2005-06-18 06:29:07 W
136 Number One 15262 1 9 - 4517 500 2005-06-17 22:26:34 W
137 The Summon 15346 2 3 - 4482 500 2005-06-15 07:10:02 W
138 Arandor 15343 2 1 - 4470 500 2005-06-17 06:08:58 W
139 JadeEmperor 15462 1 6 - 4300 500 2005-06-21 04:29:56 W
140 Fluffy Bunnies 15036 1 4 - 4244 500 2005-06-16 11:37:34 W
141 Romania 15466 5 2 - 4239 500 2005-06-21 07:16:46 W
142 chaicho 15452 1 1 - 4197 500 2005-06-22 20:44:11 W
143 adrian 15265 7 2 - 4006 500 2005-06-18 00:30:06 W
144 liquid_plasma 15273 1 4 - 3996 500 2005-06-18 11:46:49 W
145 Treccon Federation 15394 4 4 - 3986 500 2005-06-18 07:11:23 W
146 Tinkle Empire 15267 9 9 - 3985 500 2005-06-22 20:40:26 W
147 nabbo forest 15403 1 2 - 3935 500 2005-06-18 01:12:23 W
148 Dartania 15231 10 8 - 3898 500 2005-06-17 09:37:53 W
149 Hopsnbaer 15460 10 1 - 3761 429 2005-06-24 02:40:12 W
150 caucasion land 15479 10 9 - 3697 500 2005-06-21 14:50:13 W
151 Nightdorff 15134 10 1 - 3649 500 2005-06-17 03:17:29 W
152 Jade 15504 10 9 - 3649 500 2005-06-22 13:45:01 W
153 Anarchy 15538 6 5 - 3552 463 2005-06-23 18:06:23 W
154 Murder Inc. 15408 8 7 - 3286 500 2005-06-18 05:16:51 W
155 Fliepeldepiep 15568 7 6 - 3258 177 2005-06-24 22:04:38 W
156 Freakpire 15563 3 6 - 3146 39 2005-06-24 18:07:25 W
157 STANVILLE 15397 6 7 - 3111 500 2005-06-17 11:28:29 W
158 NeverLand 15506 1 9 - 3094 499 2005-06-22 16:47:02 W
159 Hemathemesis 15459 9 1 - 3091 500 2005-06-21 02:58:05 W
160 Thakirians 15456 7 2 - 2991 500 2005-06-20 23:35:05 W
161 pascals 15025 1 9 - 2801 500 2005-06-15 15:13:26 W
162 Clay 15453 8 6 - 2670 500 2005-06-20 16:12:49 W
163 Pope Rollers 15305 2 8 - 2648 500 2005-06-17 03:15:33 W
164 Netlokeians 15391 5 9 - 2504 500 2005-06-17 07:04:35 W
165 JP24 15533 1 3 - 2447 500 2005-06-23 14:55:38 W
166 Raven1 15366 3 6 - 2439 500 2005-06-16 05:52:45 W
167 United we stand 15565 7 8 - 2358 309 2005-06-24 22:30:43 W
168 Iceheart_max 15553 8 6 - 2327 399 2005-06-24 07:41:23 W
169 Shadrakis 14904 3 4 - 2293 500 2005-06-17 18:36:49 W
170 Slammerkin 15470 2 7 - 2238 398 2005-06-24 07:48:17 W
171 Peruvians 15528 3 5 - 2229 500 2005-06-23 11:07:13 W
172 Galcktikos 15556 5 3 - 2175 387 2005-06-24 08:27:32 W
173 The Galactic Empire 15405 3 4 - 1794 500 2005-06-18 02:57:07 W
174 DonDutch 15390 5 5 - 1775 500 2005-06-17 20:38:01 W
175 Zexia 15422 9 7 - 1742 500 2005-06-19 05:01:23 W
176 bimmbar 15331 10 4 - 1635 500 2005-06-14 05:45:37 W
177 olioli 15484 9 4 - 1585 500 2005-06-21 21:50:56 W
178 ben carr 15404 7 8 - 1484 500 2005-06-18 01:21:30 W
179 death realm 15547 3 2 - 1470 500 2005-06-24 03:12:20 W
180 toshugawa 15496 2 2 - 1334 500 2005-06-22 07:56:27 W
181 C.S.A. 15478 3 8 - 1329 500 2005-06-21 14:32:29 W
182 monkey island 15526 1 9 - 1251 500 2005-06-23 10:53:59 W
183 Leginars 15518 1 8 - 1168 500 2005-06-23 04:37:17 W
184 Yankees 15441 6 1 - 1151 500 2005-06-20 00:10:19 W
185 Serraqusse Empire 15530 5 1 - 1107 500 2005-06-23 13:52:58 W
186 dairdevils layer 15419 7 2 - 1075 500 2005-06-21 06:00:15 W
187 Fomalhaut 15529 4 9 - 1061 500 2005-06-23 11:23:32 W
188 fuzzotic 15487 6 6 - 992 500 2005-06-21 22:35:32 W
189 WAR_WORLD 15472 2 4 - 987 500 2005-06-21 08:24:18 W
190 Blood Raptors 15551 8 1 - 981 500 2005-06-24 03:50:00 W
191 Dark Matrix 15451 2 6 - 926 500 2005-06-20 11:30:32 W
192 johankb 15509 8 3 - 917 500 2005-06-22 17:32:14 W
193 The Inquisition 15502 4 7 - 878 500 2005-06-22 11:43:08 W
194 Justys Devils 15370 10 3 - 860 500 2005-06-16 09:45:53 W
195 Eldar Aranie 15037 5 9 - 854 500 2005-06-17 12:40:57 W
196 hilgania 15197 4 9 - 850 500 2005-06-20 06:11:35 W
197 The Bman Space Center 15232 5 7 - 700 500 2005-06-11 07:19:21 W
198 nyvang 15508 5 1 - 674 500 2005-06-22 17:06:53 W
199 Intergalactic Hoodlums 15418 8 4 - 630 500 2005-06-19 02:40:10 W
200 Coo Coo Ca Choo 15423 6 6 - 626 500 2005-06-19 05:15:10 W
201 Sepica 15369 6 3 - 623 500 2005-06-16 08:14:30 W
202 jimmys 15461 2 9 - 614 500 2005-06-21 04:07:28 W
203 Strong Hold 15364 1 9 - 610 500 2005-06-16 04:43:28 W
204 LubE 15250 8 3 - 587 500 2005-06-17 07:26:52 W
205 Nynny 14324 1 1 - 569 500 2005-06-22 06:55:29 W
206 Kai of the Brunnen G 4206 4 1 - 545 453 2005-06-24 08:12:41 W
207 Feline 12958 9 3 - 545 500 2005-06-17 05:17:46 W
208 EAPD1ST 15268 6 4 - 540 500 2005-06-12 21:22:36 W
209 Ankrhamun 15323 8 6 - 535 500 2005-06-14 01:02:17 W
210 deathdemonfx 15464 5 5 - 533 500 2005-06-21 05:30:26 W
211 Heerenveen 15510 6 9 - 527 500 2005-06-23 19:26:15 W
212 Alianza elfica 15494 3 5 - 502 500 2005-06-22 07:15:35 W
213 Asgard Alliance 15536 6 7 - 494 500 2005-06-23 17:28:33 W
214 Zarkarnard 15521 8 9 - 494 500 2005-06-23 06:10:04 W
215 The Saians 15569 5 7 - 481 499 2005-06-24 22:46:55 W
216 celorico 15159 6 3 - 481 500 2005-06-15 03:46:52 W
217 Alagaiseia 15398 10 3 - 480 500 2005-06-17 15:12:12 W
218 mcnicholls 15500 4 9 - 464 500 2005-06-22 09:32:02 W
219 The Betteration 15495 3 3 - 463 500 2005-06-22 07:53:23 W
220 Dijinnu 15316 1 8 - 461 500 2005-06-13 18:58:58 W
221 gladius maximus 15381 6 5 - 460 500 2005-06-17 00:18:37 W
222 Corruscant 15477 5 8 - 446 500 2005-06-21 11:00:35 W
223 Rebel Alliance 15277 6 6 - 445 500 2005-06-12 03:24:47 W
224 ji 15393 8 10 - 441 500 2005-06-17 07:50:08 W
225 garethster 15385 2 1 - 436 500 2005-06-17 04:39:01 W
226 Earth_1 15363 6 1 - 435 500 2005-06-16 02:29:19 W
227 ybur 15382 8 4 - 426 500 2005-06-17 01:00:28 W
228 The Home 15355 4 8 - 425 500 2005-06-15 12:34:53 W
229 Argetlam 15392 2 4 - 425 500 2005-06-17 07:22:24 W
230 Belchers 15427 8 1 - 425 500 2005-06-19 07:54:48 W
231 crippler 15354 8 6 - 424 500 2005-06-15 09:45:37 W
232 pikelands 15476 5 8 - 415 500 2005-06-21 10:48:33 W
233 Blow it up yer kilt 14326 6 8 - 405 500 2005-06-18 15:40:18 W
234 ForTheWin 15455 9 4 - 405 500 2005-06-20 22:14:38 W
235 Kubala 6325 10 9 - 395 500 2005-06-14 22:11:39 W
236 Nympho 12899 4 9 - 395 366 2005-06-24 14:10:04 W
237 Sapien Syndicate 15499 9 1 - 395 500 2005-06-22 14:21:06 W
238 eja 15400 6 2 - 395 500 2005-06-17 18:47:14 W
239 Dartak 15537 5 1 - 395 500 2005-06-23 18:59:14 W
240 Wreckers 15434 8 3 - 393 500 2005-06-19 18:31:12 W
241 Nebulandia 15483 9 7 - 391 500 2005-06-21 21:29:50 W
242 Japan Province 15407 2 5 - 389 500 2005-06-18 04:55:31 W
243 Erasmiana 15481 3 9 - 385 500 2005-06-21 18:57:04 W
244 blow 15567 2 8 - 375 500 2005-06-24 20:14:32 W
245 benata 15420 8 5 - 375 500 2005-06-19 04:29:17 W
246 ketih 9874 5 9 - 375 500 2005-06-11 01:01:30 W
247 hunter 15438 5 4 - 375 500 2005-06-19 20:31:08 W
248 Dragul 15463 1 1 - 375 500 2005-06-21 04:55:54 W
249 The Scorpio 15465 9 1 - 375 500 2005-06-21 05:55:55 W
250 Goobers 15429 1 6 - 375 500 2005-06-19 10:58:09 W
251 Dragoons 15417 10 9 - 375 500 2005-06-19 02:22:40 W
252 bazzatron 15517 4 3 - 375 500 2005-06-23 04:09:46 W
253 Graphite 15475 5 6 - 375 500 2005-06-21 09:11:37 W
254 Rebublic 15368 6 6 - 375 500 2005-06-16 08:11:04 W
255 Magrathia 15348 5 8 - 375 500 2005-06-15 04:59:39 W
256 Imperial Senate 15374 9 2 - 375 500 2005-06-16 12:27:11 W
257 Darkorus 15515 2 7 - 375 500 2005-06-23 03:01:07 W
258 Coogelmeires 15555 6 8 - 375 500 2005-06-24 08:26:19 W
259 Gaurdians of Death 15543 4 8 - 375 500 2005-06-24 01:33:37 W
260 Vinusis 15550 7 7 - 375 500 2005-06-24 03:42:26 W
261 NtSuc7CbpK4nBi5N9YfC 15468 6 8 - 375 500 2005-06-21 06:25:39 W
262 sammieland 15485 8 8 - 375 500 2005-06-21 21:51:19 W
263 havajava 15432 1 1 - 375 500 2005-06-19 14:14:50 W
264 Hoo 15349 7 9 - 375 500 2005-06-17 04:06:05 W
265 Arkadia 15406 10 4 - 375 500 2005-06-18 04:54:02 W
266 center earth 15473 7 3 - 375 500 2005-06-24 10:44:06 W
267 kirillian 15367 1 10 - 375 500 2005-06-16 05:49:59 W
268 Rexis 15439 6 1 - 375 500 2005-06-19 21:37:17 W
269 atlantis 15488 8 6 - 375 500 2005-06-22 00:08:55 W
270 Taiso 15412 2 10 - 375 500 2005-06-18 22:10:15 W
271 q 15447 4 9 - 375 500 2005-06-20 05:08:53 W
272 ssss 15513 1 3 - 375 500 2005-06-23 02:45:25 W
273 Medieval Kingdom 15446 6 5 - 375 500 2005-06-20 05:05:34 W
274 Bravo 15497 8 5 - 375 500 2005-06-22 08:34:17 W
275 bored 15519 4 2 - 375 500 2005-06-23 05:27:07 W
276 Galactic Imperials 15546 6 3 - 375 500 2005-06-24 03:07:18 W
277 Mir 15482 7 4 - 375 500 2005-06-21 19:52:30 W
278 master empire 15549 2 6 - 375 500 2005-06-24 03:47:10 W
279 The Hive 15294 9 3 - 375 500 2005-06-12 18:09:45 W
280 thwak 15410 2 9 - 375 500 2005-06-18 06:26:06 W
281 Freaks 15443 5 7 - 375 500 2005-06-20 02:01:15 W
282 darkness kills 15512 4 9 - 375 500 2005-06-23 02:17:19 W
283 BloodStone Empire 15531 6 1 - 375 500 2005-06-23 13:40:40 W
284 Ashellon 15544 7 10 - 375 500 2005-06-24 01:39:38 W
285 telark 15570 2 2 - 375 500 2005-06-25 00:25:21 W
286 Naevren 15430 4 6 - 375 500 2005-06-19 12:15:27 W
287 Jade Empire 15503 2 7 - 375 500 2005-06-22 13:21:11 W
288 simstar 742 8 7 - 0 500 2005-04-15 15:33:28 W
289 Wolfshield 1409 9 3 - 0 500 2004-06-16 08:04:57 W
290 Nemrolem 1793 1 4 - 0 520 2005-06-25 00:33:36 W
291 Flipdoolpoop 2043 5 10 - 0 500 2004-05-04 23:45:39 W
292 Triumverate 2185 5 6 - 0 500 2005-01-22 17:15:24 W
293 Wish 2655 4 2 - 0 500 2004-11-12 04:42:33 W
294 MightyMoose 2836 1 1 - 0 500 2005-03-13 18:34:05 W
295 Moolinger 2857 2 9 - 0 500 2004-03-29 13:02:40 W
296 Knowledge 3603 9 9 - 0 500 2004-09-29 02:09:51 W
297 Frantic 3884 5 4 - 0 500 2004-07-07 10:57:41 W
298 TigerWars 3902 10 8 - 0 500 2004-05-18 22:37:29 W
299 Trick 3946 3 7 - 0 500 2005-06-01 03:13:05 W
300 Omen 3963 1 1 - 0 500 2005-06-21 19:59:53 W
301 Talsman 4090 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-18 10:39:05 W
302 Phoenix 4209 10 4 - 0 500 2004-10-14 01:54:06 W
303 The Terran Empire 6165 10 4 - 0 500 2004-05-04 00:38:29 W
304 Edge Talvaron 13886 9 7 - 0 500 2005-06-14 02:03:08 W
305 Dedalus 4755 9 9 - 0 500 2004-10-16 00:06:52 W
306 1NationUnderAGroove 4769 9 7 - 0 500 2004-09-17 23:14:26 W
307 Rainbow Land 4949 4 9 - 0 500 2005-04-14 23:55:29 W
308 stop....carryon 4989 9 3 - 0 500 2005-05-27 06:04:28 W
309 Katttahi 5003 7 7 - 0 500 2004-07-23 06:13:27 W
310 Devastation 5036 8 2 - 0 500 2004-08-20 04:11:19 W
311 thoraskriger 5027 1 7 - 0 500 2004-09-29 02:25:48 W
312 StiveSteen 5053 4 7 - 0 500 2004-08-05 03:46:27 W
313 Warlords 5198 7 10 - 0 500 2004-08-19 22:52:02 W
314 Zeon 5423 1 8 - 0 500 2004-08-20 20:21:36 W
315 mephisto 5504 2 3 - 0 500 2004-08-23 19:51:10 W
316 gaulron 5511 7 10 - 0 500 2004-06-10 22:43:58 W
317 mollym00 5691 5 8 - 0 500 2004-05-28 13:38:46 W
318 Sorry 5892 4 2 - 0 500 2004-05-19 12:14:55 W
319 PLIT Moderator 55 5895 6 8 - 0 500 2004-08-28 04:23:17 W
320 Wolverine 1 2 9 - 0 500 2005-06-01 19:30:58 W
321 Boomhower 6050 6 5 - 0 500 2004-08-20 11:30:56 W
322 Hakay 7100 3 5 - 0 500 2004-06-04 22:03:17 W
323 Uni Starkad 6139 6 10 - 0 500 2004-10-29 22:01:36 W
324 scraps 8155 10 2 - 0 500 2005-02-15 03:35:35 W
325 Rabid Wolverine 6433 3 9 - 0 500 2005-05-31 08:59:54 W
326 1984 6623 10 4 - 0 500 2004-05-26 18:22:49 W
327 pothead 6639 10 1 - 0 500 2004-05-11 15:36:01 W
328 Vrolok 12081 10 6 - 0 500 2005-02-04 18:49:24 W
329 Donas Dobar 6679 6 6 - 0 500 2005-01-21 08:35:40 W
330 Brute Squad 7666 10 8 - 0 500 2004-08-23 10:40:16 W
331 DuEth 6873 5 10 - 0 500 2004-12-10 07:49:53 W
332 lilhunterboy 15357 1 7 - 0 500 2005-06-15 17:56:40 W
333 Pure Skill 6966 1 1 - 0 500 2004-10-17 15:01:11 W
334 Troja 7036 9 6 - 0 500 2005-06-24 03:37:42 W
335 Piloria 9455 6 3 - 0 500 2004-11-02 23:29:48 W
336 broncotown 8020 7 5 - 0 500 2004-12-05 09:48:10 W
337 Smeggoth 12212 6 8 - 0 500 2005-02-18 21:51:43 W
338 Naashinite 11980 1 9 - 0 500 2005-04-18 22:32:43 W
339 Interstellar Alliance 11451 4 7 - 0 500 2005-06-23 07:46:56 W
340 Dark Rain 11108 8 6 - 0 500 2005-01-17 14:51:04 W
341 Nod Nol 13493 10 3 - 0 500 2005-04-03 21:41:36 W
342 bci 8489 5 2 - 0 500 2004-09-21 01:28:53 W
343 Nerion 7372 6 3 - 0 500 2004-12-22 03:51:06 W
344 Sekundes 7373 10 8 - 0 500 2004-07-23 20:49:27 W
345 VONTING 15421 8 9 - 0 500 2005-06-19 04:47:56 W
346 Asclepiades 11832 4 8 - 0 500 2005-02-07 17:40:44 W
347 Drannart 7402 4 8 - 0 500 2004-08-06 03:23:24 W
348 johnny 15554 2 1 - 0 500 2005-06-24 08:05:45 W
349 randy ort 11529 7 7 - 0 500 2005-05-08 22:11:50 W
350 wwe empire 12563 1 6 - 0 500 2005-02-21 02:47:45 W
351 Russman Horde 12991 1 3 - 0 500 2005-03-14 04:56:34 W
352 jeffrey 14624 5 5 - 0 500 2005-05-17 06:16:14 W
353 pinky15 15379 8 1 - 0 500 2005-06-16 17:53:57 W
354 Romulan Star Empire 10699 6 10 - 0 500 2005-05-09 06:19:25 W
355 Eclidians 11145 5 8 - 0 500 2005-02-21 03:06:21 W
356 The Dwarf Clan 11648 9 1 - 0 500 2005-04-06 19:11:40 W
357 Aladril 7561 4 5 - 0 500 2005-06-21 12:06:22 W
358 Aderik 7569 7 2 - 0 500 2004-07-20 17:31:19 W
359 Killerzebra 10421 2 6 - 0 500 2004-11-25 08:23:28 W
360 Ottoman Empire 8703 2 6 - 0 500 2004-09-25 23:50:05 W
361 balisic warrior 8749 3 2 - 0 500 2004-09-24 12:34:05 W
362 Charonija 13383 2 6 - 0 500 2005-04-03 20:48:25 W
363 x86 12937 1 4 - 0 500 2005-05-27 05:47:28 W
364 Southland 15540 9 8 - 0 500 2005-06-23 20:38:41 W
365 BALLAZ BLOCK 7902 10 7 - 0 500 2004-09-20 18:39:48 W
366 reeper 7785 4 9 - 0 500 2004-08-20 10:42:30 W
367 Lisa 8942 1 6 - 0 500 2004-09-21 03:56:33 W
368 Dippis Empire 11424 7 10 - 0 500 2005-02-03 04:45:02 W
369 Rambo 7899 4 6 - 0 500 2004-08-20 20:44:06 W
370 Lord Helmet 12381 6 9 - 0 500 2005-05-13 06:09:50 W
371 Simoun 7980 6 4 - 0 500 2004-11-20 22:33:04 W
372 HEY HEY HEY 13556 1 2 - 0 500 2005-05-20 02:13:54 W
373 JWE 10533 2 6 - 0 500 2005-05-27 21:56:25 W
374 Glory Hounds 11171 7 5 - 0 500 2005-03-16 05:52:05 W
375 Arch Overseers 13728 9 1 - 0 500 2005-04-14 19:27:52 W
376 Slip 13357 2 10 - 0 500 2005-04-04 16:12:15 W
377 Commander Potater 13126 3 3 - 0 500 2005-04-30 00:30:05 W
378 Python 14010 9 4 - 0 500 2005-05-18 12:17:46 W
379 bluesteel 13209 5 10 - 0 500 2005-04-28 04:35:32 W
380 The Sherbets Empire 9914 5 9 - 0 500 2005-06-02 03:01:17 W
381 red bull 11790 6 2 - 0 500 2005-02-08 13:48:48 W
382 New Order 8356 9 6 - 0 500 2005-02-22 18:21:17 W
383 Shadow Wind 10010 4 6 - 0 500 2004-10-30 07:27:06 W
384 Catalyst 14572 5 3 - 0 500 2005-05-21 16:08:29 W
385 Falcon 8554 2 9 - 0 500 2004-09-03 21:31:19 W
386 Soleil 11991 4 5 - 0 500 2005-05-09 10:51:45 W
387 Empire of Nim and Dow 13498 7 3 - 0 500 2005-04-06 02:57:22 W
388 GothicKnight 8663 8 3 - 0 500 2004-11-12 09:53:13 W
389 JaK 13247 9 7 - 0 500 2005-04-14 13:58:33 W
390 BSVDROME 11667 4 8 - 0 500 2005-01-11 22:19:50 W
391 Thrull 10283 10 5 - 0 500 2005-05-16 01:30:45 W
392 Broken Intentions 14004 1 1 - 0 500 2005-06-07 23:11:04 W
393 Krozilla 12603 8 2 - 0 500 2005-03-01 21:15:13 W
394 red dawn 10878 2 6 - 0 500 2004-12-06 06:12:22 W
395 The Crabs 10663 1 6 - 0 500 2004-12-07 13:52:43 W
396 mongolia 13001 5 4 - 0 500 2005-05-04 08:20:07 W
397 Lui Land 13403 2 2 - 0 500 2005-03-31 17:04:03 W
398 Red Moon 10474 9 5 - 0 500 2004-12-23 07:19:17 W
399 Stormwatch 13686 7 8 - 0 500 2005-04-11 12:21:09 W
400 Tamriel 8984 1 6 - 0 500 2005-06-08 20:15:20 W
401 Field Of Souls 13161 7 2 - 0 500 2005-05-04 01:56:08 W
402 kitrand 13780 1 8 - 0 500 2005-04-15 11:13:38 W
403 Frozen Wastes 9158 4 3 - 0 500 2005-02-05 20:34:44 W
404 jets hood 12989 1 3 - 0 500 2005-03-14 04:23:38 W
405 Goro 11007 1 6 - 0 500 2005-03-09 22:49:55 W
406 Carenth 9265 1 9 - 0 500 2005-02-12 23:53:30 W
407 The Coneman Empire 10869 7 7 - 0 500 2005-01-21 20:04:50 W
408 Ilk 11692 4 4 - 0 500 2005-05-12 20:28:30 W
409 Obi1 15356 9 10 - 0 500 2005-06-15 17:18:14 W
410 The Legions of Beur 10996 7 7 - 0 500 2004-12-31 17:57:36 W
411 natux 11521 5 8 - 0 500 2005-01-02 02:06:51 W
412 Whipwham 11799 10 5 - 0 500 2005-05-31 16:25:13 W
413 LordofDarkness 9881 9 9 - 0 500 2004-12-08 23:54:45 W
414 Spider 12562 1 8 - 0 500 2005-06-22 22:01:27 W
415 FWO 9683 7 5 - 0 500 2004-10-31 00:42:40 W
416 flabmen 12366 9 2 - 0 500 2005-03-13 01:58:19 W
417 Xorn 13432 9 8 - 0 500 2005-04-30 04:32:13 W
418 Draconians 9749 2 5 - 0 500 2004-11-26 02:13:27 W
419 plow 13684 9 2 - 0 500 2005-05-26 07:41:58 W
420 LoverMen 12373 8 2 - 0 500 2005-05-15 20:38:12 W
421 Spartex 3 13671 8 5 - 0 500 2005-04-11 00:19:59 W
422 The Annointed 11619 2 10 - 0 500 2005-04-20 06:19:23 W
423 sonofahicks 13379 5 5 - 0 500 2005-06-04 09:41:10 W
424 RAGE 13777 8 5 - 0 500 2005-05-01 14:18:58 W
425 Numb 11758 6 10 - 0 500 2005-01-24 06:31:26 W
426 dinuka 15435 4 6 - 0 500 2005-06-19 18:56:32 W
427 Yeah 14492 4 9 - 0 500 2005-05-23 19:47:57 W
428 Mediocrity of Bland 13034 8 3 - 0 500 2005-03-22 21:23:00 W
429 007 14782 3 10 - 0 500 2005-05-23 00:59:00 W
430 blob 15501 9 7 - 0 500 2005-06-22 10:02:02 W
431 A Nony Mouse 10928 7 2 - 0 500 2005-02-21 10:29:13 W
432 vallar 15253 8 9 - 0 500 2005-06-10 22:20:44 W
433 bezwlad 15360 8 2 - 0 500 2005-06-15 22:47:13 W
434 superman 15115 7 10 - 0 500 2005-06-05 16:34:05 W
435 PorkSoda 11516 3 1 - 0 500 2005-02-27 04:21:22 W
436 The Confederation 14195 2 2 - 0 500 2005-05-27 12:24:51 W
437 Jiggly Wiggly 13231 9 6 - 0 500 2005-04-17 02:48:39 W
438 ShadowFlare666 12771 7 3 - 0 500 2005-03-18 04:58:34 W
439 Sped 12309 3 3 - 0 500 2005-05-13 00:48:22 W
440 rhazhan 12383 7 6 - 0 500 2005-05-18 06:18:27 W
441 The Jade Empire 15375 1 1 - 0 500 2005-06-16 12:53:54 W
442 mexico 15018 1 2 - 0 500 2005-06-01 10:31:54 W
443 Shinjukian 13512 5 7 - 0 500 2005-05-01 14:26:10 W
444 Melnibone 12528 9 5 - 0 500 2005-03-09 21:25:24 W
445 Guston 13193 4 4 - 0 500 2005-03-22 22:08:27 W
446 chris empire 12821 6 2 - 0 500 2005-05-30 02:02:51 W
447 skywalkers 14700 8 2 - 0 500 2005-06-05 00:46:44 W
448 why 14881 2 8 - 0 500 2005-06-10 13:34:20 W
449 ccoolliinn 12790 8 2 - 0 500 2005-03-16 20:35:19 W
450 bollweevils 13547 7 4 - 0 500 2005-06-06 04:02:04 W
451 Pallonia 14597 8 2 - 0 500 2005-05-25 04:17:30 W
452 Hobley 13397 6 9 - 0 500 2005-03-31 09:47:23 W
453 Jonnyfwan 12914 8 7 - 0 500 2005-03-17 08:18:05 W
454 Emporia 13136 10 10 - 0 500 2005-05-26 02:14:31 W
455 The Welsh Wonder 14423 8 4 - 0 500 2005-06-04 10:25:27 W
456 VG Asault 13332 3 9 - 0 500 2005-05-07 14:46:59 W
457 corozivu 12949 8 4 - 0 500 2005-04-23 00:14:46 W
458 New Avalon 12951 6 2 - 0 500 2005-03-19 00:51:32 W
459 Tsenn 14385 5 4 - 0 520 2005-06-23 02:04:58 W
460 Spaceballs 13516 4 1 - 0 500 2005-04-04 21:35:57 W
461 The J Enterprise 14327 3 3 - 0 500 2005-05-06 09:00:30 W
462 Pitbullz 14658 3 8 - 0 500 2005-06-12 11:32:18 W
463 The Garage 13086 10 7 - 0 500 2005-03-20 07:16:54 W
464 Malatoo 13096 7 6 - 0 500 2005-05-18 13:41:50 W
465 Mars Volta 13683 8 3 - 0 500 2005-04-11 11:24:49 W
466 Stizab 14123 7 8 - 0 500 2005-05-01 05:59:08 W
467 Snakes 13612 2 7 - 0 500 2005-04-08 15:20:45 W
468 Camelot 13926 8 3 - 0 500 2005-04-29 09:23:20 W
469 US arinastate 13440 4 7 - 0 500 2005-04-01 21:39:44 W
470 Havoc 13476 8 8 - 0 500 2005-04-04 05:30:30 W
471 Travisty 14812 10 10 - 0 500 2005-06-10 23:17:37 W
472 dragon_af 13445 6 2 - 0 500 2005-06-07 00:48:50 W
473 THE SOFA KING 13202 8 8 - 0 500 2005-05-13 23:37:41 W
474 DKC 13249 7 9 - 0 500 2005-05-30 20:23:41 W
475 bob 15440 6 1 - 0 500 2005-06-19 21:44:36 W
476 mavado 14420 4 8 - 0 500 2005-05-10 10:04:26 W
477 highasyou 15523 3 9 - 0 500 2005-06-23 08:28:38 W
478 kinm 13621 4 3 - 0 500 2005-06-10 10:22:17 W
479 vertigo 13642 10 2 - 0 500 2005-04-15 01:52:55 W
480 OneLostSoul 13415 7 1 - 0 500 2005-04-01 02:35:37 W
481 Galactic Senate 15031 9 10 - 0 500 2005-06-02 00:22:17 W
482 deathblow 13419 7 1 - 0 500 2005-05-07 05:30:42 W
483 Evil Teddy Bear 14281 5 5 - 0 500 2005-05-27 16:13:43 W
484 The Doodlzs 13725 8 3 - 0 500 2005-06-23 11:05:29 W
485 Chaingang 14675 7 9 - 0 500 2005-05-22 11:36:46 W
486 Ariakan 14736 10 6 - 0 500 2005-06-14 22:54:10 W
487 GERMANRUSSIA ALLIANCE 13803 2 9 - 0 500 2005-05-16 04:55:48 W
488 redneck2000 13807 8 1 - 0 500 2005-05-22 07:54:30 W
489 Sophia 15012 10 4 - 0 500 2005-06-10 01:01:21 W
490 NINe 14611 5 3 - 0 500 2005-05-17 01:00:08 W
491 varun 15358 1 9 - 0 500 2005-06-15 20:36:42 W
492 Stampede 13576 10 8 - 0 500 2005-05-12 14:10:23 W
493 Bloods5life 13600 8 9 - 0 500 2005-04-15 22:22:07 W
494 Firewarriors 15560 1 5 - 0 500 2005-06-24 13:23:27 W
495 atrox 14689 4 5 - 0 500 2005-05-23 21:28:40 W
496 Mexico91 15201 7 4 - 0 500 2005-06-09 08:55:32 W
497 Bounty Hunters Guild 14020 10 6 - 0 500 2005-05-02 00:15:24 W
498 Alpha1 15177 7 8 - 0 500 2005-06-10 22:24:47 W
499 the higurachi 15044 9 2 - 0 500 2005-06-10 01:11:05 W
500 Kalon 14033 2 7 - 0 500 2005-04-27 04:06:24 W
501 sven 13765 9 8 - 0 500 2005-04-15 02:56:30 W
502 thegate 15386 1 1 - 0 500 2005-06-17 04:57:13 W
503 Windsong 14422 9 8 - 0 500 2005-05-24 12:35:26 W
504 belgarath 13784 9 7 - 0 500 2005-04-26 06:57:25 W
505 CTJoe 15399 7 10 - 0 500 2005-06-17 15:18:20 W
506 omg 14358 6 6 - 0 500 2005-05-19 06:24:54 W
507 BloodStone Krug 15532 7 4 - 0 500 2005-06-23 13:41:30 W
508 Empire Of Tha Dragon 15514 8 5 - 0 500 2005-06-23 02:56:30 W
509 Nebula 13931 7 3 - 0 500 2005-05-11 08:17:06 W
510 high 15522 4 2 - 0 500 2005-06-23 08:28:53 W
511 addman2 14272 1 10 - 0 500 2005-05-20 08:06:48 W
512 Requeim Enterprises 14323 8 3 - 0 500 2005-05-06 04:28:37 W
513 art of war 14088 5 9 - 0 500 2005-06-07 13:48:09 W
514 schwaia 15433 7 10 - 0 500 2005-06-19 15:36:02 W
515 Agno Republik 15117 2 10 - 0 500 2005-06-05 17:58:06 W
516 INFINITE 14542 9 10 - 0 500 2005-06-02 00:57:20 W
517 stent 14412 6 8 - 0 500 2005-05-09 08:57:49 W
518 Cranadians 14143 1 7 - 0 500 2005-05-27 17:27:21 W
519 The 7th Heaven 15445 5 2 - 0 500 2005-06-20 02:25:41 W
520 MEPF 15450 4 3 - 0 500 2005-06-20 08:29:31 W
521 ravengod 15070 7 4 - 0 500 2005-06-06 19:15:35 W
522 ecko 15415 6 9 - 0 500 2005-06-19 00:56:52 W
523 Takeda Empire 14864 7 2 - 0 500 2005-06-10 04:27:45 W
524 omedon 14186 7 10 - 0 500 2005-05-27 12:19:36 W
525 Schizma 15557 1 4 - 0 500 2005-06-24 09:07:00 W
526 Viva La Raza 14938 3 4 - 0 500 2005-05-30 03:44:55 W
527 Lions Den 14198 1 3 - 0 500 2005-05-03 04:38:20 W
528 Colken 15448 1 6 - 0 500 2005-06-20 06:46:42 W
529 GoOber 15237 4 4 - 0 500 2005-06-16 08:12:54 W
530 spaceman 14209 4 5 - 0 500 2005-05-03 00:43:59 W
531 OGD 14860 7 1 - 0 500 2005-05-26 17:09:53 W
532 Gangsta Empire 15051 1 7 - 0 500 2005-06-02 15:56:37 W
533 Imperial Yi Dynasty 14769 8 10 - 0 500 2005-05-22 12:58:47 W
534 FireFeather 15524 2 7 - 0 500 2005-06-23 09:22:27 W
535 king 14290 10 4 - 0 500 2005-05-27 22:51:05 W
536 Death Corps 14294 5 4 - 0 500 2005-05-05 01:11:58 W
537 Phlexyboy 15561 7 7 - 0 500 2005-06-24 14:26:31 W
538 Catalysts of God 14627 7 9 - 0 500 2005-05-17 08:31:53 W
539 DarkHonno 14352 1 8 - 0 500 2005-05-07 07:36:36 W
540 Peerukott 14665 6 2 - 0 500 2005-06-01 23:59:11 W
541 Dahooligans 15449 5 8 - 0 500 2005-06-20 08:33:45 W
542 Vindaloovian 15144 9 2 - 0 500 2005-06-07 03:20:24 W
543 The Deathticle 14488 6 9 - 0 500 2005-05-20 02:14:48 W
544 Dackel 15056 9 9 - 0 500 2005-06-02 20:11:52 W
545 Empire of TehInSanity 14604 5 8 - 0 500 2005-05-31 14:16:39 W
546 rogue 15384 10 6 - 0 500 2005-06-17 04:23:55 W
547 Fidelis 15409 9 1 - 0 500 2005-06-18 05:37:02 W
548 The Gullwings 14685 3 5 - 0 500 2005-05-20 16:09:27 W
549 albertolians 15229 7 5 - 0 500 2005-06-12 04:11:12 W
550 The Terrakasi 15541 10 4 - 0 500 2005-06-23 21:01:21 W
551 lestad 14767 10 7 - 0 500 2005-05-25 17:38:53 W
552 Hrogtar 15076 8 4 - 0 500 2005-06-04 01:24:36 W
553 F.A.Q 14853 7 9 - 0 500 2005-05-26 03:49:20 W
554 dongor 15474 6 10 - 0 500 2005-06-21 08:19:38 W
555 Portugal 14961 7 10 - 0 500 2005-05-30 22:00:51 W
556 nightmare 14979 7 8 - 0 500 2005-05-31 05:42:39 W
557 Hembrier 15008 6 1 - 0 500 2005-06-02 00:44:05 W
558 Boboe 15401 5 5 - 0 500 2005-06-17 21:40:51 W
559 kill 15350 1 2 - 0 500 2005-06-15 06:48:10 W
560 demon child 15198 2 1 - 0 500 2005-06-09 06:57:32 W
561 JOKO 15204 5 2 - 0 500 2005-06-11 11:58:52 W
562 Dinuka P 15436 6 4 - 0 500 2005-06-19 19:04:03 W
563 Space Hyrule 15492 4 7 - 0 500 2005-06-22 05:36:07 W
564 SPLEENS 15534 10 4 - 0 500 2005-06-23 15:06:21 W
565 Donkey 15559 10 10 - 0 500 2005-06-24 12:03:46 W
566 beera4134 15486 6 3 - 0 500 2005-06-21 22:16:09 W
567 elmer 15489 6 9 - 0 500 2005-06-22 00:23:33 W
568 Vir Animus 15527 3 10 - 0 500 2005-06-23 10:54:50 W
^ : previous won the empire first place
* : previous won the federation first place