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End 2004-12-10


Name Id Total Score Total Empires
dA Judicial Champions 326 7568440 5
Notorious 331 2560556 5
Pegasus 316 601176 3
Resistance 334 510587 5
dilly busters 322 408232 5
Dillies R Us 318 342784 5
Master of the Shadows 319 171210 2
ooo 336 105200 1
Non Elite Fed 317 88034 1
Silent Blade 335 79629 1
Cyber Constellation 333 76327 2
Lord Helmets Nuthouse 323 74009 1
10 K fed 330 60227 1
The Enterprise 339 46826 1
Bronco 324 36375 1
Galactic Birds Section 340 36152 1
RVB 321 29667 1
Fed P 328 24643 1
The Council of Three 332 23754 1
solamnia 344 22139 1
Nemesis 341 15775 1
ssj 338 9484 1
HS 343 9057 1
DU 327 8381 1
Valenia Alliance 329 7627 1
The Zeonic Alliance 325 7082 1


P Empire Id X Y FId Score AP Last Change A W
1 Kai of the Brunnen G 4206 5 7 326 7003778 460 2004-12-11 00:27:02 W
2 Spartapus 5295 9 1 331 867171 17 2004-12-10 21:43:35 W
3 Exilim 6327 7 8 331 866290 0 2004-12-11 00:34:28 W
4 Trick 3946 4 10 331 448027 304 2004-12-11 00:34:48 W
5 Dalvian 7968 4 9 316 277816 18 2004-12-11 00:34:55 W
6 MonCals 7480 7 6 316 258021 0 2004-12-11 00:34:58 W
7 Little Sister 7507 1 4 326 243642 175 2004-12-11 00:34:41 W
8 NOPdesign 10406 8 3 334 241208 16 2004-12-11 00:34:59 W
9 Thug Luv 2889 6 9 331 189993 485 2004-12-11 00:31:48 W
10 DoA 4221 2 7 331 189075 231 2004-12-11 00:33:28 W
11 Libertas 8960 4 10 326 129549 110 2004-12-11 00:34:33 W
12 The Bearded Clams 8848 9 1 326 107511 0 2004-12-11 00:34:58 W
13 Trip Fontaine 10715 6 8 336 105200 10 2004-12-11 00:32:29 W
14 Fwachovia 10048 1 4 318 103663 0 2004-12-11 00:34:40 W
15 Devil_Bunnies 10879 5 5 - 97031 46 2004-12-11 00:35:01 W
16 Restad 10325 9 3 334 93076 10 2004-12-11 00:13:06 W
17 Vlad 6991 10 2 318 89450 22 2004-12-10 23:48:49 W
18 Omen 3963 5 2 317 88034 102 2004-12-10 23:48:03 W
19 Shadow Knight 7839 10 3 319 87742 12 2004-12-11 00:34:36 W
20 BakTi 10787 8 9 - 87523 48 2004-12-10 22:47:36 W
21 Zeph Hai 10607 3 10 - 87231 380 2004-12-11 00:02:31 W
22 Troja 7036 4 7 322 85879 13 2004-12-11 00:22:07 W
23 Aladril 7561 1 3 326 83960 125 2004-12-11 00:34:59 W
24 Sentires 8816 1 9 322 83873 183 2004-12-11 00:34:35 W
25 renagade24 9449 7 7 322 83535 125 2004-12-11 00:21:31 W
26 sKunQiee 7815 2 1 319 83468 2 2004-12-11 00:12:32 W
27 Vallhalla 7122 10 4 322 83053 102 2004-12-10 23:40:09 W
28 Kirithi 10704 7 2 - 79999 11 2004-12-10 23:57:25 W
29 Dukakis 9326 9 5 335 79629 481 2004-12-11 00:09:36 W
30 Dealer Confederate 9936 6 3 334 76002 3 2004-12-11 00:23:43 W
31 PHILLDODILLDO 5915 4 3 323 74009 31 2004-12-10 23:50:07 W
32 Klan KDK 10839 4 8 - 73422 243 2004-12-09 09:46:37 W
33 DWP 9755 5 2 334 72657 35 2004-12-11 00:16:11 W
34 Mersey Madness 10282 3 5 322 71892 157 2004-12-10 23:30:56 W
35 Protoss Warriors 10893 1 7 - 69516 27 2004-12-10 23:45:18 W
36 Claymores 7820 5 5 316 65339 86 2004-12-10 20:40:43 W
37 Bryan Nebular 10646 8 7 333 65031 79 2004-12-10 23:08:05 W
38 nisso 8911 10 4 - 63711 16 2004-12-10 21:56:20 W
39 Anarky 10703 4 3 318 62502 379 2004-12-11 00:12:46 W
40 Volcanon 9346 8 5 - 62023 113 2004-12-10 11:36:31 W
41 Kap72 10584 5 10 - 61015 158 2004-12-10 23:45:01 W
42 PhalanX 10022 8 10 330 60227 500 2004-12-10 21:53:47 W
43 Stormtroopers 10908 5 1 - 58612 18 2004-12-10 21:57:04 W
44 Karaka 10737 6 10 - 57943 5 2004-12-10 23:46:13 W
45 pino 10763 4 4 - 57076 160 2004-12-10 09:24:06 W
46 potbellynine 10914 10 3 - 54174 92 2004-12-11 00:20:39 W
47 krowlin 10743 10 5 - 53003 96 2004-12-10 14:43:53 W
48 AmoebA 7678 7 7 318 51294 500 2004-12-10 01:30:57 W
49 fracas 10459 9 2 - 49315 244 2004-12-09 07:52:07 W
50 Banobalov 10917 9 10 - 48160 189 2004-12-10 07:48:17 W
51 Thrull 10283 4 4 - 47922 118 2004-12-10 20:04:28 W
52 KKK 10442 8 10 - 47117 383 2004-12-10 06:40:26 W
53 Matropolis 10614 4 5 339 46826 185 2004-12-09 22:15:55 W
54 Frozen Wastes 9158 3 9 - 46492 326 2004-12-10 05:26:52 W
55 The Coneman Empire 10869 3 2 - 45886 466 2004-12-10 15:30:18 W
56 LordofDarkness 9881 3 5 - 44132 500 2004-12-08 23:54:45 W
57 MASMAR 7862 3 1 - 41920 92 2004-12-10 09:19:25 W
58 Vrusk 10830 8 10 - 36731 27 2004-12-10 20:05:35 W
59 Manom 10723 3 3 - 36695 93 2004-12-10 09:10:29 W
60 broncotown 8020 3 2 324 36375 500 2004-12-05 09:48:10 W
61 Galactic Birds Of Prey 10751 2 2 340 36152 500 2004-12-07 02:02:40 W
62 Germania 9780 7 8 318 35875 344 2004-12-10 13:01:23 W
63 Blackthorne 10890 1 1 - 35753 126 2004-12-10 03:37:56 W
64 Romulan Star Empire 10699 9 5 - 32444 500 2004-12-09 19:42:12 W
65 Triumverate 2185 7 9 - 31448 224 2004-12-09 15:59:46 W
66 Church 10321 4 9 321 29667 500 2004-12-10 07:48:17 W
67 Empire of the Hand 10643 2 5 - 28728 101 2004-12-10 07:48:39 W
68 Hypnotic 8593 6 8 334 27644 500 2004-12-10 19:29:24 W
69 Jylland 9492 4 7 - 27559 135 2004-12-10 11:30:52 W
70 Pantera 10739 8 7 - 27428 438 2004-12-09 02:47:00 W
71 DuEth 6873 10 1 - 27391 500 2004-12-10 07:49:53 W
72 scraps 8155 8 5 - 26884 500 2004-12-10 23:42:56 W
73 cith 10916 5 2 - 26050 65 2004-12-11 00:24:13 W
74 The Great Ant Hill 10892 8 2 - 25426 41 2004-12-10 19:59:18 W
75 Romania 10859 8 2 - 25212 131 2004-12-10 03:57:50 W
76 callmephil 10682 6 8 328 24643 500 2004-12-05 19:16:45 W
77 InuyashaGod 10766 2 1 - 24145 340 2004-12-10 09:12:38 W
78 The Whyte Knights 10649 9 9 332 23754 500 2004-12-05 06:23:09 W
79 Heaven Empire 10891 5 10 - 23753 53 2004-12-10 17:26:39 W
80 NoRuLand 10780 4 3 - 22721 500 2004-12-09 20:23:17 W
81 kookpot 10910 8 4 - 22714 101 2004-12-10 07:49:27 W
82 neraka 10779 9 8 344 22139 500 2004-12-09 02:36:42 W
83 Wolf Den 10906 6 7 - 20951 3 2004-12-11 00:05:59 W
84 Aaron C 7535 9 3 - 20809 500 2004-12-09 07:11:14 W
85 Mordian 10909 2 4 - 20367 350 2004-12-09 19:28:05 W
86 Ester 9478 9 10 - 20234 500 2004-12-09 15:35:39 W
87 Draconia 10924 3 9 - 20220 60 2004-12-10 15:31:33 W
88 LosHobos 10871 6 10 - 19153 64 2004-12-10 13:50:16 W
89 The Bob Empire 10832 1 10 - 17156 500 2004-12-10 09:25:14 W
90 SWORDIANS 4288 1 7 - 17087 346 2004-12-09 02:19:04 W
91 Phantasy 10954 7 10 - 17021 88 2004-12-10 09:57:56 W
92 Limbo 10628 7 6 - 16607 500 2004-12-07 04:12:33 W
93 Kingdom of Cire 10860 10 10 - 15869 115 2004-12-11 00:24:13 W
94 The Guild 10708 7 7 341 15775 500 2004-12-10 17:21:13 W
95 Shadow Wraiths 10726 9 3 - 15166 500 2004-12-08 15:52:57 W
96 Silvanesti 10613 1 3 - 14968 500 2004-12-10 07:06:02 W
97 Benperium 10785 1 10 - 14885 433 2004-12-10 07:33:23 W
98 the hobbits 10919 7 7 - 14573 102 2004-12-10 08:22:57 W
99 A Nony Mouse 10928 7 7 - 13950 4 2004-12-10 23:50:37 W
100 Mikado 10806 3 5 - 13182 500 2004-12-09 02:32:24 W
101 Tai 8061 9 3 - 13060 500 2004-12-06 23:43:30 W
102 The Crabs 10663 2 4 - 12918 500 2004-12-07 13:52:43 W
103 Deadly Force 10809 9 4 - 12888 500 2004-12-10 15:03:56 W
104 Roma 10690 8 6 - 12677 500 2004-12-08 15:54:10 W
105 Izuka 10796 4 5 - 12351 500 2004-12-07 11:30:37 W
106 Viper 10761 5 3 - 12009 500 2004-12-05 08:41:48 W
107 new republic 10709 8 1 - 11596 500 2004-12-06 02:50:51 W
108 D 10868 7 8 - 11406 500 2004-12-09 07:02:25 W
109 Shadow_Strikers 10555 5 4 333 11296 500 2004-12-08 05:40:33 W
110 Soulhome 10707 4 7 - 11013 500 2004-12-01 06:01:44 W
111 sphinx 10867 10 9 - 10930 500 2004-12-10 23:33:40 W
112 Quelthalas 10907 2 1 - 10564 368 2004-12-09 07:35:11 W
113 Kel Thuzad 10630 6 2 - 10442 500 2004-12-06 07:06:47 W
114 Andromeda 10980 8 10 - 10353 13 2004-12-10 23:46:11 W
115 ALPPAM 10861 1 6 - 10180 137 2004-12-10 01:40:50 W
116 Miller 10536 2 1 - 10090 114 2004-12-10 05:36:09 W
117 djholmess 10872 3 5 - 10001 423 2004-12-10 05:25:25 W
118 Screaming Monkey Boner 10717 3 7 - 9887 500 2004-12-06 00:46:12 W
119 Galania 10018 7 7 - 9822 500 2004-12-07 07:45:15 W
120 futafar 10520 8 9 - 9685 500 2004-12-08 17:06:04 W
121 son goku 10733 8 6 338 9484 500 2004-12-10 17:17:45 W
122 TradaPIB 10669 9 6 - 9322 500 2004-12-01 12:01:03 W
123 dark_viper 10556 8 3 - 9263 500 2004-12-03 21:15:28 W
124 Horizon 10741 10 3 - 9245 500 2004-12-01 23:49:06 W
125 mimari 10757 6 5 - 9208 500 2004-12-09 21:32:55 W
126 PFG 9898 9 6 - 9083 500 2004-12-06 23:42:09 W
127 Hardly Sober 9555 2 8 343 9057 500 2004-12-09 15:01:15 W
128 Anarchy 10927 6 6 - 8814 389 2004-12-08 11:09:55 W
129 rapjono 10941 8 2 - 8800 266 2004-12-09 04:15:56 W
130 Angwyn 10627 7 4 - 8769 500 2004-12-02 21:14:57 W
131 New Order 8356 3 4 - 8701 500 2004-12-08 03:01:53 W
132 Conquerer007 7213 7 8 - 8699 321 2004-12-10 00:57:17 W
133 ebonheart 10845 10 7 - 8634 500 2004-12-05 03:27:08 W
134 Maruchan 10750 3 6 - 8560 500 2004-12-02 15:15:48 W
135 blind v.2 10958 9 7 - 8465 74 2004-12-10 12:12:46 W
136 Absalon 10684 2 1 327 8381 500 2004-12-06 02:23:43 W
137 lordla 10885 2 9 - 8304 272 2004-12-09 03:36:53 W
138 Shaodawg 10803 1 3 - 8270 500 2004-12-04 09:02:42 W
139 LANDITAR 10738 2 2 - 8160 500 2004-12-03 14:21:54 W
140 Browne 10163 2 5 - 8112 500 2004-12-09 23:57:27 W
141 superfly 10311 9 10 - 8093 500 2004-12-10 09:55:47 W
142 Telemnar 10889 2 9 - 7885 500 2004-12-07 05:03:36 W
143 red dawn 10878 6 7 - 7823 500 2004-12-06 06:12:22 W
144 Erin 10752 1 1 - 7812 500 2004-12-09 23:49:53 W
145 Tallon IV 10968 4 4 - 7712 112 2004-12-10 05:56:23 W
146 Valen 10677 7 7 329 7627 500 2004-12-05 17:34:28 W
147 FInFang 10374 4 3 - 7400 500 2004-12-02 21:53:13 W
148 Franconia 10701 4 6 - 7377 500 2004-11-30 01:43:52 W
149 the Edius 9804 8 8 - 7371 500 2004-12-06 01:10:55 W
150 Lurgania 10814 8 5 - 7317 500 2004-12-07 12:12:49 W
151 Drikonia 10905 2 1 - 7259 500 2004-12-07 10:28:02 W
152 Grubian 10946 8 6 - 7131 295 2004-12-09 07:12:58 W
153 Finland 10851 2 2 - 7118 500 2004-12-05 04:49:54 W
154 The Duchy of Zeon 10658 1 7 325 7082 500 2004-12-09 02:18:45 W
155 DX 10979 10 9 - 6954 15 2004-12-10 22:01:48 W
156 Syrus 10959 8 6 - 6807 59 2004-12-10 14:47:06 W
157 dragon_af 8842 2 8 - 6592 500 2004-12-03 00:53:52 W
158 Dip Set 10729 3 10 - 6517 500 2004-12-02 05:00:33 W
159 Amber 10769 3 7 - 6492 500 2004-12-02 08:52:16 W
160 brandon0823 10648 8 5 - 6487 500 2004-12-08 06:39:23 W
161 Planet of Women 10807 3 10 - 6470 500 2004-12-05 03:01:01 W
162 Auldren 10773 2 8 - 6333 500 2004-12-08 23:25:52 W
163 justice for all 10650 8 3 - 6316 500 2004-12-08 04:40:32 W
164 Buu 10754 9 6 - 6252 500 2004-12-03 19:01:22 W
165 Westland 10659 6 2 - 6153 500 2004-12-06 23:37:36 W
166 monaray 10771 3 6 - 6110 500 2004-12-04 07:42:39 W
167 Shadowrealm 10590 4 9 - 6089 500 2004-12-06 01:07:09 W
168 Steel Rain 10826 10 1 - 6061 500 2004-12-04 07:41:15 W
169 ManthatKills 10732 6 2 - 6052 500 2004-12-09 20:12:35 W
170 Immortal Chaos 10842 5 10 - 6037 500 2004-12-05 23:36:13 W
171 CyberUniverse 10666 8 4 - 6026 500 2004-12-06 06:56:57 W
172 Guardians_Of_Ev7 10973 5 10 - 5887 185 2004-12-10 09:28:38 W
173 Black Commonwealth 10853 8 3 - 5880 500 2004-12-09 05:37:09 W
174 Korner 10665 8 2 - 5828 500 2004-12-06 06:55:50 W
175 darkcity 10768 2 6 - 5663 500 2004-12-09 23:51:37 W
176 Spurs 10661 2 2 - 5648 500 2004-12-04 18:07:39 W
177 Avalon Prime 10866 6 10 - 5611 500 2004-12-08 01:58:32 W
178 sirdilon 10672 2 7 - 5593 500 2004-11-28 05:30:37 W
179 The Lucian Empire 9956 9 8 - 5542 500 2004-12-06 23:38:55 W
180 jack555 10953 10 5 - 5510 164 2004-12-09 21:10:45 W
181 Stevie Kingdom 10688 10 2 - 5508 500 2004-11-28 23:59:14 W
182 GTO 354 10629 8 4 - 5337 500 2004-12-08 06:32:42 W
183 Black Templars 10645 4 8 - 5310 500 2004-11-30 12:49:03 W
184 Lord Keven 10581 7 3 - 5261 500 2004-12-05 13:52:20 W
185 Foxhound Empire 10632 6 5 - 5217 500 2004-12-08 06:29:25 W
186 tralala 10932 1 7 - 5156 321 2004-12-08 19:09:47 W
187 Galactica 10821 3 10 - 5082 500 2004-12-04 11:20:06 W
188 Empire04 10683 9 8 - 5010 500 2004-12-08 06:30:35 W
189 UNSC 10949 6 9 - 4970 233 2004-12-09 09:50:04 W
190 dragonred 10767 3 3 - 4923 500 2004-12-03 07:00:25 W
191 dijkstra 10734 7 7 - 4923 500 2004-11-30 22:29:26 W
192 Asher 10847 8 5 - 4919 500 2004-12-05 05:48:09 W
193 heavybot12 10896 3 3 - 4858 500 2004-12-07 02:01:12 W
194 vegas 9646 4 5 - 4820 500 2004-12-05 04:57:12 W
195 eagle 10931 10 9 - 4530 331 2004-12-08 18:24:48 W
196 djtorello 10828 8 7 - 4412 500 2004-12-04 08:39:33 W
197 Bender 10582 10 1 - 4397 500 2004-12-01 23:59:14 W
198 Endoris 10686 7 9 - 4244 500 2004-11-28 21:34:12 W
199 Legion of attackers 10746 6 8 - 4240 500 2004-12-01 07:01:40 W
200 docam5 10810 4 3 - 4172 500 2004-12-03 22:41:37 W
201 Legult 10899 7 6 - 4109 500 2004-12-07 05:41:23 W
202 blind 10802 9 7 - 4061 500 2004-12-09 05:35:22 W
203 WitchWoman 10714 7 9 - 4044 500 2004-12-03 05:12:00 W
204 jedi 10293 10 10 - 3932 500 2004-12-04 18:52:53 W
205 Dan1108 10813 4 4 - 3857 500 2004-12-10 21:57:05 W
206 knightfire 10713 8 5 - 3830 500 2004-11-29 23:19:39 W
207 Soria 8194 2 9 - 3813 500 2004-12-02 18:49:35 W
208 Hawk 10857 3 9 - 3421 500 2004-12-05 08:12:32 W
209 Echonias 10823 7 1 - 3409 500 2004-12-04 08:03:24 W
210 Braddersville 10700 1 6 - 3373 500 2004-11-29 09:23:59 W
211 Brixforinishire 10728 9 1 - 3368 500 2004-11-30 13:18:18 W
212 Droopish 10642 3 3 - 3352 500 2004-12-10 23:42:29 W
213 Corinth 10702 5 4 - 3346 500 2004-12-05 19:53:33 W
214 Fallen 10930 4 10 - 3100 500 2004-12-09 17:10:24 W
215 galactic federation 10804 8 2 - 3084 500 2004-12-03 16:55:01 W
216 Hettie Empire 10961 4 5 - 3069 337 2004-12-10 18:12:07 W
217 the dark demons001 10977 1 7 - 2975 297 2004-12-10 16:35:40 W
218 roomies 10950 10 4 - 2807 500 2004-12-09 10:23:05 W
219 Xaeromia 10921 3 2 - 2460 500 2004-12-08 06:44:07 W
220 Equis Rex 10944 10 5 - 2401 500 2004-12-09 04:35:25 W
221 Xanth 10864 2 4 - 2398 500 2004-12-05 13:50:29 W
222 Ice 9 10894 6 6 - 2176 500 2004-12-07 01:33:30 W
223 Sions 10840 10 8 - 2153 500 2004-12-04 18:50:16 W
224 Death 10552 6 8 - 2152 500 2004-11-28 14:52:25 W
225 Breed 10918 2 10 - 2147 500 2004-12-10 18:05:11 W
226 Gurbaldabon 10838 1 9 - 2088 500 2004-12-06 09:26:42 W
227 Xyron 10938 6 3 - 2075 500 2004-12-09 03:10:00 W
228 devil bunnies 10882 7 4 - 2045 500 2004-12-06 09:04:06 W
229 eastend 10897 10 8 - 1948 500 2004-12-07 02:39:30 W
230 Jabberwocky 10775 4 3 - 1937 500 2004-12-02 15:50:17 W
231 Forevernevermore 10934 1 3 - 1927 500 2004-12-08 21:16:40 W
232 Voragon 10880 9 1 - 1921 500 2004-12-06 07:00:19 W
233 Incubi 10974 6 8 - 1853 193 2004-12-10 19:52:37 W
234 Deathdealer 8585 7 5 - 1847 500 2004-12-03 17:33:38 W
235 Alpha Icehawk Empire 10801 4 9 - 1779 500 2004-12-03 11:32:54 W
236 Chaos Dominion 10722 1 8 - 1622 500 2004-11-30 07:24:35 W
237 darkblaze 10608 10 5 - 1611 500 2004-11-27 10:06:31 W
238 azz 10711 4 6 - 1592 500 2004-11-30 20:33:07 W
239 Nape 10681 3 10 - 1590 500 2004-11-28 11:38:47 W
240 Raven 10827 2 5 - 1467 500 2004-12-04 07:35:47 W
241 shammond 10295 8 4 - 1446 500 2004-12-01 04:25:15 W
242 Sheeds 10794 6 2 - 1445 500 2004-12-03 06:59:57 W
243 The Flying Dutchman 10660 1 4 - 1394 500 2004-11-27 21:18:21 W
244 Staion 67 10858 4 10 - 1393 500 2004-12-05 08:47:57 W
245 solarian 10874 7 9 - 1378 500 2004-12-06 03:01:47 W
246 clarzity 10962 6 9 - 1352 500 2004-12-09 17:54:59 W
247 yzuwana 10760 4 10 - 1336 500 2004-12-02 03:24:01 W
248 Vengure 10948 3 3 - 1314 500 2004-12-10 13:45:35 W
249 monkey 10742 4 4 - 1305 500 2004-12-01 04:12:54 W
250 mots e pressing 10560 10 3 - 1276 500 2004-11-27 01:14:20 W
251 The foos 10970 8 9 - 1270 500 2004-12-10 06:26:13 W
252 Peace 10595 7 9 - 1262 500 2004-12-02 18:21:11 W
253 Xavieral 10652 4 6 - 1245 500 2004-11-27 06:46:19 W
254 GhOst 10795 7 2 - 1242 500 2004-12-03 07:48:48 W
255 New Founding 10888 4 3 - 1215 500 2004-12-06 14:01:09 W
256 zodes 10876 8 8 - 1208 500 2004-12-06 04:56:10 W
257 Montesquiu 10912 9 3 - 1192 500 2004-12-08 01:38:52 W
258 felchville 10781 2 3 - 1174 500 2004-12-02 19:30:17 W
259 legion 10725 4 2 - 958 500 2004-11-30 09:53:42 W
260 Xs Empire 10887 5 8 - 952 500 2004-12-06 12:38:30 W
261 Tulls Empire 10463 8 2 - 948 500 2004-12-01 04:45:34 W
262 Empire Turd 10854 6 8 - 905 500 2004-12-05 06:34:24 W
263 Orion 10332 5 8 - 868 500 2004-11-27 08:50:41 W
264 dragons 10975 7 1 - 864 500 2004-12-10 11:18:13 W
265 Utopia Major 9632 3 8 - 847 500 2004-12-02 07:54:29 W
266 Persia 10898 6 6 - 757 500 2004-12-07 05:05:12 W
267 Aronaia 10790 7 2 - 677 500 2004-12-03 04:14:26 W
268 Janos 10805 6 6 - 677 500 2004-12-03 18:16:54 W
269 Darkened Shadows 10971 5 2 - 670 500 2004-12-10 07:09:49 W
270 masterchiel 10716 1 7 - 650 500 2004-11-30 00:34:40 W
271 Jolt 10952 10 7 - 631 500 2004-12-09 11:46:20 W
272 Dorsaii 10856 5 7 - 629 500 2004-12-05 08:12:39 W
273 Austronim 10712 2 7 - 613 500 2004-12-01 17:53:56 W
274 amy 10895 8 2 - 613 500 2004-12-07 01:46:05 W
275 Brotherhood 10875 5 9 - 612 500 2004-12-06 03:46:34 W
276 simstar 742 7 3 - 575 500 2004-12-05 11:11:59 W
277 Wolverine 1 1 6 - 575 500 2004-12-11 00:03:31 W
278 Dolmaniacalia 7931 4 4 - 575 500 2004-11-27 22:46:59 W
279 nickmaka 10936 2 6 - 572 500 2004-12-08 23:34:09 W
280 Musica 10664 5 5 - 568 500 2004-11-28 02:11:54 W
281 Theaetetus 10777 10 9 - 557 500 2004-12-02 16:41:22 W
282 eye 10691 9 4 - 538 500 2004-11-29 01:13:21 W
283 bolter 10841 6 2 - 538 500 2004-12-04 22:27:41 W
284 Insanity 10798 1 8 - 522 500 2004-12-03 09:15:56 W
285 subtlesnake 10933 7 2 - 515 500 2004-12-08 19:24:54 W
286 Corinthia 10698 10 7 - 511 500 2004-11-29 05:13:25 W
287 the jofo 10655 8 8 - 500 500 2004-11-27 08:42:58 W
288 Camelot 10731 5 4 - 488 500 2004-11-30 18:07:18 W
289 Mungbean 10903 8 4 - 482 500 2004-12-07 08:15:57 W
290 nil 10720 6 7 - 478 500 2004-11-30 03:44:48 W
291 Iron Empire 10685 5 3 - 470 500 2004-11-28 19:05:32 W
292 evolved 10815 1 1 - 468 500 2004-12-04 02:55:15 W
293 Realm of Darkness 10846 1 2 - 467 500 2004-12-05 03:27:47 W
294 ZeroX2 10774 5 1 - 467 500 2004-12-02 10:23:29 W
295 hellempire 10852 1 6 - 465 500 2004-12-05 04:50:42 W
296 commander 10710 3 3 - 456 500 2004-11-29 20:51:02 W
297 bkimmell 10886 7 3 - 455 500 2004-12-06 12:31:30 W
298 thuganomics 10762 3 7 - 455 500 2004-12-05 21:25:42 W
299 Etonian 10776 5 1 - 454 523 2004-12-02 15:58:14 W
300 Grove St. 10678 2 3 - 445 500 2004-11-28 10:40:59 W
301 Chesterians 10964 3 10 - 434 500 2004-12-09 18:40:17 W
302 Qazaaq 10786 1 2 - 432 500 2004-12-02 23:33:22 W
303 vicsempire 10850 4 7 - 427 500 2004-12-05 04:27:55 W
304 wiggles 10689 5 8 - 426 500 2004-11-29 00:06:58 W
305 Pangalactic Federation 10833 6 8 - 425 500 2004-12-04 15:09:53 W
306 Armageddon 10863 1 2 - 423 500 2004-12-05 13:13:03 W
307 kingdomking 10764 10 9 - 422 500 2004-12-02 05:46:47 W
308 sem nocao 10884 8 9 - 419 500 2004-12-06 08:57:34 W
309 The Empire of Darkness 10855 6 3 - 419 500 2004-12-05 07:33:14 W
310 Jello 10667 1 3 - 418 500 2004-11-28 03:48:48 W
311 lexx 10758 7 10 - 416 500 2004-12-01 22:52:32 W
312 Empire of chaos 10831 4 2 - 415 500 2004-12-04 10:34:12 W
313 Teck 10697 5 3 - 405 500 2004-11-29 04:15:41 W
314 Iceman 10486 2 4 - 405 500 2004-12-10 04:35:55 W
315 Groningen 10972 1 10 - 405 503 2004-12-10 08:40:24 W
316 dawn321 10653 7 2 - 399 500 2004-11-27 06:56:48 W
317 kelly 10740 3 10 - 397 500 2004-12-01 01:47:50 W
318 Forgotten Empire 10969 10 5 - 396 500 2004-12-10 06:11:24 W
319 drew 10789 10 7 - 396 500 2004-12-03 04:03:52 W
320 War Ramblers 10822 3 3 - 396 500 2004-12-04 06:45:48 W
321 Jeepers Creepera 10812 4 7 - 395 500 2004-12-04 00:16:47 W
322 The Hippies 10939 10 1 - 395 500 2004-12-09 03:30:20 W
323 Dune Messias 10978 4 1 - 395 494 2004-12-10 17:11:50 W
324 Bulldawgs 10694 8 10 - 395 500 2004-11-29 02:14:25 W
325 BLACKWOOD 10824 7 9 - 395 500 2004-12-05 06:52:39 W
326 Flu 10904 9 10 - 394 500 2004-12-07 09:25:23 W
327 Camilious 10843 2 4 - 393 500 2004-12-05 00:39:48 W
328 Samsaria 10922 2 6 - 392 500 2004-12-08 06:59:59 W
329 stone knife galaxies 10848 5 5 - 388 500 2004-12-05 03:46:53 W
330 Improxis 10913 5 7 - 375 500 2004-12-08 01:58:29 W
331 Gino911 10800 7 4 - 375 500 2004-12-03 10:32:02 W
332 Hellraisers 10657 3 4 - 375 500 2004-12-01 15:12:13 W
333 Libius 10816 7 5 - 375 500 2004-12-04 03:09:14 W
334 The Matrix 10811 8 7 - 375 500 2004-12-04 00:00:48 W
335 mean mashine 10981 7 9 - 375 500 2004-12-11 00:33:02 W
336 Lets Get It Started 10947 5 1 - 375 500 2004-12-09 08:38:09 W
337 Thothian 10976 5 2 - 375 500 2004-12-10 13:37:48 W
338 photo 9673 10 1 - 375 500 2004-12-03 02:45:43 W
339 Dream 10808 4 9 - 375 500 2004-12-03 21:46:09 W
340 champions 10920 6 10 - 375 500 2004-12-09 01:56:57 W
341 Lulu 10675 8 5 - 375 500 2004-11-28 09:05:54 W
342 Dragon_Hearth 10072 2 8 - 375 500 2004-12-05 21:18:19 W
343 Sifters 10793 2 4 - 375 500 2004-12-03 06:32:17 W
344 freakville 10765 5 7 - 375 500 2004-12-02 05:58:33 W
345 BlitzkrieG 10957 1 8 - 375 500 2004-12-09 14:02:20 W
346 The Federation 10749 10 9 - 375 500 2004-12-01 12:06:14 W
347 Masticore 10721 5 7 - 375 500 2004-11-30 04:56:27 W
348 sharkz 10770 6 10 - 375 500 2004-12-02 09:32:59 W
349 Satari Alliance 10108 2 6 - 375 500 2004-12-01 02:01:41 W
350 ironjay3 10883 9 6 - 375 500 2004-12-06 08:47:11 W
351 Lazyjokers 10820 10 2 - 375 500 2004-12-04 06:19:46 W
352 shazz 10662 5 1 - 375 500 2004-11-27 23:20:39 W
353 blob 10654 10 9 - 375 500 2004-11-27 08:00:39 W
354 synational 10744 10 9 - 375 500 2004-12-01 05:52:52 W
355 Reytha 10788 2 7 - 375 500 2004-12-03 02:46:44 W
356 The Lady Death Stars 10748 9 8 - 375 500 2004-12-01 07:51:08 W
357 KRENZ 10844 9 3 - 375 500 2004-12-05 02:28:00 W
358 judoka 10817 10 4 - 375 500 2004-12-04 03:52:53 W
359 Ix 10791 8 1 - 375 500 2004-12-03 05:12:48 W
360 Comander_Bob 10296 8 2 - 375 500 2004-11-29 02:11:22 W
361 SG1 10705 2 4 - 375 500 2004-11-29 16:28:16 W
362 LOS DESTRUCTORES 10966 8 8 - 375 500 2004-12-10 00:44:35 W
363 robby 10693 5 8 - 375 500 2004-11-29 22:13:42 W
364 Victoria 10577 2 1 - 375 500 2004-11-27 09:34:54 W
365 Psygnosis 10695 9 4 - 375 500 2004-11-29 02:42:26 W
366 New World 10937 2 2 - 375 500 2004-12-09 02:04:55 W
367 Garth 10783 3 9 - 375 500 2004-12-02 20:07:28 W
368 geko in casa 10755 10 6 - 375 500 2004-12-01 19:05:57 W
369 Sandmania 10759 3 2 - 375 500 2004-12-01 23:53:41 W
370 MAFIA 9190 6 7 - 375 500 2004-11-29 23:08:08 W
371 Laakso 10784 6 2 - 375 500 2004-12-02 21:21:25 W
372 Aweb 10849 9 9 - 375 500 2004-12-05 03:59:37 W
373 UFOP 10862 8 1 - 375 500 2004-12-05 12:32:10 W
374 Acid Land 10873 4 3 - 375 500 2004-12-06 01:47:38 W
375 DeMoN 10902 3 7 - 375 500 2004-12-07 07:38:47 W
376 Andreas 10925 5 2 - 375 500 2004-12-08 10:10:20 W
377 Sironus 10929 6 1 - 375 500 2004-12-08 13:26:03 W
378 Marm 10960 1 2 - 375 500 2004-12-09 15:48:22 W
379 Anima 10651 9 5 - 375 500 2004-11-27 06:25:58 W
380 The Third Rebellion 10673 10 4 - 375 500 2004-11-28 06:23:01 W
381 Rune Stone 10676 6 8 - 375 500 2004-11-28 09:51:52 W
382 Black Waltz 10680 7 3 - 375 500 2004-11-28 11:31:24 W
383 Blugart Vipsnyark 10730 8 7 - 375 500 2004-11-30 17:00:23 W
384 Azmyth 10818 4 7 - 375 500 2004-12-04 04:01:17 W
385 welly land 10819 8 2 - 375 500 2004-12-04 05:48:35 W
386 mh 10835 2 6 - 375 510 2004-12-04 15:17:04 W
387 The Orange 10836 9 9 - 375 500 2004-12-04 15:21:25 W
388 harvey snotter 10837 7 3 - 375 500 2004-12-04 15:37:52 W
389 jh 10881 3 3 - 375 500 2004-12-06 06:32:56 W
390 power 9298 10 6 - 0 500 2004-10-12 14:24:24 W
391 S.P.Q.R. 9081 8 8 - 0 500 2004-11-22 04:19:04 W
392 Wolfshield 1409 3 4 - 0 500 2004-06-16 08:04:57 W
393 Nemrolem 1793 1 10 - 0 500 2004-11-06 01:57:02 W
394 Flipdoolpoop 2043 1 10 - 0 500 2004-05-04 23:45:39 W
395 Wish 2655 5 5 - 0 500 2004-11-12 04:42:33 W
396 MightyMoose 2836 6 10 - 0 500 2004-11-27 18:56:25 W
397 Moolinger 2857 6 1 - 0 500 2004-03-29 13:02:40 W
398 Knowledge 3603 1 7 - 0 500 2004-09-29 02:09:51 W
399 Frantic 3884 4 6 - 0 500 2004-07-07 10:57:41 W
400 TigerWars 3902 5 2 - 0 500 2004-05-18 22:37:29 W
401 Talsman 4090 8 4 - 0 500 2004-11-18 10:39:05 W
402 Phoenix 4209 4 1 - 0 500 2004-10-14 01:54:06 W
403 stars 4317 2 1 - 0 500 2004-11-14 21:35:45 W
404 The Terran Empire 6165 4 4 - 0 500 2004-05-04 00:38:29 W
405 allstars 4435 4 7 - 0 500 2004-08-24 10:15:42 W
406 BuzLiteYear 4650 7 9 - 0 500 2004-12-10 23:14:43 W
407 Dedalus 4755 1 4 - 0 500 2004-10-16 00:06:52 W
408 1NationUnderAGroove 4769 4 7 - 0 500 2004-09-17 23:14:26 W
409 V 4828 3 5 - 0 500 2004-08-25 06:42:48 W
410 Rainbow Land 4949 10 5 - 0 500 2004-10-01 23:41:58 W
411 stop....carryon 4989 5 3 - 0 500 2004-09-29 02:35:30 W
412 Katttahi 5003 3 10 - 0 500 2004-07-23 06:13:27 W
413 Devastation 5036 7 6 - 0 500 2004-08-20 04:11:19 W
414 thoraskriger 5027 4 9 - 0 500 2004-09-29 02:25:48 W
415 StiveSteen 5053 6 1 - 0 500 2004-08-05 03:46:27 W
416 Noscarius 10472 1 7 - 0 500 2004-11-19 10:58:47 W
417 Warlords 5198 3 6 - 0 500 2004-08-19 22:52:02 W
418 The Taltalim Empire 9986 8 10 - 0 500 2004-12-09 01:25:21 W
419 Squad 10603 4 10 - 0 500 2004-11-25 00:03:16 W
420 Gaia123 9624 8 1 - 0 500 2004-10-29 04:25:29 W
421 Zeon 5423 1 4 - 0 500 2004-08-20 20:21:36 W
422 mephisto 5504 2 1 - 0 500 2004-08-23 19:51:10 W
423 gaulron 5511 2 4 - 0 500 2004-06-10 22:43:58 W
424 Unforgiven 5528 6 4 - 0 500 2004-11-03 13:22:03 W
425 panda kingdom 10003 8 3 - 0 500 2004-10-30 03:27:14 W
426 death shall come 9994 9 5 - 0 500 2004-10-29 20:25:03 W
427 Domenicus 10478 2 5 - 0 500 2004-11-25 21:42:34 W
428 Mario 10647 7 7 - 0 500 2004-11-27 03:05:23 W
429 ADF 9441 6 1 - 0 500 2004-10-16 22:28:33 W
430 mollym00 5691 3 10 - 0 500 2004-05-28 13:38:46 W
431 meebe 5887 3 6 - 0 500 2004-10-25 20:47:38 W
432 BoogerSnots 10012 9 10 - 0 500 2004-10-30 10:18:03 W
433 Parkasia 10469 5 1 - 0 520 2004-12-04 15:04:50 W
434 Steele Protectorate 8270 1 6 - 0 500 2004-09-18 14:12:59 W
435 Wasteland 9916 8 9 - 0 500 2004-10-28 02:25:16 W
436 MofoInc 10257 8 6 - 0 500 2004-11-09 11:44:34 W
437 Tanturil 9950 3 3 - 0 500 2004-10-28 11:06:32 W
438 Sheepland 9432 7 7 - 0 500 2004-10-12 00:58:01 W
439 Sorry 5892 4 5 - 0 500 2004-05-19 12:14:55 W
440 PLIT Moderator 55 5895 2 4 - 0 500 2004-08-28 04:23:17 W
441 white_tigers 9020 3 7 - 0 500 2004-10-06 10:18:18 W
442 Cloudland 9561 1 10 - 0 500 2004-10-16 21:16:58 W
443 Boomhower 6050 2 6 - 0 500 2004-08-20 11:30:56 W
444 Hakay 7100 3 3 - 0 500 2004-06-04 22:03:17 W
445 Stellar 10026 10 4 - 0 500 2004-10-31 01:44:36 W
446 Uni Starkad 6139 3 9 - 0 500 2004-10-29 22:01:36 W
447 Smokey 6145 7 5 - 0 500 2004-04-17 18:12:48 W
448 oogles 6153 4 7 - 0 500 2004-04-12 13:44:23 W
449 Valahii 6154 3 4 - 0 500 2004-09-01 15:26:03 W
450 hunters 9763 4 7 - 0 500 2004-10-22 11:46:40 W
451 yurmala 10415 1 4 - 0 500 2004-11-29 23:35:37 W
452 D e A t H s T a L k Er 6261 6 7 - 0 500 2004-09-25 14:49:37 W
453 Xplooors Outpost 6267 1 7 - 0 500 2004-05-12 21:29:20 W
454 c123 10263 3 4 - 0 500 2004-11-09 20:38:45 W
455 DarkSatanist 9985 9 1 - 0 500 2004-10-29 14:43:03 W
456 Back Alley 9634 10 5 - 0 500 2004-11-18 20:31:16 W
457 Kubala 6325 3 5 - 0 500 2004-11-17 03:38:17 W
458 Dolphinia 8494 1 3 - 0 500 2004-10-28 05:20:07 W
459 Dark Empire of Rother 9562 5 10 - 0 500 2004-10-16 21:36:33 W
460 shibbys 10304 7 5 - 0 500 2004-11-11 16:48:46 W
461 Target 10391 1 3 - 0 500 2004-11-24 18:02:22 W
462 Rabid Wolverine 6433 8 3 - 0 500 2004-11-27 03:46:40 W
463 Federation of AKY 9932 6 5 - 0 500 2004-10-28 00:25:41 W
464 Gorgon 6648 10 6 - 0 500 2004-11-11 06:08:43 W
465 Artanevilla 10323 3 4 - 0 500 2004-11-12 04:43:27 W
466 Hawkinian 9418 4 8 - 0 500 2004-10-13 08:21:32 W
467 noobtank 9887 3 4 - 0 500 2004-10-26 06:53:45 W
468 Imogen 9591 7 1 - 0 500 2004-11-04 12:23:30 W
469 Fanagoria 10967 7 7 - 0 500 2004-12-10 01:40:16 W
470 Jourall 6778 2 7 - 0 500 2004-11-20 13:36:02 W
471 Trynton 10488 3 8 - 0 500 2004-11-20 06:14:45 W
472 Tazmania 9982 7 9 - 0 500 2004-10-29 10:29:05 W
473 lammy 7481 2 2 - 0 500 2004-10-19 06:03:49 W
474 panz 6605 5 5 - 0 500 2004-11-18 21:49:46 W
475 Avararda 10129 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-04 12:37:35 W
476 1984 6623 4 10 - 0 500 2004-05-26 18:22:49 W
477 canada 10174 5 9 - 0 500 2004-11-06 05:26:42 W
478 pothead 6639 3 6 - 0 500 2004-05-11 15:36:01 W
479 scorpion 6641 3 3 - 0 500 2004-05-16 16:14:59 W
480 Endimion 10462 2 9 - 0 500 2004-11-19 03:02:31 W
481 LandOfShadows 9762 8 10 - 0 500 2004-10-22 11:30:54 W
482 blinker 10372 2 7 - 0 500 2004-11-13 21:39:27 W
483 Donas Dobar 6679 6 6 - 0 500 2004-08-04 19:27:33 W
484 Pholitical 10127 9 4 - 0 500 2004-11-04 11:47:50 W
485 Angelfires Legion 10138 6 5 - 0 500 2004-11-12 01:42:43 W
486 Ashscape 10322 9 9 - 0 500 2004-11-12 04:39:05 W
487 kewl dude2 10559 3 5 - 0 500 2004-11-23 03:15:05 W
488 bob is the king 10309 1 10 - 0 500 2004-11-11 20:13:31 W
489 Wolfland 10303 3 1 - 0 500 2004-11-11 16:17:59 W
490 Poopius Maximus 10320 7 8 - 0 500 2004-11-12 04:23:06 W
491 Omnitopia 9486 7 9 - 0 500 2004-10-14 16:05:20 W
492 Namek 10186 9 8 - 0 500 2004-11-07 01:08:04 W
493 Brute Squad 7666 2 1 - 0 500 2004-08-23 10:40:16 W
494 strus 10086 4 6 - 0 500 2004-11-09 16:00:52 W
495 Masters of Hell 8104 5 3 - 0 500 2004-10-04 02:10:10 W
496 Aeons 10631 1 8 - 0 500 2004-11-26 12:58:00 W
497 Freelancer 10923 4 4 - 0 500 2004-12-08 07:06:22 W
498 New Hope 9585 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-29 21:04:52 W
499 The Acid House 9297 10 7 - 0 500 2004-10-11 00:33:41 W
500 Geruliai 8715 7 10 - 0 500 2004-09-30 06:11:13 W
501 Meeka 9817 6 7 - 0 500 2004-10-24 03:40:50 W
502 NewFortRiley 10095 8 9 - 0 500 2004-11-03 02:08:05 W
503 Tau Epsilon 5 10417 4 8 - 0 500 2004-11-23 12:48:27 W
504 Shakara 9742 4 6 - 0 500 2004-10-28 06:48:50 W
505 Barefoot 10523 10 4 - 0 500 2004-11-21 09:17:46 W
506 Clantron 10561 2 3 - 0 500 2004-11-23 18:44:01 W
507 beechmon 9886 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-26 06:44:28 W
508 Pure Skill 6966 8 1 - 0 500 2004-10-17 15:01:11 W
509 warpathy 8966 6 3 - 0 500 2004-10-22 10:06:08 W
510 United pulicate 9463 2 5 - 0 500 2004-10-13 22:14:26 W
511 Gyrer 9614 1 6 - 0 500 2004-10-18 08:47:51 W
512 Klatch 9871 2 1 - 0 500 2004-11-10 22:30:49 W
513 Tiberium Sun 9952 1 7 - 0 500 2004-11-11 11:00:39 W
514 Iron Fist 10511 4 6 - 0 500 2004-11-21 03:43:26 W
515 Barnoids 9550 8 8 - 0 500 2004-10-17 14:52:37 W
516 Mystic Stars 9438 2 1 - 0 500 2004-10-12 07:44:32 W
517 AazCorp 9930 8 6 - 0 500 2004-10-27 20:38:00 W
518 Beer 7065 1 8 - 0 500 2004-06-19 19:03:24 W
519 desolation5 8778 5 5 - 0 500 2004-10-12 12:43:52 W
520 Mosho 9446 9 5 - 0 500 2004-10-12 16:37:09 W
521 Highlander 9647 1 2 - 0 500 2004-10-28 02:49:22 W
522 blackeyes 10057 8 9 - 0 500 2004-11-14 11:36:04 W
523 whities 9596 10 2 - 0 500 2004-11-06 19:18:14 W
524 Borkanagar 10545 6 3 - 0 500 2004-11-22 15:53:55 W
525 touristmen 8491 7 9 - 0 500 2004-10-12 12:25:53 W
526 Osiris2k5 10706 1 10 - 0 500 2004-11-29 18:21:54 W
527 reso 10516 6 10 - 0 500 2004-11-21 06:32:49 W
528 Leperchaun 7119 8 7 - 0 500 2004-10-21 22:29:45 W
529 The Demi gods 10201 7 4 - 0 500 2004-11-07 11:32:44 W
530 ganika 9439 4 8 - 0 500 2004-10-12 08:18:39 W
531 KaZaMa 10507 2 2 - 0 500 2004-11-20 22:42:22 W
532 jovian federation 9931 10 2 - 0 500 2004-10-27 22:44:19 W
533 Nealonia 8124 1 8 - 0 500 2004-08-15 13:20:35 W
534 oskar 9558 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-19 01:20:38 W
535 The Space Amish 9584 1 9 - 0 500 2004-10-27 16:51:31 W
536 Flaming Swan 9960 5 7 - 0 500 2004-10-28 17:58:54 W
537 FFFFF 10772 1 3 - 0 500 2004-12-02 10:12:43 W
538 obriens2uk 9924 6 8 - 0 500 2004-10-27 19:42:12 W
539 Acceleration 10087 8 4 - 0 500 2004-11-12 05:44:48 W
540 The hurricane 7997 1 8 - 0 500 2004-08-07 03:52:36 W
541 Lutlut 10307 5 4 - 0 500 2004-11-14 11:04:46 W
542 Aven 10191 6 8 - 0 500 2004-11-07 05:38:37 W
543 Jabuka 9730 2 4 - 0 500 2004-10-29 15:17:48 W
544 the red 10586 3 1 - 0 500 2004-11-24 05:37:29 W
545 Haven 666 9487 9 1 - 0 500 2004-10-14 18:25:29 W
546 lordsofpain 10635 3 4 - 0 500 2004-11-26 17:56:41 W
547 Scandinavia 9784 3 8 - 0 500 2004-11-06 06:06:44 W
548 britishamerican 9391 6 7 - 0 500 2004-10-18 15:45:54 W
549 Nightshae 10401 5 8 - 0 500 2004-11-15 08:42:46 W
550 Ares 9494 9 6 - 0 500 2004-10-28 12:31:10 W
551 what 9217 1 6 - 0 500 2004-10-17 03:34:43 W
552 Veritas 9744 4 4 - 0 500 2004-11-01 09:34:08 W
553 Mudland 9354 6 4 - 0 500 2004-10-30 00:52:35 W
554 LAND OF CHAOS 9640 10 3 - 0 500 2004-10-19 08:28:48 W
555 matrix789 9925 10 2 - 0 500 2004-10-27 17:47:23 W
556 zac the black 10865 3 1 - 0 500 2004-12-05 14:51:08 W
557 blackworld 9621 6 7 - 0 500 2004-10-18 16:32:19 W
558 Shadow Lands 10331 6 7 - 0 500 2004-11-12 13:07:46 W
559 Ezra 10491 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-20 08:14:58 W
560 michael j 9289 4 7 - 0 500 2004-10-24 03:59:37 W
561 Dalkeith 8713 5 1 - 0 500 2004-11-16 20:58:58 W
562 Starkness 8302 1 5 - 0 500 2004-10-11 10:35:13 W
563 Krys 10273 1 4 - 0 500 2004-11-10 07:14:35 W
564 Piloria 9455 5 3 - 0 500 2004-11-02 23:29:48 W
565 Federation 9735 4 4 - 0 500 2004-10-21 21:28:14 W
566 meliborne 9770 2 1 - 0 500 2004-10-22 19:01:13 W
567 Arsenic 9618 5 10 - 0 500 2004-10-18 12:37:15 W
568 Kingdom 9678 6 4 - 0 500 2004-10-20 09:10:27 W
569 Nebula Galaxy 9915 1 1 - 0 500 2004-10-27 06:48:37 W
570 foundation 9799 4 4 - 0 500 2004-10-28 18:44:18 W
571 Can Esbri 9775 1 4 - 0 500 2004-10-22 22:28:33 W
572 bad bashers 7219 6 5 - 0 500 2004-07-08 19:35:43 W
573 Dark Empire 9385 3 5 - 0 500 2004-10-10 06:58:46 W
574 naruto 10636 5 1 - 0 500 2004-11-26 18:53:12 W
575 thing 9846 9 7 - 0 500 2004-10-25 01:53:30 W
576 airglyp 9990 9 1 - 0 500 2004-10-30 09:50:35 W
577 zarganew 9383 7 3 - 0 500 2004-11-04 09:31:46 W
578 gunit ballers 9454 6 7 - 0 500 2004-10-14 09:22:38 W
579 Grog 9381 5 8 - 0 500 2004-10-13 02:31:34 W
580 joes empire 9428 10 6 - 0 500 2004-11-08 18:45:17 W
581 PoweredUp 10063 7 9 - 0 500 2004-11-01 20:24:44 W
582 Razza 10467 10 3 - 0 500 2004-11-19 06:31:08 W
583 i win 10942 3 2 - 0 500 2004-12-09 04:16:15 W
584 Ndp89 9667 3 6 - 0 500 2004-10-20 02:51:17 W
585 artamavia 10164 8 9 - 0 500 2004-11-06 00:16:20 W
586 hikaru 10272 7 1 - 0 500 2004-11-10 03:56:24 W
587 Gogmagog 9679 4 8 - 0 500 2004-11-30 06:58:02 W
588 Hawk2 10797 5 2 - 0 500 2004-12-03 09:03:30 W
589 Bobdoleinc 9665 8 3 - 0 500 2004-10-20 02:03:08 W
590 Abhorsen 9444 4 10 - 0 500 2004-10-12 12:29:05 W
591 Amnion 9462 9 6 - 0 500 2004-10-13 08:33:10 W
592 Terra 8096 5 8 - 0 500 2004-10-28 06:49:47 W
593 Valoria 8086 9 4 - 0 500 2004-08-20 09:10:59 W
594 DuNNoz 10234 2 7 - 0 500 2004-11-08 16:26:02 W
595 Manetherin 10641 4 6 - 0 500 2004-11-27 00:08:30 W
596 Terran 9822 8 6 - 0 500 2004-10-24 07:03:54 W
597 Mouse Empire 10404 4 5 - 0 500 2004-11-15 09:23:28 W
598 yukosoma 10187 9 7 - 0 500 2004-11-12 20:41:50 W
599 jun 9425 10 8 - 0 500 2004-10-11 18:56:26 W
600 SOTR Clan 9642 1 9 - 0 500 2004-10-30 12:10:02 W
601 reptil0114 9918 4 3 - 0 500 2004-11-12 06:14:12 W
602 flames 9779 1 7 - 0 500 2004-11-05 20:56:56 W
603 MBRste 9876 3 9 - 0 500 2004-10-25 23:09:43 W
604 Livin legends 10587 5 2 - 0 500 2004-11-24 05:30:21 W
605 reideon 9484 2 7 - 0 500 2004-10-14 12:51:22 W
606 Mulog 9583 7 3 - 0 500 2004-10-17 09:55:25 W
607 Space Amazon Babes 10490 8 7 - 0 500 2004-12-05 10:05:57 W
608 NOODLES 9615 6 4 - 0 500 2004-10-28 02:52:29 W
609 Pirates Rule 9467 7 8 - 0 500 2004-10-13 17:11:17 W
610 Zeven 9977 6 5 - 0 500 2004-10-29 07:30:57 W
611 Tribble 9816 8 2 - 0 500 2004-10-24 03:32:29 W
612 Taps 10080 9 2 - 0 500 2004-11-02 08:49:57 W
613 STEELWOLVES 10033 4 2 - 0 500 2004-10-31 09:25:28 W
614 EXCANIBUS 10165 10 5 - 0 500 2004-11-18 02:42:12 W
615 longjohnpong 9553 10 3 - 0 500 2004-10-16 16:36:41 W
616 Azzkikr 9466 4 9 - 0 500 2004-11-20 05:35:32 W
617 JiMpire 9469 10 4 - 0 500 2004-10-13 18:55:27 W
618 Sightless Eye 9549 7 7 - 0 500 2004-10-16 11:24:35 W
619 cosmo 9465 9 2 - 0 500 2004-10-30 08:55:10 W
620 upurs 9818 3 10 - 0 500 2004-10-24 03:47:36 W
621 Evilshrew 10008 5 6 - 0 500 2004-10-30 06:00:53 W
622 Catalyst Collective 10571 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-23 16:10:30 W
623 Hero 9867 9 9 - 0 500 2004-11-17 06:08:04 W
624 Flach 10159 5 8 - 0 500 2004-11-05 20:10:31 W
625 Jakaria 10135 8 6 - 0 500 2004-11-07 00:54:32 W
626 Dekara 10606 7 4 - 0 500 2004-11-25 04:42:51 W
627 bci 8489 10 2 - 0 500 2004-09-21 01:28:53 W
628 Katanas 9954 3 2 - 0 500 2004-11-11 10:26:34 W
629 Steel 10011 3 1 - 0 500 2004-11-05 05:29:28 W
630 Torri 9757 9 7 - 0 500 2004-10-27 14:38:29 W
631 MAGESTEC 10130 5 3 - 0 500 2004-11-04 13:56:13 W
632 demon seekers 9548 6 10 - 0 500 2004-10-16 10:20:44 W
633 cokemackes 9923 5 1 - 0 500 2004-10-27 12:00:23 W
634 someplace full of beer 9543 5 9 - 0 500 2004-10-16 06:04:47 W
635 id 9545 6 3 - 0 500 2004-10-16 06:13:59 W
636 Kildiin 9540 4 10 - 0 500 2004-10-19 10:25:59 W
637 El Reino del Odio 10028 5 1 - 0 500 2004-11-07 01:29:32 W
638 Q 10448 4 9 - 0 500 2004-11-18 03:12:37 W
639 tdp86 9286 2 3 - 0 500 2004-10-23 11:49:06 W
640 Rici4 10369 7 9 - 0 500 2004-11-13 20:19:00 W
641 Galactic Conqueror 9581 6 9 - 0 500 2004-10-17 07:59:02 W
642 matt 9582 2 4 - 0 500 2004-10-17 07:55:42 W
643 DringJeOp 7346 7 4 - 0 500 2004-10-25 02:15:48 W
644 Elysium 9929 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-28 21:02:39 W
645 Blood Dragons 10037 6 10 - 0 500 2004-10-31 11:12:04 W
646 Gionet 10197 9 9 - 0 500 2004-11-07 09:55:44 W
647 Morland 10576 6 10 - 0 500 2004-11-23 19:55:25 W
648 ledra 9714 10 9 - 0 500 2004-10-21 07:07:14 W
649 Jihad 9468 10 1 - 0 500 2004-10-13 19:57:46 W
650 Reekie 9959 2 4 - 0 500 2004-11-01 21:49:28 W
651 Imperium 9613 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-18 08:21:30 W
652 USA 10500 1 8 - 0 500 2004-11-20 13:16:00 W
653 CrazyLucifer 9547 4 10 - 0 500 2004-10-16 14:04:26 W
654 Furry_Wolf2001b 8198 2 9 - 0 500 2004-11-17 03:24:46 W
655 Les Diables 8226 5 10 - 0 500 2004-10-02 05:18:35 W
656 df 10117 10 2 - 0 500 2004-11-04 03:55:32 W
657 hello 10035 4 10 - 0 500 2004-11-08 03:03:16 W
658 Luxon 9672 3 7 - 0 500 2004-10-20 04:45:10 W
659 canduar 10243 6 7 - 0 500 2004-11-11 11:51:57 W
660 Nerion 7372 2 7 - 0 500 2004-11-23 03:25:16 W
661 Sekundes 7373 9 1 - 0 500 2004-07-23 20:49:27 W
662 Goats 10098 6 5 - 0 500 2004-11-05 06:46:31 W
663 Dont Mess Wit Me 8224 2 1 - 0 500 2004-09-15 08:25:28 W
664 Deneb 10333 1 10 - 0 500 2004-11-12 16:11:55 W
665 Mental Matt 9712 3 3 - 0 500 2004-10-21 06:07:07 W
666 stumblorion 10051 2 3 - 0 500 2004-11-04 09:26:24 W
667 Meminescere 10150 8 1 - 0 500 2004-11-05 07:44:15 W
668 nekrotoxin 8829 9 7 - 0 500 2004-10-29 17:18:54 W
669 Muadib 10252 5 5 - 0 500 2004-11-09 08:14:56 W
670 Doom war 8793 5 4 - 0 500 2004-10-19 10:05:45 W
671 DEATH SQUAD 10423 10 1 - 0 500 2004-11-16 21:53:47 W
672 nwwo 9788 8 8 - 0 500 2004-10-23 12:19:37 W
673 Xelarians 10506 9 4 - 0 500 2004-11-20 22:13:58 W
674 Zilian Empire 10114 7 5 - 0 500 2004-11-03 23:33:50 W
675 sleazyyodas place 9859 9 2 - 0 500 2004-10-25 08:41:34 W
676 Nerimus 9785 10 10 - 0 500 2004-10-23 08:26:37 W
677 yourfears 10570 4 7 - 0 500 2004-11-23 14:59:30 W
678 Underground 10338 3 1 - 0 500 2004-11-18 00:25:05 W
679 Drannart 7402 3 6 - 0 500 2004-08-06 03:23:24 W
680 VirtualSpace 8279 1 4 - 0 500 2004-10-26 00:38:42 W
681 Dyon 9782 4 9 - 0 500 2004-10-23 05:17:21 W
682 gh 10597 3 9 - 0 500 2004-11-24 15:19:06 W
683 my star hideaway 10418 4 6 - 0 500 2004-11-16 19:18:30 W
684 Lorendo 9885 8 9 - 0 500 2004-10-26 07:04:14 W
685 Durham 10140 4 4 - 0 500 2004-11-17 00:15:57 W
686 bartman 9927 1 3 - 0 500 2004-10-27 19:58:34 W
687 DopamineCircuit 9260 2 3 - 0 500 2004-10-06 06:42:31 W
688 Darkman78 10253 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-09 08:33:32 W
689 Aarons Elite Force 9814 8 9 - 0 500 2004-10-24 02:53:44 W
690 Xxixilxxsix 10436 10 7 - 0 500 2004-11-25 01:57:12 W
691 Marouders 10124 3 6 - 0 500 2004-11-15 09:30:47 W
692 Adventure Map 9849 5 8 - 0 500 2004-10-25 04:29:27 W
693 Ssiaya 10126 7 10 - 0 500 2004-11-04 08:46:57 W
694 Darkstars 9889 7 5 - 0 500 2004-10-26 08:42:35 W
695 zion 10097 3 2 - 0 500 2004-11-03 07:01:38 W
696 catsinhats 10116 2 3 - 0 500 2004-11-04 03:44:32 W
697 THE LEGACY 10262 9 3 - 0 500 2004-11-09 20:12:38 W
698 45ACP 9206 8 7 - 0 500 2004-10-04 07:23:34 W
699 Degritz 10297 8 9 - 0 500 2004-11-11 03:46:45 W
700 chibonia 9992 4 10 - 0 500 2004-10-29 19:21:46 W
701 Irk 7441 7 3 - 0 500 2004-07-10 09:31:35 W
702 LBG 10489 10 6 - 0 500 2004-11-26 02:33:54 W
703 Galactic Empire 10497 4 10 - 0 500 2004-11-20 11:27:31 W
704 The Fangs 10149 4 2 - 0 500 2004-11-05 18:57:41 W
705 rafess 9922 8 4 - 0 500 2004-10-27 09:40:01 W
706 dragon fliers 10034 10 6 - 0 500 2004-10-31 09:27:56 W
707 HellFire 10181 10 4 - 0 500 2004-11-06 21:30:16 W
708 Thunderdome 9921 8 8 - 0 500 2004-10-27 07:45:36 W
709 aliens suck 9920 7 2 - 0 500 2004-10-27 07:02:48 W
710 Hanzo 10280 5 10 - 0 500 2004-11-11 00:53:06 W
711 Endall Dominion 9917 1 6 - 0 500 2004-11-12 23:58:28 W
712 m31 9912 6 5 - 0 500 2004-10-27 05:16:28 W
713 DoZD 10175 10 10 - 0 500 2004-11-06 06:46:40 W
714 Etin 10204 9 4 - 0 500 2004-11-25 20:11:52 W
715 Blekan 10009 7 1 - 0 500 2004-11-08 04:02:24 W
716 planets 9945 2 8 - 0 500 2004-10-28 05:53:03 W
717 lord of theRing 10339 9 5 - 0 500 2004-11-20 12:19:36 W
718 Gothicians 9424 5 5 - 0 500 2004-10-11 18:17:02 W
719 Federation Of Sol 10438 5 3 - 0 500 2004-11-17 17:40:46 W
720 asdvvvwe 9942 8 6 - 0 500 2004-10-28 04:38:27 W
721 hgsgh 10496 4 4 - 0 500 2004-11-20 10:47:45 W
722 The Detonators 9941 10 6 - 0 500 2004-10-28 03:34:50 W
723 black_sky 10330 9 5 - 0 500 2004-11-12 10:20:39 W
724 Krolm 10153 2 2 - 0 500 2004-11-05 09:26:18 W
725 JTIME 10447 3 10 - 0 500 2004-11-18 03:09:43 W
726 Swedes Rule 9988 3 2 - 0 500 2004-11-20 05:36:28 W
727 Wannderer 10493 4 8 - 0 500 2004-11-20 09:00:02 W
728 Dark Moon 10392 6 5 - 0 500 2004-11-27 12:29:20 W
729 Ruster 10250 4 6 - 0 500 2004-11-09 05:47:00 W
730 ggg 9972 2 7 - 0 500 2004-10-29 03:46:27 W
731 . 10945 1 10 - 0 500 2004-12-09 04:32:28 W
732 St.Kilda 10041 5 4 - 0 500 2004-10-31 12:58:12 W
733 Dark Steel Knights 10029 7 9 - 0 500 2004-11-05 04:26:51 W
734 Kalkyries 8451 10 5 - 0 500 2004-09-01 04:48:07 W
735 mysterious 10154 8 3 - 0 500 2004-11-05 09:32:37 W
736 Traylon 9597 4 7 - 0 500 2004-10-17 23:07:54 W
737 prope 10002 4 9 - 0 500 2004-11-01 09:00:32 W
738 Dragonite Empire 9017 2 6 - 0 500 2004-10-15 04:11:22 W
739 Nekross 10524 2 3 - 0 500 2004-11-21 11:45:54 W
740 Peterson Dynasty 10388 3 5 - 0 500 2004-11-17 21:21:48 W
741 MuShu 10454 10 10 - 0 500 2004-11-23 11:03:26 W
742 maltijn 10541 10 6 - 0 500 2004-11-22 08:57:00 W
743 Redbull 10176 6 7 - 0 500 2004-11-11 13:30:30 W
744 vampirelord 10161 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-12 02:18:36 W
745 DudeLaw 10386 5 7 - 0 500 2004-11-14 10:00:01 W
746 Guitarman 10069 5 6 - 0 500 2004-11-03 04:09:15 W
747 Shinigami 10616 5 9 - 0 500 2004-12-02 10:07:30 W
748 Denaqwadore 10299 10 4 - 0 500 2004-11-11 08:52:56 W
749 Spartopia 10515 5 8 - 0 500 2004-11-21 06:17:07 W
750 fused 10623 8 6 - 0 500 2004-11-26 04:28:32 W
751 Briarwood 10254 2 9 - 0 500 2004-11-09 09:00:10 W
752 Shadowlands 8876 3 3 - 0 500 2004-10-15 19:59:40 W
753 CCD 10410 2 1 - 0 500 2004-11-16 06:48:41 W
754 cccp 10049 3 6 - 0 500 2004-11-14 20:40:43 W
755 gangstar100 10389 3 3 - 0 500 2004-11-14 10:42:03 W
756 Troya 10058 2 5 - 0 500 2004-11-06 07:02:03 W
757 Clearflame 10569 6 9 - 0 500 2004-11-23 14:30:36 W
758 Apollo13 8683 6 3 - 0 500 2004-09-13 03:18:38 W
759 kar 10221 8 4 - 0 500 2004-11-08 09:45:59 W
760 Diablo147 10123 8 5 - 0 500 2004-11-04 07:55:03 W
761 oblivion 7552 6 7 - 0 500 2004-07-04 16:29:08 W
762 zart 8537 4 8 - 0 500 2004-10-25 22:49:54 W
763 Centaruri 10870 6 10 - 0 500 2004-12-05 22:24:33 W
764 Lantis 10433 3 5 - 0 500 2004-11-17 11:35:59 W
765 Bouroukis Empire 10492 5 7 - 0 500 2004-11-20 08:40:39 W
766 Aderik 7569 2 4 - 0 500 2004-07-20 17:31:19 W
767 Manodar 10170 5 5 - 0 500 2004-11-10 03:58:33 W
768 mytholigy mystic 10626 5 9 - 0 500 2004-11-26 07:16:18 W
769 Alpha Omicron 10122 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-04 06:22:08 W
770 The Omega Clan 10543 2 6 - 0 500 2004-11-22 10:23:38 W
771 twinlakes 10255 7 2 - 0 500 2004-11-11 20:55:07 W
772 shendo 10371 4 4 - 0 500 2004-11-13 21:20:13 W
773 Nemo 10120 5 7 - 0 500 2004-11-04 05:59:04 W
774 sharpe44 10188 8 4 - 0 500 2004-11-25 07:51:13 W
775 Mithrain 8613 8 3 - 0 500 2004-10-22 23:42:03 W
776 CHIKAKA 10634 4 4 - 0 500 2004-11-26 16:43:10 W
777 RaJ_MahaL 10156 10 6 - 0 500 2004-11-07 12:27:02 W
778 X3RO Fire Storm 9475 10 6 - 0 500 2004-10-14 04:48:20 W
779 Atriedes 10157 3 1 - 0 500 2004-11-05 17:03:32 W
780 fate 10155 9 8 - 0 500 2004-11-05 11:50:23 W
781 Galactic Republic 10199 2 6 - 0 500 2004-11-07 10:44:22 W
782 The Unholy Alliance 10229 10 5 - 0 500 2004-11-08 13:05:25 W
783 Larydia thy I 10413 2 2 - 0 500 2004-11-16 09:42:15 W
784 Killerzebra 10421 2 10 - 0 500 2004-11-25 08:23:28 W
785 Ajax 10278 3 4 - 0 500 2004-11-10 09:40:49 W
786 Windham Enterprises 9485 8 4 - 0 500 2004-10-14 12:21:43 W
787 Firudias 10233 5 10 - 0 500 2004-11-08 16:02:09 W
788 Digitalius 9957 1 8 - 0 500 2004-10-28 16:09:40 W
789 R dog0 10275 2 4 - 0 500 2004-11-12 05:45:45 W
790 califas 10470 3 4 - 0 500 2004-11-19 10:01:17 W
791 Kailthas 9436 7 4 - 0 500 2004-11-17 06:10:15 W
792 laleongz 10274 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-17 07:20:20 W
793 bruti 7627 9 6 - 0 500 2004-07-11 07:32:16 W
794 Naghbith 10251 1 3 - 0 500 2004-11-09 06:36:04 W
795 Lord Silvertip 10499 1 10 - 0 500 2004-11-20 12:43:00 W
796 spam 10248 6 6 - 0 500 2004-11-09 03:57:30 W
797 Pratoria 10265 10 3 - 0 500 2004-11-25 07:59:05 W
798 Shadow 9285 3 2 - 0 500 2004-10-07 08:16:40 W
799 Ottoman Empire 8703 2 2 - 0 500 2004-09-25 23:50:05 W
800 Shadow Light 8702 8 6 - 0 500 2004-09-12 21:39:56 W
801 TeCh 10724 5 3 - 0 500 2004-11-30 09:44:18 W
802 DarkZide 10302 3 9 - 0 500 2004-11-11 14:46:18 W
803 Advocates of Fury 10468 1 7 - 0 500 2004-11-22 13:44:24 W
804 balisic warrior 8749 6 3 - 0 500 2004-09-24 12:34:05 W
805 Empire 10525 4 7 - 0 500 2004-11-21 13:25:18 W
806 wyntermyst 10542 4 9 - 0 500 2004-11-22 09:48:08 W
807 Falger 10306 9 5 - 0 500 2004-11-11 18:18:38 W
808 any 10324 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-12 04:51:58 W
809 SpaceBalls 8976 9 10 - 0 500 2004-09-26 10:40:36 W
810 Lord Rahl 10310 4 9 - 0 500 2004-11-11 20:15:11 W
811 TickTok 10385 8 1 - 0 500 2004-11-14 09:13:29 W
812 Kalroyines Devire 10414 1 8 - 0 500 2004-11-16 11:04:42 W
813 spratt 10328 7 8 - 0 500 2004-11-18 11:37:44 W
814 Sion 9482 3 2 - 0 500 2004-10-14 09:26:28 W
815 knight federation 10424 2 5 - 0 500 2004-11-17 01:33:32 W
816 Diablos Galactica 10370 3 3 - 0 500 2004-11-13 20:49:29 W
817 Highwinds 8963 10 5 - 0 500 2004-11-08 23:32:02 W
818 the drow 8106 4 5 - 0 500 2004-11-26 04:20:17 W
819 Subtle 8790 3 8 - 0 500 2004-10-15 18:10:21 W
820 Surprise 9560 2 4 - 0 500 2004-10-16 20:14:58 W
821 DJSlayer 10915 9 1 - 0 500 2004-12-08 03:30:47 W
822 jupline 10363 1 7 - 0 500 2004-11-13 08:02:47 W
823 xvx 10362 2 6 - 0 500 2004-11-13 06:35:23 W
824 Byzantine 10356 10 8 - 0 500 2004-11-28 03:31:55 W
825 Nazul 10441 7 9 - 0 500 2004-11-17 19:27:46 W
826 gumballs 7689 1 7 - 0 500 2004-10-28 07:54:53 W
827 Olympus 9213 9 3 - 0 500 2004-10-04 13:45:09 W
828 sparten 9852 7 8 - 0 500 2004-10-25 06:46:06 W
829 looooo 9411 10 4 - 0 500 2004-10-11 08:36:39 W
830 SKY 10736 8 5 - 0 500 2004-11-30 23:37:22 W
831 ctown cripz 10951 4 10 - 0 500 2004-12-09 11:10:35 W
832 enegmaslayer1 9034 6 4 - 0 500 2004-10-15 23:23:36 W
833 yith 10382 4 1 - 0 500 2004-12-08 00:45:48 W
834 DDworld 10528 8 5 - 0 500 2004-11-21 20:19:44 W
835 prophet 10637 10 3 - 0 500 2004-11-26 19:35:31 W
836 the hive 9116 5 9 - 0 500 2004-10-02 00:05:49 W
837 Disepara 10005 5 5 - 0 500 2004-10-30 04:51:52 W
838 ZuLu 10400 5 8 - 0 500 2004-11-15 08:31:31 W
839 stiffmaister 10633 7 5 - 0 500 2004-11-26 15:51:11 W
840 Perra 9052 2 10 - 0 500 2004-11-19 11:07:52 W
841 Supermanvir 10411 4 10 - 0 500 2004-11-16 07:51:40 W
842 Calahan 9077 3 8 - 0 500 2004-11-09 19:16:14 W
843 Harkonnen 10409 10 4 - 0 500 2004-11-16 04:22:57 W
844 Riggerworld 9410 1 7 - 0 500 2004-10-29 08:12:41 W
845 Medindale 10408 4 5 - 0 500 2004-11-16 02:38:06 W
846 Wildcats 10432 10 9 - 0 500 2004-11-17 11:43:27 W
847 Vorpal 10435 5 8 - 0 500 2004-11-17 12:55:53 W
848 Leo Silvertip 10434 1 6 - 0 500 2004-11-17 12:52:14 W
849 flatman_d 7890 4 2 - 0 500 2004-10-14 10:01:05 W
850 sonic 10517 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-21 07:00:33 W
851 keeney 10440 4 3 - 0 500 2004-11-17 18:21:13 W
852 warped_in_time 10366 10 7 - 0 500 2004-11-13 12:17:14 W
853 Awe 7740 2 10 - 0 500 2004-11-19 17:43:34 W
854 QYZ 10550 10 9 - 0 500 2004-11-22 20:57:18 W
855 ggyrdth 10428 5 7 - 0 500 2004-11-17 05:59:53 W
856 Ohio 9013 8 7 - 0 500 2004-10-24 08:15:59 W
857 Angels of Anarchy 10522 2 8 - 0 500 2004-11-24 23:39:46 W
858 Storm Clan 9652 1 2 - 0 500 2004-10-19 14:09:55 W
859 Virus 10512 4 2 - 0 500 2004-11-21 04:33:25 W
860 Galactic Sith Empire 9431 2 9 - 0 500 2004-11-11 23:23:49 W
861 Ollerman 9154 6 3 - 0 500 2004-10-02 04:22:07 W
862 BALLAZ BLOCK 7902 4 4 - 0 500 2004-09-20 18:39:48 W
863 Tylar 9434 4 7 - 0 500 2004-10-12 01:20:17 W
864 palanthas 10670 9 1 - 0 500 2004-11-28 04:14:59 W
865 blindside967 10495 6 9 - 0 500 2004-11-20 10:47:20 W
866 Chumad 10466 2 5 - 0 500 2004-11-19 06:04:26 W
867 greenmonkey 10596 6 5 - 0 500 2004-11-24 14:12:04 W
868 Yamato 9430 4 10 - 0 500 2004-10-29 23:36:50 W
869 Tobolin 9139 10 5 - 0 500 2004-10-02 13:26:54 W
870 meesakool 9202 8 10 - 0 500 2004-10-13 05:50:08 W
871 Ark 8922 5 1 - 0 500 2004-09-27 10:31:13 W
872 Poor Mans Spacefarers 8179 2 3 - 0 500 2004-08-27 12:55:15 W
873 ZIKIZIK 10036 4 9 - 0 500 2004-10-31 09:41:23 W
874 DK 9946 7 6 - 0 500 2004-10-29 12:56:29 W
875 Dj 10471 1 3 - 0 500 2004-11-19 10:01:44 W
876 mizzou 9789 4 10 - 0 500 2004-10-24 11:34:52 W
877 Mikiko 9477 6 7 - 0 500 2004-10-14 04:56:59 W
878 TM 10540 5 9 - 0 500 2004-11-22 08:00:42 W
879 reeper 7785 8 8 - 0 500 2004-08-20 10:42:30 W
880 destroy 10487 6 2 - 0 500 2004-11-24 15:56:11 W
881 Lisa 8942 6 9 - 0 500 2004-09-21 03:56:33 W
882 w1dg3t 8941 5 3 - 0 500 2004-10-27 14:42:52 W
883 explosiv 8959 1 3 - 0 500 2004-10-08 02:26:16 W
884 Jojoman Imperium 9989 10 1 - 0 500 2004-10-29 17:56:41 W
885 nur 10510 5 4 - 0 500 2004-11-21 03:20:35 W
886 Mendiana 9010 10 6 - 0 500 2004-10-07 09:25:54 W
887 Balla Nation 9783 6 4 - 0 500 2004-10-26 04:21:55 W
888 Arame 10518 7 4 - 0 500 2004-11-21 07:47:25 W
889 Zedrocus 9726 6 10 - 0 500 2004-10-23 15:54:56 W
890 Dune 10546 6 9 - 0 500 2004-11-26 02:56:47 W
891 tom 9435 8 2 - 0 500 2004-10-14 13:22:58 W
892 New Confederacy 10537 6 1 - 0 500 2004-11-22 05:19:48 W
893 deathkill 8115 4 8 - 0 500 2004-09-26 22:02:25 W
894 ESseXBItc 10412 8 5 - 0 500 2004-11-26 02:46:40 W
895 Desturction 10799 4 7 - 0 500 2004-12-03 09:43:45 W
896 ELITE 8993 9 3 - 0 500 2004-09-24 11:11:12 W
897 Abarat 8991 4 1 - 0 500 2004-10-19 09:09:36 W
898 Grove Street 10589 6 4 - 0 500 2004-11-24 07:51:01 W
899 The Sith 9602 1 6 - 0 500 2004-10-18 01:34:31 W
900 La Pucelle 7834 8 4 - 0 500 2004-07-26 06:40:37 W
901 Death in tight pants 10367 3 1 - 0 500 2004-11-13 14:40:44 W
902 nate 10940 1 6 - 0 500 2004-12-09 03:56:15 W
903 malleus 9913 8 9 - 0 500 2004-10-27 05:08:56 W
904 ragoul 9007 1 1 - 0 500 2004-10-03 02:06:55 W
905 flatliner 7840 1 6 - 0 500 2004-10-16 05:38:10 W
906 Braaropolis 9544 1 10 - 0 500 2004-10-28 05:46:48 W
907 Veilsound 9004 9 6 - 0 500 2004-10-15 00:50:09 W
908 Trade federation 9347 1 8 - 0 500 2004-10-12 22:57:52 W
909 killers 10398 10 4 - 0 500 2004-11-15 01:05:11 W
910 Neocropolis 9623 4 1 - 0 500 2004-10-18 18:20:27 W
911 Congress 10605 8 6 - 0 500 2004-11-25 03:21:24 W
912 Sylos 9964 4 9 - 0 500 2004-10-28 21:04:06 W
913 DexyG 9944 9 10 - 0 500 2004-10-28 05:10:44 W
914 dantheman 10521 4 7 - 0 500 2004-11-21 08:15:17 W
915 Destruction 10900 7 5 - 0 500 2004-12-07 05:39:00 W
916 philio 9510 10 1 - 0 500 2004-10-15 07:03:21 W
917 Alantis 10622 6 8 - 0 500 2004-11-26 04:04:05 W
918 Duke York 9605 10 3 - 0 500 2004-10-29 09:33:14 W
919 Devil Dogs 7871 9 3 - 0 500 2004-11-14 14:09:16 W
920 medrik 10548 2 4 - 0 500 2004-11-22 17:48:37 W
921 Vicky Is Hot 7877 9 8 - 0 500 2004-09-17 13:44:49 W
922 borg 10558 4 2 - 0 500 2004-11-24 08:26:25 W
923 starkingdom 9631 5 10 - 0 500 2004-10-19 01:39:21 W
924 Derreth 10656 8 5 - 0 500 2004-11-27 09:40:19 W
925 pik 7884 6 7 - 0 500 2004-08-24 00:01:28 W
926 angelsempire 10911 3 6 - 0 500 2004-12-08 01:11:12 W
927 duckmonkey 10825 4 6 - 0 500 2004-12-04 07:07:18 W
928 The Dark Clowns 10935 7 10 - 0 500 2004-12-08 21:30:15 W
929 Kirby 9919 6 6 - 0 500 2004-10-27 06:22:51 W
930 Squeaks 10246 9 3 - 0 500 2004-11-09 02:01:00 W
931 DarkLineage 9433 8 9 - 0 500 2004-10-12 01:00:34 W
932 wobblysauce 9826 9 4 - 0 500 2004-10-24 10:28:12 W
933 dahui 9085 5 1 - 0 500 2004-10-20 00:27:34 W
934 Titania 9375 9 5 - 0 500 2004-11-26 02:10:22 W
935 Rambo 7899 2 10 - 0 500 2004-08-20 20:44:06 W
936 Vipterm 9137 7 6 - 0 500 2004-11-02 09:06:57 W
937 Desert Fox 9415 8 9 - 0 500 2004-10-11 10:21:35 W
938 Mordornia 9686 6 1 - 0 500 2004-10-20 16:29:37 W
939 Emperor Janeway 10449 4 9 - 0 500 2004-11-18 05:59:25 W
940 endar squire 9175 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-07 12:14:09 W
941 Wizardland 7918 6 5 - 0 500 2004-08-01 17:46:26 W
942 High Elves 9406 6 1 - 0 500 2004-10-12 06:33:20 W
943 Stormwind 9134 5 6 - 0 500 2004-10-02 06:27:23 W
944 Canibles 10747 8 2 - 0 500 2004-12-01 07:13:29 W
945 collingiusti 9940 10 3 - 0 500 2004-10-28 03:28:40 W
946 The Mysterious Empire 9174 5 3 - 0 500 2004-10-05 17:47:01 W
947 fatland 9407 3 2 - 0 500 2004-10-11 03:46:10 W
948 Sexy Mamas 9750 2 6 - 0 500 2004-10-28 19:44:06 W
949 Maxitron 9253 7 3 - 0 500 2004-10-28 18:29:07 W
950 GuusBV 9476 9 2 - 0 500 2004-10-15 01:00:09 W
951 Winterlord 9195 2 7 - 0 500 2004-10-04 11:40:46 W
952 All Mine 10128 2 10 - 0 500 2004-11-18 21:50:28 W
953 DarkReign 9225 1 3 - 0 500 2004-11-26 06:41:37 W
954 silvanas 9503 10 5 - 0 500 2004-10-15 03:55:01 W
955 The Dead 10001 10 2 - 0 500 2004-10-30 02:38:11 W
956 Shevat 9224 9 5 - 0 500 2004-11-02 04:20:50 W
957 Balamb 9502 5 8 - 0 500 2004-10-15 03:03:42 W
958 maniac 10227 10 1 - 0 500 2004-11-08 08:17:23 W
959 kanekid 10498 8 5 - 0 500 2004-11-20 11:27:55 W
960 Simoun 7980 10 5 - 0 500 2004-11-20 22:33:04 W
961 nathan 9654 3 4 - 0 500 2004-10-20 21:42:55 W
962 Lord Of The DArkness 8160 9 8 - 0 500 2004-08-18 01:09:21 W
963 Ragnarook 9578 4 3 - 0 500 2004-10-27 18:38:25 W
964 ZikZok 9821 3 9 - 0 500 2004-10-24 06:36:50 W
965 minionman 9589 8 1 - 0 500 2004-10-19 10:23:38 W
966 Rabbatt 9276 8 8 - 0 500 2004-10-07 03:25:06 W
967 Fayre Republic 9274 5 9 - 0 500 2004-10-13 22:34:10 W
968 The Free Explorers 9708 4 7 - 0 500 2004-10-28 01:53:41 W
969 stone cold jr 8242 1 9 - 0 500 2004-08-22 20:57:11 W
970 Suthworld 9638 10 8 - 0 500 2004-10-19 05:54:13 W
971 Probz 8988 8 10 - 0 500 2004-10-15 21:49:10 W
972 HELL 9705 6 3 - 0 500 2004-10-21 02:19:47 W
973 Churrito 9769 4 10 - 0 500 2004-11-12 18:55:26 W
974 Dog zone 10220 2 1 - 0 500 2004-11-08 02:55:27 W
975 LAgtokins 9764 6 5 - 0 500 2004-10-22 13:37:53 W
976 roughnecks 9524 6 5 - 0 500 2004-10-28 20:56:02 W
977 JWE 10533 5 3 - 0 500 2004-11-25 20:04:41 W
978 doom land 9531 4 3 - 0 500 2004-10-15 22:03:24 W
979 ChemiKill 9530 3 7 - 0 500 2004-10-15 21:45:00 W
980 blade 9535 5 9 - 0 500 2004-10-16 02:20:45 W
981 Mythical 9533 6 2 - 0 500 2004-10-16 00:02:48 W
982 Arnor 9906 8 1 - 0 500 2004-10-27 08:39:41 W
983 Kisara 9625 1 2 - 0 500 2004-10-18 20:03:13 W
984 earth 10277 7 6 - 0 500 2004-11-10 08:33:25 W
985 theunnamedconquerers 9637 9 1 - 0 500 2004-10-19 05:27:43 W
986 srautas 9966 10 10 - 0 500 2004-10-28 23:18:48 W
987 viper_x86 9594 8 6 - 0 500 2004-10-29 07:29:08 W
988 doomed 10167 7 9 - 0 500 2004-11-06 02:09:32 W
989 goo land 9639 4 1 - 0 500 2004-10-19 06:12:58 W
990 Flatlander 10514 10 6 - 0 500 2004-11-21 06:19:34 W
991 kyle 9627 6 6 - 0 500 2004-10-28 21:20:06 W
992 exchange 10547 8 9 - 0 500 2004-11-25 08:08:53 W
993 Pushover 9630 9 7 - 0 500 2004-10-19 00:19:30 W
994 BjornP 10031 4 2 - 0 500 2004-11-05 04:44:22 W
995 BigEaters 10023 9 5 - 0 500 2004-10-31 01:30:24 W
996 bobo 9657 1 10 - 0 500 2004-10-19 19:52:02 W
997 Imperaim 9653 10 5 - 0 500 2004-10-20 02:42:04 W
998 TLCs Kingdom 9662 6 7 - 0 500 2004-10-19 23:26:02 W
999 Death_empire 9658 9 1 - 0 500 2004-10-19 20:56:36 W
1000 man 10383 5 2 - 0 500 2004-11-14 06:15:28 W
1001 skalleworld 9656 1 4 - 0 500 2004-10-19 19:06:07 W
1002 MaStEr 8445 7 5 - 0 500 2004-10-01 00:19:48 W
1003 ShadowAnimation 10182 6 10 - 0 500 2004-11-06 22:43:11 W
1004 Evil 9659 6 2 - 0 500 2004-11-11 23:05:55 W
1005 heart of darkness 9660 1 3 - 0 500 2004-11-11 04:39:36 W
1006 Grolend 10077 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-02 05:54:50 W
1007 Pure Norwegian Blood 9666 2 1 - 0 500 2004-10-20 02:22:28 W
1008 J.P 10621 6 10 - 0 500 2004-11-26 00:25:08 W
1009 Saffron 9685 4 8 - 0 500 2004-10-20 16:07:10 W
1010 the rebellion 10030 8 7 - 0 500 2004-11-22 04:45:50 W
1011 Helmut Minions 8480 7 10 - 0 500 2004-09-04 05:34:54 W
1012 EPP 9768 8 9 - 0 500 2004-10-22 18:35:29 W
1013 blue gender 9692 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-30 02:54:07 W
1014 verts 10190 3 7 - 0 500 2004-11-09 04:49:07 W
1015 killcity 9961 10 10 - 0 500 2004-11-11 20:47:08 W
1016 jonnybempire 9701 1 9 - 0 500 2004-10-21 00:53:10 W
1017 alf 10074 5 3 - 0 500 2004-11-02 03:12:24 W
1018 Timmys kingdom 9766 3 5 - 0 500 2004-10-28 02:50:25 W
1019 Trinity 9727 4 3 - 0 500 2004-10-21 16:07:56 W
1020 Strathos 4 9892 10 1 - 0 500 2004-11-10 09:18:59 W
1021 Darkwanderer 9734 8 1 - 0 500 2004-10-21 21:07:11 W
1022 Veralis 9737 3 3 - 0 500 2004-10-21 22:48:36 W
1023 DreadNaught 10078 4 6 - 0 500 2004-11-10 10:30:37 W
1024 Bogan empire 9765 4 8 - 0 500 2004-11-02 17:15:13 W
1025 barneygumball 9790 5 5 - 0 500 2004-10-27 05:56:55 W
1026 _Dune_ 10482 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-20 03:42:56 W
1027 CNC 9776 4 7 - 0 500 2004-10-23 16:35:10 W
1028 Big Daddys Empire 9772 1 6 - 0 500 2004-11-12 20:57:47 W
1029 Big Fat Momma 9774 6 3 - 0 500 2004-11-10 03:43:08 W
1030 Narilka Prime 9787 8 7 - 0 500 2004-11-04 06:35:15 W
1031 king 10060 9 7 - 0 500 2004-11-01 15:46:11 W
1032 infernus 9792 6 5 - 0 500 2004-10-23 16:05:33 W
1033 Belgium 9866 4 2 - 0 500 2004-10-25 17:27:21 W
1034 Carebears 9903 7 3 - 0 500 2004-10-26 23:13:29 W
1035 Imperial Guard 9870 3 9 - 0 500 2004-10-25 21:46:19 W
1036 Scotty 9803 1 3 - 0 500 2004-10-23 21:43:33 W
1037 Acreades 8290 3 3 - 0 500 2004-11-20 12:05:11 W
1038 aurura 9805 6 4 - 0 500 2004-10-23 23:21:48 W
1039 Arno1991 9811 4 4 - 0 500 2004-10-24 00:05:15 W
1040 stooge69 9810 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-24 16:30:16 W
1041 darkness 10152 1 10 - 0 500 2004-11-05 08:35:08 W
1042 Lenkie 9829 5 3 - 0 500 2004-10-24 14:21:28 W
1043 ketih 9874 2 9 - 0 500 2004-11-24 01:13:14 W
1044 madrabbit 9834 5 10 - 0 500 2004-10-24 18:00:01 W
1045 damaged souls 10236 8 10 - 0 500 2004-11-08 19:39:34 W
1046 Gondor 10147 9 3 - 0 500 2004-11-06 00:44:29 W
1047 mig 9223 4 8 - 0 500 2004-10-06 02:37:46 W
1048 zugzug 10109 5 5 - 0 500 2004-11-03 21:21:03 W
1049 marco 9842 2 1 - 0 500 2004-10-24 23:29:07 W
1050 Ceyon 9868 1 3 - 0 500 2004-10-25 19:41:19 W
1051 Osean Empire 10535 7 10 - 0 500 2004-11-26 08:32:24 W
1052 Land 9875 6 6 - 0 500 2004-10-25 23:04:45 W
1053 PQLIO 9926 2 5 - 0 500 2004-10-27 19:10:04 W
1054 Arista 9890 6 5 - 0 500 2004-10-26 09:34:22 W
1055 The Sherbets Empire 9914 3 9 - 0 500 2004-10-28 07:34:37 W
1056 Gama 9891 5 3 - 0 500 2004-10-26 11:36:30 W
1057 dannyharrop 10134 2 1 - 0 500 2004-11-04 18:46:58 W
1058 Ron 10393 3 2 - 0 500 2004-11-14 15:14:14 W
1059 festus 9684 7 9 - 0 500 2004-11-17 14:42:16 W
1060 Deathmonger 10021 2 1 - 0 500 2004-10-30 23:54:00 W
1061 Emerald 9897 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-26 18:27:03 W
1062 mujajo 9967 9 5 - 0 500 2004-10-28 23:23:28 W
1063 knight Empire 9907 1 1 - 0 500 2004-11-02 00:03:50 W
1064 Irken 9904 9 10 - 0 500 2004-10-26 23:47:18 W
1065 Zodrex 9900 1 3 - 0 500 2004-10-26 21:28:17 W
1066 colony satire 9899 9 2 - 0 500 2004-10-26 21:40:56 W
1067 fillard 9069 1 8 - 0 500 2004-10-01 07:20:22 W
1068 Death Vader 10599 6 2 - 0 500 2004-11-24 21:23:52 W
1069 DownLiFe 9901 8 5 - 0 500 2004-10-26 22:16:01 W
1070 Stork 10025 6 9 - 0 500 2004-10-31 01:35:01 W
1071 trdfh 10211 3 4 - 0 500 2004-11-12 22:19:35 W
1072 kroko 10529 1 1 - 0 500 2004-11-21 21:06:02 W
1073 hooden 10335 5 4 - 0 500 2004-11-12 18:26:22 W
1074 Lukoland 9951 10 7 - 0 500 2004-10-28 12:14:01 W
1075 Krall 10216 4 10 - 0 500 2004-11-08 01:49:08 W
1076 IcyForest 8406 2 10 - 0 500 2004-09-07 14:33:29 W
1077 Aku Aku 8407 3 10 - 0 500 2004-10-24 15:46:58 W
1078 Republic of The Death 10219 9 10 - 0 500 2004-11-08 03:07:05 W
1079 auK 9968 2 2 - 0 500 2004-10-29 00:06:46 W
1080 Angband 9963 8 10 - 0 500 2004-10-28 19:44:07 W
1081 RogueMoon 9965 10 10 - 0 500 2004-10-28 22:10:34 W
1082 Dark Zone 9969 6 7 - 0 500 2004-10-29 01:03:14 W
1083 Gilmeryn 10232 8 1 - 0 500 2004-11-08 15:51:24 W
1084 Shadow Wind 10010 2 7 - 0 500 2004-10-30 07:27:06 W
1085 MasterBlaster 10054 10 6 - 0 500 2004-11-01 09:42:14 W
1086 xcxcxc 9984 3 10 - 0 500 2004-11-02 23:28:04 W
1087 ladyanne 10158 9 1 - 0 500 2004-11-07 12:54:46 W
1088 Ezlor 10266 3 5 - 0 500 2004-11-10 00:04:16 W
1089 ur mam version 1 10096 3 4 - 0 500 2004-11-03 03:05:00 W
1090 DarMok 8433 9 3 - 0 500 2004-08-30 16:12:54 W
1091 wuspoo 10218 1 8 - 0 500 2004-11-08 02:40:28 W
1092 Aliens_Bugs 10271 4 3 - 0 500 2004-11-10 01:47:05 W
1093 woutorc 9046 9 8 - 0 500 2004-10-04 22:17:42 W
1094 Muspelheim 8437 6 9 - 0 500 2004-11-24 09:11:55 W
1095 keele 9995 9 2 - 0 500 2004-10-29 21:39:44 W
1096 Zapdos 10403 8 10 - 0 500 2004-11-15 12:33:15 W
1097 Lakers 10007 7 10 - 0 500 2004-11-08 08:20:18 W
1098 The Imperium 10093 7 9 - 0 500 2004-11-02 22:11:29 W
1099 Jacuwfia 9999 10 2 - 0 500 2004-10-29 23:24:41 W
1100 tinus 10067 10 6 - 0 500 2004-11-03 00:01:20 W
1101 Aegis 10004 3 6 - 0 500 2004-10-30 03:48:55 W
1102 Tumerok 10166 2 9 - 0 500 2004-12-08 06:36:33 W
1103 Red Dragon 10148 5 3 - 0 500 2004-11-05 19:37:15 W
1104 jvil 10125 6 9 - 0 500 2004-11-04 08:39:51 W
1105 Taklas 10013 3 1 - 0 500 2004-11-05 05:28:44 W
1106 gary 10101 6 8 - 0 500 2004-11-03 12:26:54 W
1107 opo_stylaz 10015 1 3 - 0 500 2004-11-10 14:56:36 W
1108 Exiodius 10027 10 1 - 0 500 2004-11-05 05:30:57 W
1109 42nd empire 10019 7 3 - 0 500 2004-10-30 21:49:10 W
1110 yardies 10016 2 8 - 0 500 2004-10-30 19:09:24 W
1111 Chaldon 10017 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-11 01:08:51 W
1112 Reknown 10020 10 8 - 0 500 2004-10-30 23:05:27 W
1113 Loebau 10024 8 2 - 0 500 2004-10-31 01:16:49 W
1114 Xero 10384 7 3 - 0 500 2004-11-14 07:48:06 W
1115 Elderage 10225 5 3 - 0 500 2004-11-08 06:23:30 W
1116 starr31 10084 10 4 - 0 500 2004-11-02 10:49:10 W
1117 figerhanker 10405 1 6 - 0 500 2004-11-18 21:45:08 W
1118 Empire of Zuzi 10043 7 6 - 0 500 2004-10-31 19:27:26 W
1119 seerz 10042 4 6 - 0 500 2004-10-31 18:03:17 W
1120 Dire Straits 10073 3 2 - 0 500 2004-11-02 03:09:28 W
1121 Damorian 10081 10 8 - 0 500 2004-11-09 03:42:25 W
1122 Drake 10044 6 10 - 0 500 2004-10-31 21:42:44 W
1123 Drunken Monkey 10326 4 6 - 0 500 2004-11-12 06:33:28 W
1124 TUA 10075 3 5 - 0 500 2004-11-10 14:48:56 W
1125 Starfleet26 10583 10 10 - 0 500 2004-11-24 01:53:16 W
1126 romalex 10052 5 7 - 0 500 2004-11-01 08:34:55 W
1127 Mgccl 10394 10 2 - 0 500 2004-11-24 03:24:30 W
1128 Hippach 10071 8 1 - 0 500 2004-11-02 02:35:40 W
1129 kwm 10070 8 5 - 0 500 2004-11-05 05:25:39 W
1130 Skeleton empire 10261 10 5 - 0 500 2004-11-09 18:25:00 W
1131 Koons 8524 10 6 - 0 500 2004-11-27 03:18:38 W
1132 Space Stormy 10059 7 2 - 0 500 2004-11-01 13:51:24 W
1133 Demonic Horde 8526 5 8 - 0 500 2004-09-02 13:22:14 W
1134 dementra 8527 7 5 - 0 500 2004-10-03 10:41:51 W
1135 Ralin 10061 4 7 - 0 500 2004-11-01 16:11:06 W
1136 Manticore 10066 2 10 - 0 500 2004-11-01 23:43:19 W
1137 Mangna3 10065 3 4 - 0 500 2004-11-06 02:40:43 W
1138 dzrthhzd 8531 6 2 - 0 500 2004-12-09 22:27:13 W
1139 The New Order 10064 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-12 12:36:13 W
1140 France 10215 1 10 - 0 500 2004-11-26 05:01:19 W
1141 DarKneSs_EmpiRe 10068 5 6 - 0 500 2004-11-13 21:41:29 W
1142 the impierium 10115 3 1 - 0 500 2004-11-04 02:07:23 W
1143 Dark Link 10088 10 2 - 0 500 2004-11-02 15:30:56 W
1144 Shard 10089 9 2 - 0 500 2004-11-02 16:13:13 W
1145 Iskar 10171 8 10 - 0 500 2004-11-06 03:02:09 W
1146 GunsNRoses 10105 3 9 - 0 500 2004-11-03 17:52:10 W
1147 Falcon 8554 3 9 - 0 500 2004-09-03 21:31:19 W
1148 Techno 10151 6 10 - 0 500 2004-11-17 13:11:19 W
1149 Barbarian 10756 1 10 - 0 500 2004-12-01 19:51:13 W
1150 Pooppeople 10279 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-10 10:09:32 W
1151 iceland 10139 8 1 - 0 500 2004-11-12 05:42:37 W
1152 Blender 10745 5 4 - 0 500 2004-12-01 06:35:14 W
1153 dunno 10100 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-05 21:20:54 W
1154 Empire of Man 10143 4 3 - 0 500 2004-11-05 02:22:12 W
1155 Chromos 10162 4 3 - 0 500 2004-11-05 22:03:39 W
1156 ShadowsFury 10103 2 5 - 0 500 2004-11-03 14:56:18 W
1157 Jundara 10585 8 10 - 0 500 2004-11-24 03:15:12 W
1158 Jurojin 10102 10 7 - 0 500 2004-11-03 14:21:26 W
1159 cron 10202 2 3 - 0 500 2004-11-08 11:31:41 W
1160 Vatland 10104 8 8 - 0 500 2004-12-08 19:31:37 W
1161 Peteroria 10107 4 10 - 0 500 2004-11-12 12:18:06 W
1162 Peace Keeper 9851 7 2 - 0 500 2004-10-25 06:15:09 W
1163 SwedishBorg 10579 9 3 - 0 500 2004-11-23 23:56:09 W
1164 Timmora 10427 8 8 - 0 500 2004-11-17 04:04:56 W
1165 osdorp 10113 6 10 - 0 500 2004-11-20 20:16:56 W
1166 ROO 10141 10 7 - 0 500 2004-11-05 00:41:17 W
1167 multipledragonthedeath 8576 4 2 - 0 500 2004-09-17 05:34:27 W
1168 Masters Empire 10203 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-07 16:53:09 W
1169 Ildira 10532 3 5 - 0 500 2004-11-22 13:42:45 W
1170 littlelluvatar 10131 3 2 - 0 500 2004-11-04 17:18:35 W
1171 Naboo 8596 7 6 - 0 500 2004-09-05 18:11:31 W
1172 ELYE 10132 4 4 - 0 500 2004-11-04 18:36:55 W
1173 Nas21 10136 5 4 - 0 500 2004-11-09 23:01:57 W
1174 Aquilonia 10399 6 2 - 0 500 2004-11-15 02:26:44 W
1175 Noxx 10604 2 10 - 0 500 2004-11-30 05:54:15 W
1176 markus 10142 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-05 01:41:53 W
1177 test 8619 8 7 - 0 500 2004-09-07 10:52:14 W
1178 casper 8620 4 2 - 0 500 2004-10-20 10:28:41 W
1179 warlover2005 10173 6 9 - 0 500 2004-11-06 05:23:00 W
1180 mustafa 10778 7 1 - 0 500 2004-12-02 17:51:15 W
1181 ffffffffffff 9828 9 1 - 0 500 2004-10-29 00:19:40 W
1182 Angelykius 9067 8 1 - 0 500 2004-12-04 02:59:56 W
1183 hazrics 10198 7 7 - 0 500 2004-11-10 07:06:25 W
1184 DarkShadow 8632 9 8 - 0 500 2004-10-13 09:23:48 W
1185 darth63 10249 8 3 - 0 500 2004-11-23 09:43:05 W
1186 Kokomo 9873 7 6 - 0 500 2004-11-03 00:59:01 W
1187 Wazoo 10494 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-20 10:14:46 W
1188 Glostinic 10178 2 7 - 0 500 2004-11-06 21:52:27 W
1189 ChampionJ 8646 3 5 - 0 500 2004-10-01 03:10:30 W
1190 yuckfou 10557 6 4 - 0 500 2004-11-26 02:49:26 W
1191 benfica 10185 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-07 00:26:31 W
1192 ithicia 10200 7 8 - 0 500 2004-11-07 11:02:20 W
1193 Doveplay 9107 2 6 - 0 500 2004-10-29 11:30:07 W
1194 CocteauTwins 10194 3 9 - 0 500 2004-11-07 08:38:47 W
1195 KampfSchlumpf 10193 4 3 - 0 500 2004-11-07 08:34:47 W
1196 psychowarzonehouse 10195 6 6 - 0 500 2004-11-07 09:16:30 W
1197 GothicKnight 8663 2 6 - 0 500 2004-11-12 09:53:13 W
1198 Pangeo 10446 1 6 - 0 500 2004-11-18 02:50:28 W
1199 adamswifty 10205 1 7 - 0 500 2004-11-07 18:44:20 W
1200 Mini 9045 7 3 - 0 500 2004-10-01 03:20:39 W
1201 add 8667 7 10 - 0 500 2004-10-03 13:09:36 W
1202 THE ORDER 10222 2 2 - 0 500 2004-11-12 05:51:16 W
1203 Alpha. Sq 10305 10 4 - 0 500 2004-11-11 18:14:38 W
1204 KAP 10465 6 4 - 0 500 2004-12-07 20:49:16 W
1205 pokey 10611 9 9 - 0 500 2004-11-25 13:58:03 W
1206 007 10244 6 6 - 0 500 2004-11-08 23:25:47 W
1207 Galakto Joss 10237 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-08 19:48:18 W
1208 StarCraft 10235 8 9 - 0 500 2004-11-08 23:14:28 W
1209 The Atomic Federation 8694 10 2 - 0 500 2004-10-04 18:06:40 W
1210 stupid 10538 1 5 - 0 500 2004-11-22 06:45:04 W
1211 lol 10241 8 1 - 0 500 2004-11-08 22:45:00 W
1212 Juedi 10458 9 8 - 0 500 2004-11-18 23:32:33 W
1213 Franeker 10395 2 5 - 0 500 2004-11-14 20:21:27 W
1214 muchroom empire 10239 7 2 - 0 500 2004-11-18 01:00:12 W
1215 Telgar 10245 3 7 - 0 500 2004-11-22 22:27:56 W
1216 Dumb6 10483 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-20 03:37:25 W
1217 Sha 8719 9 2 - 0 500 2004-09-10 23:26:48 W
1218 Goos 10267 8 1 - 0 500 2004-11-10 00:02:04 W
1219 Empiria 10270 10 6 - 0 500 2004-11-15 19:41:47 W
1220 666BaD 10269 8 6 - 0 500 2004-11-26 15:11:44 W
1221 Killer 10286 2 5 - 0 500 2004-11-11 01:10:36 W
1222 Xixi 10281 2 5 - 0 500 2004-11-10 12:06:54 W
1223 stripkill 8726 10 2 - 0 500 2004-09-18 07:32:49 W
1224 khatoum 10416 6 7 - 0 500 2004-12-02 15:19:24 W
1225 metal gear 10337 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-25 08:07:52 W
1226 manolith 10425 7 4 - 0 500 2004-11-18 03:55:17 W
1227 the shadows 10285 1 9 - 0 500 2004-11-10 17:57:09 W
1228 thekemi 10287 10 7 - 0 500 2004-11-10 20:35:48 W
1229 game9831 10292 7 8 - 0 500 2004-11-11 01:01:00 W
1230 Omega 10291 10 5 - 0 500 2004-11-11 01:00:53 W
1231 Leffers 10294 1 9 - 0 500 2004-11-11 02:16:57 W
1232 Varus 10290 3 3 - 0 500 2004-11-14 06:20:40 W
1233 talonns eyrie 10308 10 4 - 0 500 2004-11-11 19:01:35 W
1234 slag 10318 9 4 - 0 500 2004-11-19 01:05:56 W
1235 Darbu 10312 9 3 - 0 500 2004-11-12 12:31:28 W
1236 Paradice 10313 2 2 - 0 500 2004-11-12 00:05:43 W
1237 swimgod alliance 10315 2 8 - 0 500 2004-11-17 05:32:20 W
1238 fgg 10534 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-22 02:44:05 W
1239 HellsDen 8986 2 10 - 0 500 2004-11-16 00:33:22 W
1240 Nichei 10334 4 4 - 0 500 2004-11-12 18:16:22 W
1241 Simple 10336 2 7 - 0 500 2004-11-25 09:36:05 W
1242 space conquest 10343 7 6 - 0 500 2004-11-18 01:13:42 W
1243 DuxoEmpire 8796 7 5 - 0 500 2004-09-17 13:29:46 W
1244 Bajor 10373 3 3 - 0 500 2004-11-16 00:19:26 W
1245 Teranis 8798 6 4 - 0 500 2004-09-16 12:33:58 W
1246 Illeusis 10396 2 10 - 0 500 2004-11-14 20:52:10 W
1247 dogs 10624 7 6 - 0 500 2004-11-26 04:30:43 W
1248 y0shiville 9896 5 3 - 0 500 2004-11-04 14:12:32 W
1249 Urrel 10407 8 4 - 0 500 2004-11-24 00:58:40 W
1250 mkb1 8841 10 1 - 0 500 2004-10-10 02:23:41 W
1251 Ugopatamia 10430 5 10 - 0 500 2004-11-17 08:36:03 W
1252 Bison 10429 2 3 - 0 500 2004-11-17 06:17:56 W
1253 PsychoSick 10422 8 5 - 0 500 2004-11-16 21:31:50 W
1254 Chaos kingdom 9580 6 1 - 0 500 2004-10-17 06:06:09 W
1255 darkcato 10444 2 2 - 0 500 2004-11-18 01:01:07 W
1256 kill 10450 8 1 - 0 500 2004-11-18 06:38:57 W
1257 StatticX 10451 1 4 - 0 500 2004-11-25 03:33:56 W
1258 dradian 10485 3 6 - 0 500 2004-11-20 04:28:05 W
1259 Trashcan 9220 7 10 - 0 500 2004-11-24 03:59:51 W
1260 G00D 10464 7 4 - 0 500 2004-11-19 04:01:28 W
1261 Master Riders 10456 6 10 - 0 500 2004-11-18 18:28:57 W
1262 vogons 10610 7 8 - 0 500 2004-11-25 13:20:40 W
1263 EI 10457 10 1 - 0 500 2004-11-18 21:54:34 W
1264 Bobdude 8916 3 9 - 0 500 2004-10-18 02:53:39 W
1265 Hyperion 8928 10 10 - 0 500 2004-09-21 23:47:26 W
1266 Hapes 10473 5 2 - 0 500 2004-11-24 20:05:38 W
1267 Red Moon 10474 2 8 - 0 500 2004-11-22 03:27:03 W
1268 Icthyosia 9869 8 2 - 0 500 2004-10-26 21:01:54 W
1269 Canyon 10484 10 8 - 0 500 2004-11-20 03:41:56 W
1270 Eranu 8934 2 7 - 0 500 2004-10-13 19:39:18 W
1271 firestorm 10476 6 5 - 0 500 2004-11-19 21:34:19 W
1272 Mixty 10480 8 7 - 0 500 2004-11-20 08:29:08 W
1273 pal899 10477 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-19 23:38:46 W
1274 Razack 8938 3 1 - 0 500 2004-11-23 01:40:54 W
1275 dudes 10479 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-20 01:09:25 W
1276 bengy 10503 2 2 - 0 500 2004-11-20 17:59:23 W
1277 brb 10519 1 2 - 0 500 2004-11-23 08:36:17 W
1278 Zmallfry 10612 8 5 - 0 500 2004-11-25 20:09:45 W
1279 Turtlelips 10877 7 7 - 0 500 2004-12-06 05:07:12 W
1280 the voth 8969 2 5 - 0 500 2004-09-22 17:14:36 W
1281 Kommissar 8981 2 5 - 0 500 2004-11-25 22:34:54 W
1282 Tamriel 8984 8 10 - 0 500 2004-11-08 01:52:36 W
1283 syrtis 9003 4 8 - 0 500 2004-11-04 20:54:17 W
1284 wilde 10601 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-24 22:05:48 W
1285 The MOnkeymen 10501 10 4 - 0 500 2004-11-23 11:18:31 W
1286 Grayal 10615 8 9 - 0 500 2004-11-25 19:52:38 W
1287 Darius Consortium 10618 4 9 - 0 500 2004-11-28 02:52:10 W
1288 Fenix 10926 1 7 - 0 500 2004-12-08 10:18:21 W
1289 Ra 9464 1 4 - 0 500 2004-10-13 14:22:11 W
1290 WorldWar2 10639 3 6 - 0 500 2004-11-26 21:09:23 W
1291 Donnage 10638 2 6 - 0 500 2004-11-29 22:53:39 W
1292 Cinosanap 10640 2 9 - 0 500 2004-11-26 23:42:06 W
1293 Phaete 10753 3 6 - 0 500 2004-12-01 18:13:53 W
1294 Chaos Incarnate 9447 9 10 - 0 500 2004-10-12 23:58:50 W
1295 umberogen 9097 2 8 - 0 500 2004-10-30 12:09:15 W
1296 Wallinius 9098 2 4 - 0 500 2004-10-26 16:51:56 W
1297 Infaria 10692 5 4 - 0 500 2004-11-29 01:19:58 W
1298 Jado 9501 4 6 - 0 500 2004-10-16 04:36:21 W
1299 battle 10062 9 4 - 0 500 2004-11-01 20:08:18 W
1300 Big Boobs 9695 7 4 - 0 500 2004-10-20 22:01:18 W
1301 NOOB 9125 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-15 00:48:57 W
1302 ForbiddenLand 9127 9 3 - 0 500 2004-09-30 23:30:50 W
1303 avent2099 9144 10 9 - 0 500 2004-10-14 14:10:32 W
1304 scorpia 9145 4 5 - 0 500 2004-10-16 15:30:41 W
1305 S.A.M.U.El.K 9164 1 6 - 0 500 2004-10-09 13:12:51 W
1306 Malakhai 10238 8 8 - 0 500 2004-11-08 21:30:40 W
1307 moppy 9610 6 6 - 0 500 2004-10-18 07:56:09 W
1308 Zerons 9169 8 6 - 0 500 2004-10-11 22:51:32 W
1309 Dalwin 9949 5 3 - 0 500 2004-10-28 07:50:44 W
1310 Svinak 10782 3 3 - 0 500 2004-12-02 20:02:10 W
1311 Neokaramanoko 9496 10 10 - 0 500 2004-10-15 00:22:11 W
1312 Ulster 9472 8 6 - 0 500 2004-10-13 22:41:17 W
1313 Luvtron 9231 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-09 06:45:20 W
1314 Vreel 10829 6 8 - 0 500 2004-12-04 09:06:57 W
1315 catrachos 9519 1 3 - 0 500 2004-10-15 12:32:29 W
1316 BSV Barrier 10963 8 1 - 0 500 2004-12-09 18:22:28 W
1317 Antares Protectorate 9240 7 3 - 0 500 2004-10-29 03:34:50 W
1318 Carrick 9242 7 6 - 0 500 2004-11-02 19:19:38 W
1319 Samuri 9243 8 10 - 0 500 2004-10-15 21:35:20 W
1320 Deneb Confederation 9244 2 1 - 0 500 2004-10-29 15:27:56 W
1321 resurection 9245 5 7 - 0 500 2004-11-18 21:34:40 W
1322 Ironmaiden 9247 4 9 - 0 500 2004-10-08 10:13:57 W
1323 Solamnia 9248 1 8 - 0 500 2004-10-29 00:11:21 W
1324 VV 9264 3 3 - 0 500 2004-10-14 01:49:00 W
1325 Carenth 9265 1 10 - 0 500 2004-11-27 10:58:23 W
1326 Steeler Land 9268 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-12 23:03:30 W
1327 Eldian 9270 7 6 - 0 500 2004-11-02 21:30:32 W
1328 Swuit 9563 2 3 - 0 500 2004-10-16 23:22:30 W
1329 Maltese Empire 9273 6 2 - 0 500 2004-10-06 22:09:25 W
1330 titontar 9299 4 3 - 0 500 2004-10-18 00:23:38 W
1331 Midgar 10901 10 8 - 0 500 2004-12-07 06:19:18 W
1332 Grandmoto 9612 4 4 - 0 500 2004-10-29 23:18:13 W
1333 fly607 9619 4 1 - 0 500 2004-10-18 13:01:43 W
1334 lennard 10955 5 8 - 0 500 2004-12-09 13:12:20 W
1335 HELL FIRE 10209 6 3 - 0 500 2004-11-07 22:15:11 W
1336 dufreakazoidmb 9329 8 7 - 0 500 2004-10-11 14:06:30 W
1337 Striv to Conquer 10460 1 5 - 0 500 2004-11-19 01:04:44 W
1338 Absalons World 9333 8 6 - 0 500 2004-11-20 05:43:36 W
1339 Wilds Hold 9334 4 7 - 0 500 2004-10-30 17:53:57 W
1340 wrestlers 9628 3 5 - 0 500 2004-10-18 23:15:34 W
1341 Godsend 9338 9 4 - 0 500 2004-11-09 11:13:22 W
1342 mr. incredable 10956 4 8 - 0 500 2004-12-09 13:37:35 W
1343 DeathofDOom 9343 2 7 - 0 500 2004-10-08 23:59:22 W
1344 marikrulzall 9358 8 9 - 0 500 2004-10-09 10:33:04 W
1345 Kitasia 9361 2 6 - 0 500 2004-10-09 11:59:42 W
1346 Maladmental Domnion 10247 7 5 - 0 500 2004-11-09 02:57:58 W
1347 The Psychotic 9371 4 10 - 0 500 2004-10-26 21:12:28 W
1348 Marja 10943 6 3 - 0 500 2004-12-09 04:19:44 W
1349 domination 9394 2 4 - 0 500 2004-10-28 03:29:30 W
1350 Kornykindaguy 9395 4 2 - 0 500 2004-10-24 03:57:29 W
1351 Galbadia 10965 1 6 - 0 500 2004-12-09 21:33:41 W
1352 thebaptist 9777 1 5 - 0 500 2004-10-22 23:38:21 W
1353 abhishek 9445 1 10 - 0 500 2004-10-12 13:59:44 W
1354 Earthlings 9450 9 1 - 0 500 2004-10-12 21:03:00 W
1355 Diamonds 9451 1 7 - 0 500 2004-10-28 00:05:22 W
1356 motar 9773 5 7 - 0 500 2004-10-22 23:28:02 W
1357 Teraton 9456 3 3 - 0 500 2004-10-13 01:33:10 W
1358 Orks 9457 6 6 - 0 500 2004-10-13 04:07:02 W
1359 Muzza 9459 7 4 - 0 500 2004-10-13 06:41:15 W
1360 will 9460 7 1 - 0 500 2004-10-13 06:21:19 W
1361 Kchad 9461 5 7 - 0 500 2004-10-13 07:55:07 W
1362 kxor 9470 7 9 - 0 500 2004-10-29 22:42:55 W
1363 Blah 9858 2 2 - 0 500 2004-10-25 08:10:17 W
1364 boogieq 9473 4 1 - 0 500 2004-10-13 23:18:40 W
1365 MpChops 9474 6 4 - 0 500 2004-10-14 00:07:18 W
1366 Zehres 9479 6 3 - 0 500 2004-10-14 06:24:41 W
1367 Wang 9480 8 6 - 0 500 2004-10-14 07:07:32 W
1368 hell bound 9481 4 5 - 0 500 2004-10-14 08:07:27 W
1369 Mint 9488 7 3 - 0 500 2004-10-14 19:43:11 W
1370 Deus Irae 9489 4 2 - 0 500 2004-10-14 18:58:11 W
1371 Tiberias 9841 2 10 - 0 500 2004-10-24 21:34:00 W
1372 SHODAN 9491 6 10 - 0 500 2004-10-14 20:25:12 W
1373 Syzygia 9493 5 10 - 0 500 2004-10-14 23:27:17 W
1374 Brubaker 9495 3 2 - 0 500 2004-10-14 23:39:43 W
1375 Greater Faydark 9498 9 9 - 0 500 2004-10-15 00:19:54 W
1376 Gaminghq 9499 8 8 - 0 500 2004-10-17 07:24:58 W
1377 Darkstone 9500 5 2 - 0 500 2004-10-15 00:32:16 W
1378 Zaphra 9504 6 1 - 0 500 2004-10-15 04:09:17 W
1379 Sulasca 9505 7 5 - 0 500 2004-10-15 04:14:49 W
1380 EKILLER 10121 4 8 - 0 500 2004-11-18 06:39:13 W
1381 qwq 9507 6 2 - 0 500 2004-10-15 04:37:05 W
1382 logy999 10445 1 9 - 0 500 2004-11-18 02:02:05 W
1383 jlittle318 9509 3 8 - 0 500 2004-10-21 08:32:45 W
1384 The Lost Empire 9511 10 9 - 0 500 2004-10-15 07:08:35 W
1385 New Yorkk 9512 6 2 - 0 500 2004-10-15 07:45:53 W
1386 SteelWolf 9514 6 2 - 0 500 2004-10-15 09:26:21 W
1387 Blothar 9515 1 4 - 0 500 2004-10-15 09:58:20 W
1388 DSR 9516 7 4 - 0 500 2004-10-15 10:31:11 W
1389 Exorcism 9517 4 6 - 0 500 2004-10-15 12:52:20 W
1390 Krastowitz 10792 7 7 - 0 500 2004-12-03 06:21:12 W
1391 Bonecrusher 9893 3 8 - 0 500 2004-10-26 14:17:56 W
1392 CactusCorp 9521 8 9 - 0 500 2004-10-16 04:39:29 W
1393 astro 9522 9 3 - 0 500 2004-10-15 15:19:54 W
1394 Iriinar 10189 8 4 - 0 500 2004-11-12 21:07:05 W
1395 chipanias 9953 8 4 - 0 500 2004-10-28 12:22:51 W
1396 Selmak 9526 7 6 - 0 500 2004-11-22 21:38:31 W
1397 fable 9529 9 10 - 0 500 2004-10-15 19:59:00 W
1398 Lamer 9532 3 8 - 0 500 2004-10-15 22:37:45 W
1399 switchin 9880 3 4 - 0 500 2004-11-18 07:08:44 W
1400 turky 9538 5 1 - 0 500 2004-10-16 02:31:49 W
1401 butt monkeys 9541 4 5 - 0 500 2004-10-16 04:41:18 W
1402 Verleo 9542 3 1 - 0 500 2004-10-16 04:44:49 W
1403 SpaceAlien 9546 1 10 - 0 500 2004-10-24 03:55:09 W
1404 gizzers 9895 5 1 - 0 500 2004-10-26 17:54:31 W
1405 JediEmpire 9554 4 3 - 0 500 2004-10-16 17:39:43 W
1406 Thermaltake 9556 8 4 - 0 500 2004-10-16 17:47:35 W
1407 HarlemWorld 9557 8 7 - 0 500 2004-10-16 18:07:46 W
1408 fighergo 10213 5 4 - 0 500 2004-11-08 00:11:17 W
1409 Bardoth 9564 3 5 - 0 500 2004-10-18 06:24:51 W
1410 Dragon realm 9905 2 6 - 0 500 2004-10-27 01:30:07 W
1411 Bumzaenosis 9566 3 6 - 0 500 2004-10-25 23:07:20 W
1412 virtualdoom 9909 3 10 - 0 500 2004-10-27 03:35:40 W
1413 dreadnaught9 9568 2 5 - 0 500 2004-10-17 02:02:49 W
1414 uh 9908 2 1 - 0 500 2004-10-27 03:24:07 W
1415 hohos 9570 3 6 - 0 500 2004-10-17 03:18:18 W
1416 Helion Confederacy 9571 9 3 - 0 500 2004-10-17 03:13:27 W
1417 Everlasting 9572 1 7 - 0 500 2004-10-18 04:18:36 W
1418 Drago 9573 6 9 - 0 500 2004-10-17 03:34:30 W
1419 Ahzmadeus 9574 9 8 - 0 500 2004-10-24 05:05:17 W
1420 death angles 9576 5 1 - 0 500 2004-10-26 00:12:03 W
1421 Titano 9911 6 7 - 0 500 2004-10-27 04:59:27 W
1422 miccorhizae 9586 2 9 - 0 500 2004-10-17 11:50:33 W
1423 Scubas 9587 4 1 - 0 500 2004-10-17 12:58:25 W
1424 Lack 9588 6 2 - 0 500 2004-10-17 14:09:04 W
1425 Andalite 9590 1 7 - 0 500 2004-10-17 20:37:27 W
1426 mightyjoe 9592 4 1 - 0 500 2004-10-17 19:25:37 W
1427 Ryantopia 9593 4 5 - 0 500 2004-10-25 23:40:07 W
1428 Total Annihilation 9598 8 9 - 0 500 2004-10-17 23:41:44 W
1429 Ariel 9599 10 5 - 0 500 2004-10-18 00:13:25 W
1430 jol 9600 1 3 - 0 500 2004-10-18 00:18:17 W
1431 KREW 9601 2 7 - 0 500 2004-10-18 00:23:43 W
1432 andorians 9603 10 1 - 0 500 2004-10-22 00:57:39 W
1433 Koogan 9607 7 1 - 0 500 2004-10-18 04:58:03 W
1434 fightspirit 9608 5 10 - 0 500 2004-10-18 05:22:42 W
1435 Rapid 9616 1 1 - 0 500 2004-10-18 10:32:46 W
1436 nameless 9617 1 9 - 0 500 2004-10-19 22:21:15 W
1437 jake420 9620 9 5 - 0 500 2004-10-18 12:58:07 W
1438 YRP 9622 6 5 - 0 500 2004-10-18 16:44:01 W
1439 nickfox 9633 10 2 - 0 500 2004-10-19 02:53:16 W
1440 peanuts 9976 5 10 - 0 500 2004-10-31 20:04:25 W
1441 pawns 9636 7 5 - 0 500 2004-11-14 07:46:27 W
1442 griggle 9981 7 9 - 0 500 2004-10-29 09:33:26 W
1443 no life 9644 1 10 - 0 500 2004-10-19 23:59:19 W
1444 lord moldey but 9645 4 9 - 0 500 2004-10-29 09:25:44 W
1445 Jeth 9649 1 4 - 0 500 2004-10-27 21:22:28 W
1446 moomins 10079 9 10 - 0 500 2004-11-03 17:48:17 W
1447 112211me 9983 3 10 - 0 500 2004-10-29 11:40:53 W
1448 Randomworld 9668 5 7 - 0 500 2004-10-20 06:46:31 W
1449 Zarkonica 10206 8 7 - 0 500 2004-11-07 19:05:38 W
1450 ooer 9670 6 6 - 0 500 2004-10-20 04:36:12 W
1451 Zinon 9671 8 4 - 0 500 2004-11-02 00:16:22 W
1452 Feuredia 9674 10 3 - 0 500 2004-10-20 05:25:04 W
1453 dum dum 9675 8 1 - 0 500 2004-11-01 00:38:07 W
1454 Kal 9676 10 7 - 0 500 2004-11-12 07:24:40 W
1455 Final Fantasy World 9677 9 4 - 0 500 2004-10-26 06:13:38 W
1456 WeStCyDeRs 9681 3 10 - 0 500 2004-10-20 12:13:52 W
1457 Republic 10208 5 9 - 0 500 2004-11-07 21:11:45 W
1458 FWO 9683 8 10 - 0 500 2004-10-31 00:42:40 W
1459 Dalmighty 9687 1 8 - 0 500 2004-10-28 07:10:28 W
1460 The Chaos Kingdom 9688 2 4 - 0 500 2004-10-20 16:58:12 W
1461 O Maoilirain 9689 2 2 - 0 500 2004-11-01 02:41:59 W
1462 Andoria 9690 9 4 - 0 500 2004-10-29 16:01:41 W
1463 realz 9693 5 4 - 0 500 2004-10-20 21:51:52 W
1464 Skeet 9694 8 6 - 0 500 2004-11-02 22:09:26 W
1465 bs land 9696 10 2 - 0 500 2004-10-22 07:00:07 W
1466 FighterLand 9697 7 8 - 0 500 2004-10-22 18:31:41 W
1467 Middle_Earth 9698 3 6 - 0 500 2004-10-21 04:34:30 W
1468 Bowmanville 9699 7 1 - 0 500 2004-10-21 00:37:01 W
1469 kunis 9700 7 8 - 0 500 2004-10-20 23:56:53 W
1470 Askalon 10264 5 8 - 0 500 2004-11-09 22:07:55 W
1471 Centurion 9706 6 3 - 0 500 2004-10-21 02:17:19 W
1472 grumpyold2 9707 5 6 - 0 500 2004-10-21 02:56:57 W
1473 Wurm 9709 9 2 - 0 500 2004-10-27 22:00:42 W
1474 qwert 9710 6 7 - 0 500 2004-10-23 21:04:54 W
1475 Juarezynth 9711 1 4 - 0 500 2004-10-23 05:31:13 W
1476 Juniper 9713 3 1 - 0 500 2004-10-21 06:49:48 W
1477 Unitopia 9715 7 2 - 0 500 2004-10-21 07:38:21 W
1478 Serpent Bane 9716 7 4 - 0 500 2004-10-29 10:37:20 W
1479 0ptikanus 9717 6 10 - 0 500 2004-10-21 08:48:05 W
1480 bob 10039 6 9 - 0 500 2004-10-31 12:26:04 W
1481 woot 9719 5 5 - 0 500 2004-10-21 10:26:47 W
1482 Post Mortem 9720 9 4 - 0 500 2004-10-21 12:39:52 W
1483 Midnight 9721 5 2 - 0 500 2004-10-21 12:42:25 W
1484 Crystalline 10301 10 10 - 0 500 2004-11-12 05:53:21 W
1485 Osiris 10082 6 10 - 0 500 2004-11-10 19:02:46 W
1486 torabora 9729 4 10 - 0 500 2004-10-21 16:56:20 W
1487 star wars 10046 5 9 - 0 500 2004-10-31 22:59:34 W
1488 Krylor 9732 10 2 - 0 500 2004-10-21 19:47:51 W
1489 Haskonia 9733 10 5 - 0 500 2004-10-21 20:28:18 W
1490 Gren Protectorate 9738 4 3 - 0 500 2004-10-21 23:09:42 W
1491 eidahlb 9739 1 4 - 0 500 2004-10-22 00:10:55 W
1492 Dani 9740 7 6 - 0 500 2004-10-29 09:58:11 W
1493 __x1__ 9741 7 7 - 0 500 2004-10-22 00:52:08 W
1494 crimson 9743 3 1 - 0 500 2004-10-22 02:43:30 W
1495 MIJN 9745 5 6 - 0 500 2004-10-22 03:45:39 W
1496 darkslayer2001 9747 10 4 - 0 500 2004-10-22 04:33:41 W
1497 ace_007007 9748 4 1 - 0 500 2004-10-22 04:39:58 W
1498 Draconians 9749 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-26 02:13:27 W
1499 bartendermonkeys 9751 9 9 - 0 500 2004-10-22 05:07:07 W
1500 Tzentsu 10055 10 5 - 0 500 2004-11-01 09:52:57 W
1501 Walnut Hills 9753 6 4 - 0 500 2004-10-22 06:06:01 W
1502 Courtrrom 9754 9 9 - 0 500 2004-10-22 06:35:28 W
1503 Demonlord 9758 5 3 - 0 500 2004-10-23 08:47:57 W
1504 battleton 9759 3 8 - 0 500 2004-10-22 09:43:06 W
1505 go go man 10504 9 9 - 0 500 2004-11-20 19:14:30 W
1506 DOA99 9761 9 4 - 0 500 2004-10-29 07:16:14 W
1507 Bartelby 9771 5 9 - 0 500 2004-10-22 19:06:37 W
1508 Crogy 9778 10 1 - 0 500 2004-10-22 23:49:03 W
1509 Dominion 9781 7 8 - 0 500 2004-10-24 04:04:13 W
1510 Eaief 9791 7 4 - 0 500 2004-10-23 14:32:24 W
1511 ISDF 9793 5 10 - 0 500 2004-10-23 16:23:50 W
1512 Ultama 9794 5 3 - 0 500 2004-10-23 16:46:59 W
1513 lockhaven 10172 3 6 - 0 500 2004-12-03 10:07:10 W
1514 Hades 10092 9 6 - 0 500 2004-11-02 18:16:46 W
1515 the Empire 9797 5 4 - 0 500 2004-10-30 08:31:13 W
1516 skilagon 9798 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-05 23:16:27 W
1517 NeverLand 9800 1 8 - 0 500 2004-11-17 07:09:34 W
1518 Ze empire of Fritz 9801 1 10 - 0 500 2004-10-23 20:08:53 W
1519 FrozenWasteland 9802 10 10 - 0 500 2004-10-26 13:19:38 W
1520 matty 9806 1 1 - 0 500 2004-10-24 05:03:26 W
1521 Ireland 9807 2 1 - 0 500 2004-10-23 23:48:27 W
1522 kings of chaos 9808 7 9 - 0 500 2004-10-23 23:51:24 W
1523 silentshadow562 9809 8 4 - 0 500 2004-10-24 00:07:06 W
1524 themighty 9812 10 3 - 0 500 2004-10-24 23:44:46 W
1525 BLOOP BLOOP 10094 1 4 - 0 500 2004-11-03 01:09:58 W
1526 Lanei 10260 4 3 - 0 500 2004-11-12 21:02:10 W
1527 rogerk 9820 7 7 - 0 500 2004-10-26 21:04:26 W
1528 Deadly Bastards 10099 1 3 - 0 500 2004-11-16 20:50:29 W
1529 The Crusaders 9824 3 2 - 0 500 2004-11-02 02:50:45 W
1530 Caxias 9825 7 7 - 0 500 2004-11-10 10:20:26 W
1531 Pharasee 9832 7 6 - 0 500 2004-10-24 14:59:24 W
1532 woohooo 10106 5 9 - 0 500 2004-11-03 19:28:54 W
1533 alynsmekeru 10110 1 7 - 0 500 2004-11-03 22:20:13 W
1534 Chiclins 10210 7 9 - 0 500 2004-11-07 22:24:49 W
1535 imperial neopets 9839 6 5 - 0 500 2004-10-28 05:45:28 W
1536 Sting 9840 9 10 - 0 500 2004-10-24 21:04:08 W
1537 isnochys 9844 7 10 - 0 500 2004-10-24 23:57:28 W
1538 GOD 9848 4 7 - 0 500 2004-10-25 03:58:09 W
1539 finalX 9855 3 1 - 0 500 2004-10-25 07:05:39 W
1540 bong 9856 10 6 - 0 500 2004-10-25 07:07:15 W
1541 freedom 10226 9 3 - 0 500 2004-11-08 08:29:35 W
1542 yadda yadda 9860 9 5 - 0 500 2004-10-25 09:13:37 W
1543 Roman 9861 3 6 - 0 500 2004-10-25 09:16:07 W
1544 Steesonites 9862 8 1 - 0 500 2004-10-25 09:49:52 W
1545 Dun Dun Dun 9863 6 6 - 0 500 2004-11-25 15:29:21 W
1546 cuz 9864 1 7 - 0 500 2004-10-25 09:58:05 W
1547 Kalvatia 9877 2 4 - 0 500 2004-10-29 12:59:14 W
1548 Links Conquest 10609 10 1 - 0 500 2004-11-25 13:59:08 W
1549 Domain of Malus 9934 2 10 - 0 500 2004-10-28 00:31:41 W
1550 cj 10508 1 9 - 0 500 2004-11-21 00:21:33 W
1551 pit scorpion 9938 4 8 - 0 500 2004-11-13 06:49:24 W
1552 bad 9939 3 4 - 0 500 2004-10-29 07:03:21 W
1553 Zus 9943 1 4 - 0 500 2004-11-06 04:11:11 W
1554 The Elite Kingdom. 10192 10 1 - 0 500 2004-11-07 07:32:20 W
1555 Jasonia 9948 9 9 - 0 500 2004-10-28 06:44:47 W
1556 Dusk 10268 4 6 - 0 500 2004-11-10 00:01:01 W
1557 Aqua Teen Hunger Force 10217 8 2 - 0 500 2004-11-08 02:04:25 W
1558 hhhhhhhhhhhhh 9971 3 6 - 0 500 2004-10-29 02:44:13 W
1559 frek 9973 7 8 - 0 500 2004-10-29 04:11:15 W
1560 HRDKoRE 9974 7 1 - 0 500 2004-10-29 04:47:33 W
1561 Red XIII 9975 6 1 - 0 500 2004-10-29 04:52:50 W
1562 rath 9996 4 8 - 0 500 2004-10-29 21:57:24 W
1563 sandy1 9997 10 7 - 0 500 2004-10-29 22:00:19 W
1564 BAHLiberationFront 9998 9 8 - 0 500 2004-10-29 23:16:48 W
1565 wyvern 10090 3 6 - 0 500 2004-11-10 07:05:18 W
1566 Nobby 10091 10 7 - 0 500 2004-11-02 17:18:12 W
1567 safariguy 10177 7 3 - 0 500 2004-11-11 20:17:12 W
1568 oliver91 10180 5 7 - 0 500 2004-11-06 12:24:59 W
1569 Overlord 10289 8 3 - 0 500 2004-11-10 22:40:13 W
1570 mice 10513 2 2 - 0 500 2004-11-21 05:30:48 W
1571 Galadar 10327 6 9 - 0 500 2004-11-12 07:41:17 W
1572 FooBar 10329 4 10 - 0 500 2004-11-15 00:54:00 W
1573 call to duty 10340 9 4 - 0 500 2004-11-12 21:50:20 W
1574 Burnout 10341 5 7 - 0 500 2004-11-25 09:38:14 W
1575 Rachet 10342 5 2 - 0 500 2004-11-21 22:56:14 W
1576 Time crisis 10344 3 6 - 0 500 2004-11-18 00:21:31 W
1577 hullu 10554 10 5 - 0 500 2004-11-23 01:01:49 W
1578 halo2 10347 7 3 - 0 500 2004-11-18 00:58:28 W
1579 jeunnesse nord 10349 3 6 - 0 500 2004-11-12 22:19:35 W
1580 Pars 10350 5 10 - 0 500 2004-11-12 22:35:59 W
1581 Skipton 10351 7 8 - 0 500 2004-11-13 18:39:28 W
1582 Twente 10352 9 2 - 0 500 2004-11-13 00:04:28 W
1583 Moe Sizlacq 10353 6 7 - 0 500 2004-11-13 01:04:03 W
1584 Elders Place 10354 6 7 - 0 500 2004-11-13 00:37:35 W
1585 Hussars 10355 3 1 - 0 500 2004-11-25 09:09:54 W
1586 Maha 10357 3 8 - 0 500 2004-11-17 18:55:30 W
1587 Matster 10358 2 4 - 0 500 2004-11-13 03:34:49 W
1588 peaben 10359 4 1 - 0 500 2004-11-16 19:58:00 W
1589 INOLI 10360 1 6 - 0 500 2004-11-20 13:23:20 W
1590 StrikerWolf 10361 10 3 - 0 500 2004-11-13 05:32:22 W
1591 venute 10365 5 1 - 0 500 2004-11-13 09:15:56 W
1592 T_H_E_O 10378 2 4 - 0 500 2004-11-14 02:13:29 W
1593 starla 10379 5 9 - 0 500 2004-11-14 02:41:34 W
1594 Pandion Knights 10397 8 1 - 0 500 2004-11-15 23:57:00 W
1595 Zen 10439 9 1 - 0 500 2004-11-17 17:53:29 W
1596 The Bleh Clan 10526 2 2 - 0 500 2004-11-21 13:15:26 W
1597 andebu 10530 7 7 - 0 500 2004-11-21 21:35:31 W
1598 black legion 10531 8 3 - 0 500 2004-11-21 21:36:51 W
1599 Gifford 10562 5 4 - 0 500 2004-11-23 15:47:25 W
1600 Geo Technics 10564 4 4 - 0 500 2004-11-23 06:32:44 W
1601 the fox 10565 8 6 - 0 500 2004-11-23 10:08:45 W
1602 Hendersonville 10566 3 4 - 0 500 2004-11-23 10:51:59 W
1603 Jordan 10567 8 9 - 0 500 2004-11-23 11:48:32 W
1604 Phoenixfire 10568 10 7 - 0 500 2004-11-23 12:51:04 W
1605 andrews 10572 5 9 - 0 500 2004-11-23 16:58:37 W
1606 Pecker 10574 10 10 - 0 500 2004-11-23 17:33:59 W
1607 SuzPaz 10575 10 5 - 0 500 2004-11-23 19:04:43 W
1608 Random 10578 5 9 - 0 500 2004-11-23 20:50:14 W
1609 homunculus 10580 7 9 - 0 500 2004-11-24 00:00:51 W
1610 jimmyland 10588 4 8 - 0 500 2004-11-24 06:07:50 W
1611 ungodlyscorge 10591 8 10 - 0 500 2004-11-24 09:46:42 W
1612 Mookman 10592 7 8 - 0 500 2004-11-24 10:01:00 W
1613 Eilyad 10594 10 2 - 0 500 2004-11-24 11:57:35 W
1614 Jesus 10671 1 9 - 0 500 2004-11-28 04:35:02 W
1615 bludevil 10718 3 2 - 0 500 2004-11-30 01:54:11 W
1616 Terrin 10719 5 2 - 0 500 2004-11-30 02:19:05 W
1617 Red Rocker 10727 3 8 - 0 500 2004-11-30 11:38:58 W
1618 Dark Angels 10834 7 3 - 0 500 2004-12-04 15:08:51 W
^ : previous won the empire first place
* : previous won the federation first place