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End 2004-07-23


Name Id Total Score Total Empires
Notorious 2 9843242 5
the Fed up Fed 38 584384 1
Time and Time Again 8 430385 5
Infinity 3 331463 5
My FED 13 295328 4
New Babylon 1 280206 5
gonebutnotforgotten 28 266477 5
Haydex 27 172395 3
Axis 19 155025 3
VIPER 39 86049 1
RAVIN RAGE 11 82751 1
Wisdom 22 74809 1
l33t 23 73582 1
FIRESTORM 7 71972 1
DRA 30 71297 1
inferno 42 66273 1
Ascension 45 63556 1
The Imperials 18 56812 1
aniliation force 40 55837 1
only my fed 31 52334 1
No Homos. 32 45644 1
Pestilence 35 39191 1
HangLow 26 39112 1
Dark Justice 20 32994 1
Inner Sanctum 41 30844 1
The Federation 14 30717 1
Borg 29 29884 1
Dreamscape 43 29836 1
Assassins 25 23154 2
CnC Machine Fed 17 18706 1
swarm 34 18515 1
The Quiet Munk 10 17274 1
AshesToAshes 15 14629 1
Starfleet 33 14388 1
OMG NOT HERE 21 11480 1
Dark Side of the Moon 37 10914 1
Still no Love 24 9014 1
Aquaris 16 7827 1


P Empire Id X Y FId Score AP Last Change A W
1 kinley 5685 4 2 2 3557605 119 2004-07-23 23:58:25 W
2 Spartapus 5295 8 2 2 2719883 106 2004-07-23 14:33:22 W
3 Thug Luv 2889 3 4 2 1393764 104 2004-07-23 20:34:29 W
4 DoA 4221 1 7 2 1094333 500 2004-07-24 00:33:47 W
5 Exilim 6327 7 6 2 1077657 67 2004-07-24 00:32:45 W
6 Kai of the Brunnen G 4206 8 1 38 584384 9 2004-07-24 00:34:48 W
7 MightyMoose 2836 3 2 13 145948 0 2004-07-24 00:34:28 W
8 TheHoard 5958 6 7 8 104464 304 2004-07-24 00:29:46 W
9 mississippi 5774 6 3 - 97629 3 2004-07-24 00:08:08 W
10 hourgalss 5363 2 1 8 93136 164 2004-07-24 00:06:57 W
11 Sekundes 7373 8 7 8 91203 330 2004-07-23 20:49:27 W
12 squid 7526 8 2 3 87422 32 2004-07-23 21:10:06 W
13 MonCals 7480 7 5 1 86853 0 2004-07-24 00:34:31 W
14 Zeon 5423 3 10 39 86049 54 2004-07-23 20:43:13 W
15 Boomhower 6050 7 4 11 82751 44 2004-07-23 23:55:16 W
16 KingSlick 7054 7 5 3 82139 13 2004-07-24 00:00:57 W
17 lastbattalion 7472 8 9 28 81292 59 2004-07-23 16:00:36 W
18 Irken 7166 10 6 8 80080 37 2004-07-23 21:05:41 W
19 Rainbow Land 4949 7 4 22 74809 25 2004-07-24 00:18:25 W
20 Aaron C 7535 6 5 3 74617 7 2004-07-23 23:53:31 W
21 lammy 7481 8 6 23 73582 2 2004-07-24 00:12:26 W
22 ZAYB 5583 4 2 28 72425 6 2004-07-24 00:30:41 W
23 Devastation 5036 6 7 7 71972 48 2004-07-24 00:09:48 W
24 Audhumlas Revence 7611 9 8 30 71297 14 2004-07-24 00:20:17 W
25 mephisto 5504 4 1 42 66273 143 2004-07-23 22:46:00 W
26 The_Reich 7486 2 9 19 66216 5 2004-07-24 00:06:02 W
27 BuzLiteYear 4650 9 1 3 65887 84 2004-07-23 22:46:30 W
28 Newbie 7679 3 1 27 65285 146 2004-07-23 14:37:48 W
29 Gorgon 6648 5 10 1 64666 292 2004-07-23 14:34:42 W
30 Awe 7740 10 6 45 63556 20 2004-07-23 22:47:21 W
31 DringJeOp 7346 6 5 8 61502 26 2004-07-23 20:45:18 W
32 Jourall 6778 4 2 13 61430 255 2004-07-23 22:21:03 W
33 Diamond 7681 8 10 - 56828 18 2004-07-23 22:50:22 W
34 Protoss Warriors 5446 6 7 18 56812 65 2004-07-24 00:19:08 W
35 Iberia 7777 2 10 - 56513 10 2004-07-24 00:33:42 W
36 Hayden Seek 7341 9 7 27 55877 295 2004-07-23 14:20:08 W
37 Little Sister 7507 3 2 1 55872 51 2004-07-23 16:10:12 W
38 panz 6605 1 8 40 55837 36 2004-07-23 20:23:58 W
39 Warlords 5198 8 5 6 53361 293 2004-07-23 21:45:13 W
40 Vlad 6991 6 4 31 52334 129 2004-07-23 08:05:32 W
41 JHD Alliance 7710 9 9 27 51233 233 2004-07-22 18:09:11 W
42 TPDL 7722 2 5 - 50582 10 2004-07-23 22:52:40 W
43 meebe 5887 6 9 13 49178 142 2004-07-23 15:52:07 W
44 AmoebA 7678 4 2 19 46643 328 2004-07-23 02:13:10 W
45 Lacaedamia 7626 8 2 - 46390 53 2004-07-23 15:44:09 W
46 Aladril 7561 8 5 1 45918 500 2004-07-22 13:58:51 W
47 Ballsack 7691 8 6 32 45644 296 2004-07-22 03:37:31 W
48 Vallhalla 7122 1 8 28 45346 36 2004-07-23 20:39:30 W
49 Total Conquest 7706 3 4 - 42372 60 2004-07-23 14:34:22 W
50 Selencia 7694 8 1 19 42166 228 2004-07-22 10:32:50 W
51 thoraskriger 5027 6 9 35 39191 382 2004-07-23 16:09:10 W
52 Bloody Angels 7665 3 10 28 39152 203 2004-07-23 15:09:40 W
53 Disrupter 7690 10 9 26 39112 245 2004-07-23 11:18:23 W
54 Armageddon Factor 7695 7 4 - 39069 29 2004-07-23 23:48:16 W
55 Troja 7036 2 4 13 38772 1 2004-07-24 00:33:59 W
56 Dolmania 7772 3 6 - 37861 54 2004-07-23 15:53:08 W
57 Biohazard 7738 2 6 - 36609 25 2004-07-23 21:31:00 W
58 gumballs 7689 9 2 - 35976 29 2004-07-23 23:33:49 W
59 PHILLDODILLDO 5915 8 6 20 32994 65 2004-07-23 22:44:16 W
60 Kempers Keep 7728 1 9 41 30844 194 2004-07-22 20:49:22 W
61 Vertigora 7384 10 1 14 30717 378 2004-07-23 14:17:20 W
62 Siminghts 7582 6 2 29 29884 152 2004-07-23 19:30:23 W
63 reeper 7785 10 7 43 29836 204 2004-07-23 01:55:35 W
64 Qotorl 7729 5 6 - 28404 107 2004-07-23 12:48:29 W
65 Space Elves 7467 10 9 28 28262 67 2004-07-23 13:20:45 W
66 OpacusMortu 6807 1 9 1 26897 500 2004-07-21 14:36:20 W
67 ladicius 7707 7 4 - 25442 122 2004-07-23 04:19:33 W
68 Tarashi Empire 7782 3 8 - 23057 31 2004-07-23 19:53:23 W
69 The Angry Mob 7524 1 3 - 22734 37 2004-07-23 20:44:29 W
70 neo america 7423 4 8 25 21636 437 2004-07-23 21:30:03 W
71 Xempire 7749 8 7 3 21398 500 2004-07-21 21:05:18 W
72 Antnmima 7732 8 4 - 19836 500 2004-07-22 15:45:50 W
73 Granloks 7697 9 6 - 19794 500 2004-07-23 22:43:38 W
74 Damntry 7780 6 1 - 19006 55 2004-07-23 15:49:09 W
75 coonass moon 5588 2 7 17 18706 426 2004-07-22 04:12:22 W
76 beatlejuice 7754 9 7 34 18515 500 2004-07-22 12:31:19 W
77 Puzleman12 7779 10 1 - 18481 90 2004-07-23 23:17:28 W
78 StiveSteen 5053 8 4 10 17274 500 2004-07-22 09:44:59 W
79 Rokenbok 7543 3 6 - 17075 166 2004-07-23 19:42:08 W
80 SWORDIANS 4288 3 1 - 17044 103 2004-07-23 18:27:25 W
81 Blonde Giants 7675 9 3 - 16347 500 2004-07-22 14:47:11 W
82 MegaLight 7659 5 5 - 15183 500 2004-07-22 14:45:48 W
83 Delmarcos 7635 7 1 - 14888 500 2004-07-20 21:50:40 W
84 Executor 7505 4 10 - 14646 53 2004-07-23 17:03:15 W
85 Phoenix 4209 3 3 15 14629 500 2004-07-21 18:48:22 W
86 gothahs 7759 4 7 - 14412 191 2004-07-22 16:45:26 W
87 Mogus 7708 5 4 33 14388 301 2004-07-22 12:10:51 W
88 meatsheild 7610 4 5 - 14229 500 2004-07-20 21:46:35 W
89 JMP3 7747 5 8 - 14022 163 2004-07-22 21:25:45 W
90 Vulcan 7052 6 8 - 14021 486 2004-07-22 11:23:37 W
91 Judgement Begins 7774 2 10 - 13826 51 2004-07-23 16:04:37 W
92 Drannart 7402 7 9 - 13541 190 2004-07-23 10:13:12 W
93 Conquerer007 7213 10 2 - 13248 427 2004-07-22 11:22:18 W
94 Topazio 7800 10 1 - 13129 34 2004-07-23 18:58:23 W
95 Teknogamers 7607 1 1 - 12815 500 2004-07-22 14:11:11 W
96 Mandalorian 7650 3 4 - 12698 500 2004-07-22 14:43:05 W
97 bass 7748 1 2 - 12445 48 2004-07-23 20:24:58 W
98 Franchiseville 7775 3 1 - 12439 90 2004-07-23 17:21:41 W
99 Cloud21 7663 5 9 - 12093 480 2004-07-23 15:26:07 W
100 ACS Confederation 6647 2 5 21 11480 447 2004-07-23 15:42:00 W
101 BanditEX 7652 9 7 - 11219 500 2004-07-19 03:09:41 W
102 Trick 3946 5 8 - 11089 500 2004-07-22 02:36:00 W
103 Dedalus 4755 3 3 37 10914 500 2004-07-23 03:44:04 W
104 Birdseye 7776 1 9 - 10310 33 2004-07-23 19:01:21 W
105 Rascal 7705 3 10 - 10274 500 2004-07-19 03:07:05 W
106 Cosmosis 7719 6 3 - 9799 500 2004-07-20 10:51:45 W
107 conquest land 7613 7 7 - 9716 500 2004-07-19 05:28:01 W
108 Valdemar 7133 6 9 - 9709 500 2004-07-17 02:16:13 W
109 Renegades 7750 2 4 - 9267 500 2004-07-20 18:48:02 W
110 Nexus 5834 1 1 24 9014 500 2004-07-20 21:47:24 W
111 Alpha Centauri 7642 9 2 - 8979 500 2004-07-16 05:07:12 W
112 Dreamers 7667 2 1 - 8979 500 2004-07-20 00:37:21 W
113 Makanam 7762 4 7 - 8748 415 2004-07-23 17:21:41 W
114 D A G O N 7696 6 3 - 8619 500 2004-07-16 11:11:00 W
115 Ghost 7698 3 7 - 8494 500 2004-07-20 10:52:09 W
116 ardawen 7682 5 2 - 8333 500 2004-07-22 10:48:23 W
117 peanut 7766 4 7 - 8318 91 2004-07-23 09:26:37 W
118 stop....carryon 4989 5 3 - 8289 500 2004-07-23 17:19:29 W
119 saguinis 7791 7 3 - 7838 6 2004-07-23 23:33:26 W
120 Gravity 7593 10 6 16 7827 500 2004-07-15 03:08:24 W
121 Calderan 7733 3 1 - 7488 500 2004-07-19 19:57:15 W
122 Michal 7661 6 10 - 7478 500 2004-07-20 10:28:38 W
123 Lone Warrior 7703 7 6 - 7334 500 2004-07-18 07:42:38 W
124 Flaming Star 7693 1 7 - 6992 500 2004-07-19 09:40:06 W
125 Lemurian Empire 7717 1 10 - 6563 500 2004-07-18 15:06:16 W
126 DeltaCharlieOne 7070 5 2 - 6552 500 2004-07-20 21:46:16 W
127 Iotran Commonwealth 7655 8 2 - 6494 500 2004-07-14 08:22:04 W
128 Archamedies 7795 4 2 - 6487 134 2004-07-23 06:49:22 W
129 Swaungcenter 7718 5 8 - 6372 500 2004-07-18 18:39:07 W
130 degauss2 7646 10 7 - 6080 500 2004-07-19 09:02:31 W
131 Midnight Stars 7677 5 9 - 5930 500 2004-07-15 07:11:13 W
132 Storm Syndicate 7745 9 9 - 5870 500 2004-07-19 20:49:56 W
133 Wolfholm 7685 4 6 - 5808 500 2004-07-15 19:57:12 W
134 Red_Falcon 7532 4 9 - 5692 500 2004-07-20 10:14:16 W
135 Unforgiven 5528 8 2 - 5385 500 2004-07-14 18:36:35 W
136 me 7517 10 10 - 5187 427 2004-07-22 04:45:28 W
137 DaMu 7545 7 7 - 5177 500 2004-07-19 09:00:40 W
138 jedi state 7624 5 10 - 5022 500 2004-07-14 22:39:40 W
139 Razvanmun89 7443 2 9 - 5014 500 2004-07-17 01:17:46 W
140 tyler 7746 5 5 - 5011 500 2004-07-19 21:26:40 W
141 rickyson1 7644 9 4 - 4991 500 2004-07-20 01:25:20 W
142 Kilas 7662 9 8 - 4983 500 2004-07-19 09:01:17 W
143 Dewgle 7557 4 7 - 4981 500 2004-07-19 08:59:23 W
144 Aderik 7569 4 6 - 4963 500 2004-07-20 17:31:19 W
145 Krakatoa 7805 2 10 - 4953 9 2004-07-23 23:10:33 W
146 Duffians 7787 1 5 - 4882 208 2004-07-22 18:14:14 W
147 Dizz Knee Land 7668 9 1 - 4375 500 2004-07-14 08:46:22 W
148 Discover 7591 1 1 - 4182 500 2004-07-22 04:39:44 W
149 JHHJ 7619 6 6 - 4141 500 2004-07-21 21:50:17 W
150 SS Smithy 7658 5 8 - 4139 500 2004-07-13 18:01:21 W
151 Applecard 6905 4 7 - 3943 500 2004-07-16 12:35:37 W
152 Mangaaa 7379 10 3 - 3917 500 2004-07-14 12:53:43 W
153 Portugal 7590 2 8 - 3912 500 2004-07-10 17:14:24 W
154 Thassalonia 7594 10 6 - 3868 500 2004-07-11 14:55:12 W
155 Trial N. Error 7625 4 4 - 3431 500 2004-07-22 21:45:08 W
156 crazee 7491 4 4 - 3279 500 2004-07-11 07:38:56 W
157 Dune 7634 5 1 - 3266 500 2004-07-11 20:57:11 W
158 PEBBLETON 7622 9 3 - 3040 500 2004-07-16 06:38:13 W
159 Hoggan 7598 4 8 - 2935 500 2004-07-16 06:39:27 W
160 RURowo 7771 9 2 - 2920 368 2004-07-21 15:38:20 W
161 State 7616 8 9 - 2633 500 2004-07-22 21:42:27 W
162 ottis 7692 10 1 - 2346 500 2004-07-16 02:37:58 W
163 SeX and DrugS 7629 5 8 - 2281 500 2004-07-11 20:53:12 W
164 bananarama 5548 2 10 - 2273 500 2004-07-20 10:04:37 W
165 Triumverate 2185 8 10 - 1981 500 2004-07-16 05:56:30 W
166 J Empire 7637 1 4 - 1978 500 2004-07-15 12:15:08 W
167 The Hens 7752 5 10 - 1914 500 2004-07-20 03:50:43 W
168 deus 7768 1 1 - 1837 500 2004-07-21 12:23:22 W
169 Sennic 7709 1 8 25 1518 500 2004-07-17 11:50:34 W
170 spawnthegr8 7405 3 9 - 1481 500 2004-07-16 13:30:53 W
171 Karrantae 7799 3 2 - 1476 496 2004-07-23 12:47:11 W
172 Ortoms 7683 9 5 - 1310 500 2004-07-15 17:46:54 W
173 Devils of Dare 7724 3 4 - 1127 500 2004-07-18 23:15:34 W
174 Darghhh 7648 6 7 - 1017 500 2004-07-13 02:22:49 W
175 Danicus 7651 4 3 - 962 500 2004-07-13 04:09:08 W
176 Divers 7612 3 4 - 822 500 2004-07-10 06:28:39 W
177 donzi 7669 6 9 - 739 500 2004-07-14 14:20:53 W
178 Bisorna 7773 5 3 - 730 500 2004-07-21 15:58:37 W
179 suicidebomers 7758 3 7 - 651 500 2004-07-20 16:33:17 W
180 HellQc 7789 6 7 - 646 500 2004-07-22 21:25:45 W
181 conors empire 7786 4 6 - 616 500 2004-07-22 17:55:44 W
182 exeter 7770 7 5 - 606 500 2004-07-21 13:25:27 W
183 Menzoberanzon 7742 1 7 - 604 500 2004-07-19 18:30:02 W
184 gfvgjo 7711 4 2 - 598 500 2004-07-17 15:54:49 W
185 Omen 3963 1 1 - 575 500 2004-07-20 03:08:37 W
186 Bou_chicka_bou_bou 7680 10 10 - 574 500 2004-07-15 13:23:21 W
187 Kubala 6325 3 5 - 545 500 2004-07-22 04:50:05 W
188 Wikings 7727 5 10 - 545 500 2004-07-21 15:21:49 W
189 Katttahi 5003 8 3 - 509 500 2004-07-23 06:13:27 W
190 darkness 7798 5 2 - 505 500 2004-07-23 09:44:39 W
191 bruti 7627 8 4 - 503 500 2004-07-11 07:32:16 W
192 m 7720 10 6 - 484 500 2004-07-18 21:53:50 W
193 Archillian 7736 7 7 - 477 500 2004-07-19 14:56:06 W
194 scrum 7721 10 8 - 473 500 2004-07-18 22:23:43 W
195 Nooley 7794 2 3 - 467 500 2004-07-23 03:56:56 W
196 Wish 2655 4 9 - 463 500 2004-07-23 22:28:20 W
197 bugbunny 7641 3 8 - 452 500 2004-07-12 17:07:06 W
198 the Funeral Of Hearts 7673 2 3 - 441 500 2004-07-14 22:28:11 W
199 Suiram 7769 10 4 - 435 500 2004-07-21 12:35:37 W
200 Kevin Hofer 7620 1 8 - 428 500 2004-07-10 18:08:05 W
201 The Honorable Bandits 7726 5 9 - 425 500 2004-07-19 00:40:46 W
202 Solus 7639 6 4 - 425 500 2004-07-12 05:13:35 W
203 Realm of day 7670 8 1 - 420 500 2004-07-14 20:01:18 W
204 shadowmaster 7731 10 8 - 417 500 2004-07-19 05:07:20 W
205 Kriz Kingdom 7716 1 5 - 410 500 2004-07-18 10:27:00 W
206 natej 7407 4 8 - 407 500 2004-07-18 20:47:55 W
207 Kryger 7715 2 7 - 397 500 2004-07-18 09:16:12 W
208 wubby 7781 8 8 - 397 500 2004-07-22 08:38:32 W
209 Rockhampton 3406 10 3 - 395 500 2004-07-14 12:53:34 W
210 Draconian 7431 8 8 - 395 500 2004-07-19 20:27:15 W
211 Winvirus 7664 7 3 - 395 500 2004-07-14 00:29:28 W
212 Cpt. Talon 7684 6 10 - 395 500 2004-07-15 18:08:33 W
213 Hybrid Mutants 7755 6 1 - 395 500 2004-07-20 09:54:31 W
214 fire 7797 5 1 - 391 500 2004-07-23 09:18:28 W
215 Arc 7760 4 5 - 390 500 2004-07-20 20:04:39 W
216 exodia007 7643 3 2 - 389 500 2004-07-12 18:46:02 W
217 Carterzoids 7653 3 8 - 388 500 2004-07-13 07:44:37 W
218 Golgafrickam 7676 2 8 - 388 500 2004-07-15 05:49:49 W
219 BigBadWolf 7687 1 10 - 388 500 2004-07-15 20:04:02 W
220 vaga 7631 7 5 - 385 500 2004-07-11 14:47:08 W
221 stars 4317 8 5 - 375 500 2004-07-22 22:18:31 W
222 Pepsi 5879 2 6 - 375 500 2004-07-17 18:53:03 W
223 Commando1701 6643 5 1 - 375 500 2004-07-10 13:10:48 W
224 MAnmnmandkjadhfadf 7649 1 3 - 375 500 2004-07-13 02:28:16 W
225 EVIL.LORD.KIRO 7638 7 3 - 375 500 2004-07-12 03:11:34 W
226 Brute Squad 7666 2 5 - 375 500 2004-07-17 11:40:22 W
227 Terra Volta 7730 4 7 - 375 500 2004-07-19 03:45:21 W
228 Wasabi 7792 6 10 - 375 500 2004-07-23 03:59:58 W
229 Parsonopia 7157 4 1 - 375 500 2004-07-21 09:26:33 W
230 Blould 7415 3 9 - 375 500 2004-07-11 22:32:43 W
231 Cyprus 7442 6 8 - 375 500 2004-07-20 23:07:16 W
232 destroyerszszsszsz 7546 2 8 - 375 500 2004-07-10 16:02:57 W
233 Belisarius 7599 3 3 - 375 500 2004-07-12 10:16:12 W
234 Garr 7618 8 5 - 375 500 2004-07-10 14:14:36 W
235 Dark Gate 7623 6 5 - 375 500 2004-07-10 23:46:02 W
236 mattfuss 7628 2 9 - 375 500 2004-07-11 08:14:21 W
237 Zack 7640 6 5 - 375 500 2004-07-12 09:36:11 W
238 sllarios 7654 10 1 - 375 500 2004-07-13 09:31:45 W
239 adamdaniels1 7656 8 1 - 375 500 2004-07-13 16:00:51 W
240 Methos 7657 1 9 - 375 500 2004-07-13 16:50:25 W
241 mobi 7674 9 6 - 375 500 2004-07-14 23:36:44 W
242 Lesley 7686 3 3 - 375 500 2004-07-15 19:48:45 W
243 Dominion 7688 1 4 - 375 500 2004-07-15 20:11:33 W
244 quesoland 7700 1 5 - 375 500 2004-07-16 16:37:47 W
245 Ewok 7712 6 8 - 375 500 2004-07-17 18:56:15 W
246 EvilEmpire 7713 3 5 - 375 500 2004-07-17 22:10:53 W
247 GISP 7735 10 6 - 375 500 2004-07-19 13:19:12 W
248 jowikroon 7737 8 6 - 375 500 2004-07-19 15:27:11 W
249 Anubis 7739 3 3 - 375 500 2004-07-19 16:40:31 W
250 Sorin 7743 3 1 - 375 500 2004-07-19 19:03:15 W
251 Jacul 7744 3 6 - 375 500 2004-07-19 19:14:34 W
252 Codar 7751 2 4 - 375 500 2004-07-19 23:37:06 W
253 Holy Empire 7757 1 6 - 375 500 2004-07-20 13:26:41 W
254 Hydron 7764 4 3 - 375 500 2004-07-21 05:55:35 W
255 lirical 7767 8 2 - 375 500 2004-07-21 11:47:04 W
256 perepe 7778 4 4 - 375 500 2004-07-21 21:40:43 W
257 LandsOfDoGGy 7783 3 3 - 375 500 2004-07-22 10:45:15 W
258 GameMaster 7784 8 6 - 375 500 2004-07-22 11:45:35 W
259 quark 7788 1 5 - 375 500 2004-07-22 20:27:18 W
260 drax 7790 9 1 - 375 500 2004-07-22 23:28:17 W
261 Feeladorr 7802 7 8 - 375 500 2004-07-23 18:02:43 W
262 SPACE MOB 7804 9 1 - 375 500 2004-07-23 23:51:39 W
263 Asgard 416 8 2 - 0 500 2004-06-07 08:33:17 W
264 simstar 742 5 10 - 0 500 2004-07-09 07:06:35 W
265 storm 1386 3 6 - 0 500 2004-07-09 22:55:22 W
266 Wolfshield 1409 3 7 - 0 500 2004-06-16 08:04:57 W
267 Nemrolem 1793 9 1 - 0 500 2004-07-23 12:23:57 W
268 Flipdoolpoop 2043 7 3 - 0 500 2004-05-04 23:45:39 W
269 Moolinger 2857 1 1 - 0 500 2004-03-29 13:02:40 W
270 Devastater 2956 5 1 - 0 500 2004-06-10 13:31:59 W
271 Knowledge 3603 9 4 - 0 500 2004-07-14 01:01:24 W
272 Frantic 3884 9 3 - 0 500 2004-07-07 10:57:41 W
273 TigerWars 3902 9 3 - 0 500 2004-05-18 22:37:29 W
274 Talsman 4090 8 6 - 0 500 2004-06-25 07:56:30 W
275 The Terran Empire 6165 5 6 - 0 500 2004-05-04 00:38:29 W
276 allstars 4435 6 1 - 0 514 2004-07-15 21:13:37 W
277 Swan Knights 4619 1 10 - 0 500 2004-06-11 16:59:45 W
278 Valinor 4654 8 4 - 0 500 2004-07-21 16:15:21 W
279 1NationUnderAGroove 4769 8 6 - 0 500 2004-03-15 21:28:33 W
280 V 4828 7 10 - 0 500 2004-04-21 14:27:30 W
281 Aiea 4910 7 5 - 0 500 2004-05-27 19:44:05 W
282 taavettila 7086 6 8 - 0 500 2004-05-30 02:28:58 W
283 conquerer 5103 2 8 - 0 500 2004-06-25 10:25:16 W
284 Aijen 5125 9 7 - 0 500 2004-06-15 05:58:00 W
285 BS 5304 5 4 - 0 500 2004-07-22 13:20:53 W
286 omocrons place 5401 10 10 - 0 500 2004-06-22 22:45:49 W
287 kelvin 5436 5 1 - 0 500 2004-06-04 17:21:21 W
288 appleyard 5431 1 7 - 0 500 2004-06-24 08:31:45 W
289 Kaja 6854 7 7 - 0 500 2004-06-07 15:50:58 W
290 jaz3150 5510 3 8 - 0 500 2004-03-10 06:39:53 W
291 gaulron 5511 8 5 - 0 500 2004-06-10 22:43:58 W
292 Scotland1983 5620 7 9 - 0 500 2004-06-03 20:45:35 W
293 StarsGalaxy 5630 3 8 - 0 500 2004-03-15 01:26:15 W
294 JeSsIcAs EmPiRe 6184 10 1 - 0 500 2004-04-19 07:44:44 W
295 tyrana 5676 4 1 - 0 500 2004-05-02 04:41:05 W
296 mollym00 5691 4 2 - 0 500 2004-05-28 13:38:46 W
297 Boom1 5724 4 6 - 0 500 2004-05-19 17:08:45 W
298 Paraklot 5767 4 2 - 0 500 2004-03-15 01:43:47 W
299 andromeda 5786 8 2 - 0 500 2004-04-18 09:16:40 W
300 ArchLord Darth Syko 6147 5 4 - 0 500 2004-05-12 21:52:42 W
301 sKunQ 5861 2 8 - 0 500 2004-06-24 23:25:44 W
302 Fenarius 6313 1 2 - 0 500 2004-04-30 06:11:28 W
303 Oneground 5886 2 3 - 0 500 2004-05-27 17:15:49 W
304 Golgotha 5890 1 10 - 0 500 2004-04-27 18:22:16 W
305 Sorry 5892 1 8 - 0 500 2004-05-19 12:14:55 W
306 PLIT Moderator 55 5895 10 1 - 0 500 2004-06-29 15:50:10 W
307 Deadly Darkness 5896 9 8 - 0 500 2004-03-24 22:39:50 W
308 Libertatia 7020 6 6 - 0 500 2004-05-26 04:31:45 W
309 cyclo 7021 10 2 - 0 500 2004-05-26 05:45:30 W
310 Alpha 7044 9 5 - 0 500 2004-05-27 03:42:37 W
311 Brekstad 6004 6 10 - 0 500 2004-05-24 15:47:24 W
312 Spirits of Death 7043 9 9 - 0 500 2004-05-27 03:35:44 W
313 DaKeep 6047 10 5 - 0 500 2004-05-27 02:59:44 W
314 Wolverine 1 10 9 - 0 520 2004-07-11 05:58:41 W
315 Hakay 7100 1 10 - 0 500 2004-06-04 22:03:17 W
316 the evil dead 6075 10 10 - 0 500 2004-04-02 20:45:37 W
317 velex 6090 9 10 - 0 500 2004-05-11 21:34:45 W
318 Horizon 6108 9 7 - 0 500 2004-06-20 04:29:26 W
319 Truedaywalker 6138 4 2 - 0 500 2004-04-04 15:44:31 W
320 Uni Starkad 6139 10 4 - 0 500 2004-07-09 23:21:03 W
321 Smokey 6145 1 1 - 0 500 2004-04-17 18:12:48 W
322 oogles 6153 5 6 - 0 500 2004-04-12 13:44:23 W
323 Valahii 6154 10 6 - 0 500 2004-07-08 15:21:03 W
324 stickmen 6159 7 8 - 0 500 2004-06-02 08:05:47 W
325 Scrubs 7154 7 8 - 0 500 2004-06-05 03:54:59 W
326 golden 6205 9 7 - 0 500 2004-04-08 01:26:59 W
327 Innocents 6243 3 10 - 0 500 2004-04-29 04:18:20 W
328 Landofthedragons 6253 1 2 - 0 500 2004-04-25 20:41:40 W
329 spiff 7224 2 1 - 0 500 2004-06-11 21:18:17 W
330 D e A t H s T a L k Er 6261 8 5 - 0 500 2004-05-17 01:17:10 W
331 Evoloution 6263 2 2 - 0 500 2004-04-11 15:14:58 W
332 Xplooors Outpost 6267 8 7 - 0 500 2004-05-12 21:29:20 W
333 Aploxima 6286 7 8 - 0 500 2004-06-01 22:27:46 W
334 Finland 6283 5 3 - 0 500 2004-06-16 21:02:11 W
335 Emperator 6292 2 9 - 0 500 2004-06-11 22:48:07 W
336 Percee I 8 6299 4 7 - 0 500 2004-05-12 02:12:38 W
337 Trigun 7277 9 3 - 0 500 2004-06-13 02:52:02 W
338 strean9r 7278 7 5 - 0 500 2004-06-13 02:43:24 W
339 Fleet Federation 6322 10 6 - 0 500 2004-06-01 15:03:03 W
340 FENRIR 6334 9 2 - 0 500 2004-04-19 16:47:24 W
341 white moon 6326 5 2 - 0 500 2004-07-07 03:45:46 W
342 WhoLand 6347 1 8 - 0 500 2004-05-13 04:48:59 W
343 Pentha 7322 8 4 - 0 500 2004-06-16 02:52:28 W
344 snake 6352 2 6 - 0 500 2004-05-03 11:51:45 W
345 krak en Good 7330 2 2 - 0 500 2004-06-17 03:57:03 W
346 Draconian Empire 7329 9 6 - 0 500 2004-06-17 03:32:13 W
347 laughmore 7290 2 4 - 0 500 2004-06-17 13:47:36 W
348 DArklotr 6581 7 4 - 0 500 2004-06-13 20:13:52 W
349 Method Man Rap Empire 6416 6 7 - 0 500 2004-04-29 21:08:12 W
350 Infernotopians 6417 9 10 - 0 500 2004-04-20 08:49:44 W
351 S_empire 6419 5 2 - 0 500 2004-05-01 10:53:28 W
352 SectorG9 6431 2 7 - 0 500 2004-04-21 21:10:18 W
353 Rabid Wolverine 6433 9 1 - 0 500 2004-06-28 23:25:09 W
354 Doom 6442 3 1 - 0 500 2004-04-24 23:24:41 W
355 Sparks 6455 3 8 - 0 500 2004-06-08 13:41:05 W
356 DUDE 6482 5 6 - 0 500 2004-06-08 16:12:57 W
357 Petoria 6486 8 8 - 0 500 2004-06-08 01:47:52 W
358 The Dark Planets 6489 5 5 - 0 500 2004-06-21 13:58:25 W
359 The Horde 6496 2 8 - 0 500 2004-04-25 04:08:36 W
360 NearDeath 6513 7 9 - 0 500 2004-06-29 01:20:33 W
361 Boolinia 6518 4 9 - 0 500 2004-04-28 10:10:20 W
362 Data 6530 8 2 - 0 500 2004-07-01 16:41:36 W
363 VeritasReloaded 7439 3 7 - 0 500 2004-07-01 22:04:01 W
364 Colonia 7438 5 5 - 0 500 2004-07-01 12:59:35 W
365 Out Law 6540 7 2 - 0 500 2004-04-29 17:23:25 W
366 kentoot 6550 8 8 - 0 500 2004-04-30 02:10:02 W
367 the tyler empire 6563 9 10 - 0 500 2004-06-09 01:07:44 W
368 pyrofreak 6575 10 2 - 0 500 2004-06-27 18:27:45 W
369 Wood 7468 10 5 - 0 500 2004-06-29 01:35:32 W
370 benis 6600 1 3 - 0 500 2004-06-20 20:42:20 W
371 NewWorldOrder 7482 6 5 - 0 500 2004-07-01 12:57:24 W
372 Avengers 7041 3 3 - 0 500 2004-05-27 02:55:41 W
373 1984 6623 1 10 - 0 500 2004-05-26 18:22:49 W
374 aznskillz 7516 4 6 - 0 500 2004-07-02 01:37:14 W
375 cougar 7515 4 7 - 0 500 2004-07-08 16:11:11 W
376 pothead 6639 10 2 - 0 500 2004-05-11 15:36:01 W
377 scorpion 6641 4 5 - 0 500 2004-05-16 16:14:59 W
378 normans 6644 1 6 - 0 500 2004-05-03 16:56:44 W
379 dubs 6652 1 3 - 0 500 2004-05-20 22:27:43 W
380 a 7542 3 10 - 0 500 2004-07-04 03:43:00 W
381 Borg 6668 8 3 - 0 500 2004-05-23 07:52:04 W
382 Gold Knights 7541 9 2 - 0 500 2004-07-04 03:21:25 W
383 Donas Dobar 6679 6 9 - 0 500 2004-05-06 16:10:36 W
384 monkeh 6687 8 5 - 0 500 2004-05-08 22:52:44 W
385 omocrons angels place 6694 2 3 - 0 500 2004-05-29 00:11:53 W
386 Trojheim 7560 9 2 - 0 500 2004-07-05 03:08:44 W
387 Foundation 7576 4 10 - 0 500 2004-07-06 03:35:41 W
388 The Grok 7575 2 2 - 0 500 2004-07-06 03:21:19 W
389 Jezza 6706 8 2 - 0 500 2004-05-28 18:25:56 W
390 THE MOVEMENT 7573 6 10 - 0 500 2004-07-06 03:08:02 W
391 feyregy 6724 10 5 - 0 500 2004-05-11 11:14:13 W
392 kabagal 6727 5 6 - 0 500 2004-05-31 13:19:21 W
393 Jedi 6748 3 9 - 0 500 2004-05-16 02:04:56 W
394 pkeo999 6730 10 4 - 0 500 2004-05-30 08:59:32 W
395 havok 6750 1 9 - 0 500 2004-05-19 02:39:40 W
396 Bleed Black 7397 2 8 - 0 500 2004-06-24 02:01:10 W
397 MASH 7559 5 8 - 0 500 2004-07-05 02:01:30 W
398 The empire of death 6771 5 5 - 0 500 2004-05-09 18:03:07 W
399 Gandaluf 6780 1 3 - 0 500 2004-06-11 22:14:04 W
400 Dark Angels 6796 4 7 - 0 500 2004-05-12 16:22:42 W
401 Guppy_empire 6827 1 3 - 0 500 2004-05-12 23:20:45 W
402 Co Prosperity Sphere 6821 6 10 - 0 500 2004-05-27 21:07:23 W
403 FOREVER FREE 6822 4 2 - 0 500 2004-06-05 16:46:01 W
404 bailar 6832 4 9 - 0 500 2004-05-30 08:17:39 W
405 Republic_Of_Inetia 6830 4 9 - 0 500 2004-05-26 22:24:51 W
406 mr_badass 6833 1 9 - 0 500 2004-05-25 06:59:49 W
407 Gunners 7645 9 8 - 0 500 2004-07-13 00:23:03 W
408 gufa 6840 4 1 - 0 500 2004-05-14 07:06:37 W
409 Mandables 6841 2 5 - 0 500 2004-06-07 08:40:42 W
410 Ponderosa 6847 7 10 - 0 500 2004-05-27 18:24:26 W
411 huttke 6851 4 8 - 0 500 2004-06-20 04:20:09 W
412 PurpleDragon 6859 2 10 - 0 500 2004-05-29 00:29:43 W
413 Taylor Nation 6864 2 7 - 0 500 2004-05-21 23:54:11 W
414 Ethrica 6863 10 5 - 0 500 2004-05-25 01:30:28 W
415 Pigeonus 6868 7 5 - 0 500 2004-05-15 21:38:48 W
416 DuEth 6873 10 10 - 0 500 2004-05-24 18:37:17 W
417 Ripitontwo 6880 7 2 - 0 500 2004-06-22 15:11:00 W
418 Avaridian 6881 9 1 - 0 500 2004-05-29 13:06:55 W
419 Aaliyah_Legacy 7039 5 6 - 0 500 2004-05-27 00:08:28 W
420 Deonjo 6888 5 10 - 0 500 2004-05-21 04:11:12 W
421 Norfolk 6896 5 4 - 0 500 2004-05-20 09:46:03 W
422 loginname 6897 7 3 - 0 500 2004-07-08 11:07:33 W
423 lordy empire 6903 2 8 - 0 500 2004-06-02 19:19:20 W
424 assassins 6907 3 5 - 0 500 2004-05-28 02:28:12 W
425 bongo 6925 10 4 - 0 500 2004-06-10 06:16:25 W
426 OZZ 6933 10 3 - 0 500 2004-05-19 05:35:14 W
427 Down_Tha_Way 6931 4 5 - 0 500 2004-06-05 01:50:38 W
428 Spaazz 7087 10 9 - 0 500 2004-05-30 02:45:04 W
429 Spaswack 6937 3 7 - 0 500 2004-06-19 15:52:21 W
430 Masta AKs 7365 10 3 - 0 500 2004-06-21 01:59:15 W
431 estonia 6939 7 10 - 0 500 2004-05-20 08:00:18 W
432 TheFederation 6941 2 4 - 0 500 2004-06-11 14:18:18 W
433 Worlordians 6942 2 5 - 0 500 2004-06-02 02:53:40 W
434 jr1 6943 5 7 - 0 500 2004-06-04 17:46:38 W
435 The Collective 6948 8 8 - 0 500 2004-06-10 09:02:33 W
436 SGC 6953 3 5 - 0 500 2004-05-31 20:43:37 W
437 Alturang 6961 8 8 - 0 500 2004-05-27 10:46:17 W
438 Ravens 6964 2 7 - 0 500 2004-06-21 22:06:28 W
439 Pure Skill 6966 5 9 - 0 500 2004-05-21 12:29:50 W
440 KingJD 6963 9 5 - 0 500 2004-05-27 10:50:08 W
441 Kourtaki 6965 2 2 - 0 500 2004-05-21 11:10:12 W
442 Richard 6972 8 5 - 0 500 2004-06-10 05:56:17 W
443 Wits 7212 1 6 - 0 500 2004-06-09 02:23:57 W
444 Dumbass 6976 5 5 - 0 500 2004-05-22 07:24:50 W
445 Fortress 6981 8 9 - 0 500 2004-06-01 00:58:16 W
446 roro 7793 4 6 - 0 500 2004-07-23 02:31:04 W
447 the killers 6984 4 1 - 0 500 2004-05-23 18:11:32 W
448 BlackWood 6989 10 8 - 0 500 2004-05-23 23:14:56 W
449 Jozar 6997 10 3 - 0 500 2004-05-28 17:37:22 W
450 Nerowis 6999 6 3 - 0 500 2004-05-25 14:34:58 W
451 The_Chronicals 7003 7 1 - 0 500 2004-05-25 02:30:26 W
452 DeathStars 7138 10 9 - 0 500 2004-06-04 01:38:12 W
453 jmill 7004 7 1 - 0 500 2004-05-25 03:01:26 W
454 Killers Inc 7005 3 3 - 0 500 2004-05-25 09:44:18 W
455 Frcka 7006 2 9 - 0 500 2004-05-25 10:00:37 W
456 the gods 7007 2 2 - 0 500 2004-05-25 09:59:35 W
457 Metronome 7017 3 1 - 0 500 2004-05-27 00:59:47 W
458 Hsatry 7019 6 10 - 0 500 2004-05-26 02:31:08 W
459 Infinite Empire 7008 8 1 - 0 500 2004-05-26 13:27:37 W
460 Deez Nutz 7010 8 5 - 0 500 2004-05-25 15:50:47 W
461 Wargod 7009 8 7 - 0 500 2004-05-25 13:47:11 W
462 Heavyclone rules 7011 9 10 - 0 500 2004-05-25 16:16:57 W
463 CheapFloozy 7242 10 7 - 0 500 2004-06-17 20:38:02 W
464 Subby 7018 8 4 - 0 500 2004-05-26 02:37:42 W
465 Anglium 7013 10 4 - 0 500 2004-05-25 19:07:36 W
466 Bandakar 7014 9 2 - 0 500 2004-05-26 14:31:52 W
467 chicano gangsta vato 7015 1 4 - 0 500 2004-05-25 22:48:12 W
468 blood 7016 5 3 - 0 500 2004-05-28 18:36:08 W
469 Leferians 7023 8 7 - 0 500 2004-07-07 19:31:10 W
470 distructicus 7025 8 8 - 0 500 2004-06-09 10:39:54 W
471 The Dark Crisis 7040 1 10 - 0 500 2004-05-27 06:06:17 W
472 Xyrr 7024 10 8 - 0 500 2004-05-26 10:02:57 W
473 SanTorino 7027 5 4 - 0 500 2004-06-16 17:35:28 W
474 nemesis land 7026 8 7 - 0 500 2004-05-26 12:48:14 W
475 ThisEmpireIsMyDoom 7035 5 7 - 0 500 2004-05-26 18:52:40 W
476 Zydar 7030 5 7 - 0 500 2004-05-28 18:27:33 W
477 Spazza 7029 6 10 - 0 500 2004-05-26 16:52:50 W
478 Skrumpen 7034 1 1 - 0 500 2004-05-26 18:42:28 W
479 The empire of evil 7031 8 2 - 0 500 2004-05-26 17:24:07 W
480 Halo 7192 5 3 - 0 500 2004-06-29 23:28:51 W
481 Suganakita2 7038 8 4 - 0 500 2004-06-11 16:55:51 W
482 Vonkay Sector B7G 7049 4 2 - 0 500 2004-05-27 21:20:51 W
483 A.W.S 7045 9 9 - 0 500 2004-06-08 07:49:49 W
484 Silverlake 7046 5 9 - 0 500 2004-05-27 09:24:02 W
485 simpson 7051 9 5 - 0 500 2004-05-28 00:52:19 W
486 Glimi 7050 7 7 - 0 500 2004-05-27 23:53:07 W
487 Templars 7048 8 1 - 0 500 2004-06-12 16:45:58 W
488 Empire Of Knoxville 7055 8 4 - 0 500 2004-05-28 07:02:28 W
489 Helgoland 7056 10 5 - 0 500 2004-06-21 07:26:16 W
490 Spatakania 7057 10 7 - 0 500 2004-05-28 09:05:46 W
491 Terrarum 7058 3 10 - 0 500 2004-05-30 15:58:37 W
492 underworld 7064 6 9 - 0 500 2004-06-02 18:41:44 W
493 Gem 7062 6 4 - 0 500 2004-05-28 20:33:48 W
494 Coolios 7063 1 6 - 0 500 2004-05-31 12:00:53 W
495 Yuzzhan Tarr 7059 2 10 - 0 500 2004-05-28 16:37:11 W
496 Jok 7061 3 4 - 0 500 2004-05-28 19:58:24 W
497 Beer 7065 7 8 - 0 500 2004-06-19 19:03:24 W
498 Empire BaZiC 7066 6 3 - 0 500 2004-06-04 17:23:59 W
499 speakerboxx 7067 2 7 - 0 500 2004-05-29 11:35:37 W
500 New Haylon 7068 4 7 - 0 500 2004-05-29 12:11:44 W
501 Pimp Topia 7307 9 9 - 0 500 2004-06-15 01:11:07 W
502 Ufosde3rox 7088 4 10 - 0 500 2004-05-30 02:53:01 W
503 The Dark Council 7071 5 1 - 0 500 2004-05-31 05:08:02 W
504 Emp Man 7072 2 5 - 0 500 2004-05-29 15:26:06 W
505 Roachopolis 7073 10 2 - 0 500 2004-07-08 14:57:41 W
506 Abyss 7078 6 4 - 0 500 2004-05-30 03:32:22 W
507 DarkWizard 7074 8 4 - 0 500 2004-06-10 05:54:22 W
508 retardville 7085 2 6 - 0 500 2004-06-11 15:21:07 W
509 ownage 7075 9 7 - 0 500 2004-05-29 19:07:57 W
510 coolsquad 7077 8 6 - 0 500 2004-05-29 20:39:21 W
511 tntw 7079 3 4 - 0 500 2004-06-08 13:36:38 W
512 Wolfram and Heart 7089 7 5 - 0 500 2004-05-30 03:41:20 W
513 Empire of Doom 7084 9 5 - 0 500 2004-05-30 00:44:48 W
514 SA 7080 9 7 - 0 500 2004-05-29 22:46:57 W
515 Nurini 7081 5 9 - 0 500 2004-05-29 23:19:21 W
516 chukas 7082 1 10 - 0 500 2004-06-23 17:40:56 W
517 The Red Dragons 7095 1 10 - 0 500 2004-06-11 15:18:06 W
518 jahaa 7099 9 1 - 0 500 2004-05-31 01:47:03 W
519 Derivative 7091 5 6 - 0 500 2004-06-01 13:26:52 W
520 Kincaids Realm 7092 8 7 - 0 500 2004-06-03 02:04:23 W
521 Mumin 7093 1 9 - 0 500 2004-07-08 09:19:25 W
522 Shocker Colony 7094 5 6 - 0 500 2004-05-30 16:37:27 W
523 ShadowWraith87 7096 2 5 - 0 500 2004-05-30 21:33:32 W
524 RoR 7101 6 8 - 0 500 2004-06-09 09:23:35 W
525 CentralCore 7097 7 10 - 0 500 2004-05-30 22:32:36 W
526 DoB 7102 8 7 - 0 500 2004-06-11 15:13:19 W
527 ko0s 7104 1 3 - 0 500 2004-06-08 10:10:56 W
528 kahpebizans 7105 7 3 - 0 500 2004-05-31 12:08:13 W
529 spacejag 7106 2 2 - 0 500 2004-05-31 13:39:01 W
530 Goolian 7107 2 6 - 0 500 2004-05-31 15:01:21 W
531 Invince 7108 7 8 - 0 500 2004-05-31 16:28:37 W
532 Kongen 7109 6 2 - 0 500 2004-06-18 06:38:09 W
533 Lazour 7110 6 10 - 0 500 2004-05-31 18:36:26 W
534 jebach 7111 5 2 - 0 500 2004-05-31 21:14:27 W
535 tre 7338 5 4 - 0 500 2004-06-21 03:38:15 W
536 utopia 7114 2 7 - 0 500 2004-06-01 17:43:15 W
537 Mooky 7115 8 2 - 0 500 2004-06-08 13:38:31 W
538 moshe 7116 6 1 - 0 500 2004-06-02 06:59:01 W
539 Deadheads 7118 3 6 - 0 500 2004-06-02 12:02:25 W
540 Leperchaun 7119 7 2 - 0 500 2004-07-01 15:11:42 W
541 warlordsk 7120 1 10 - 0 500 2004-06-02 15:48:43 W
542 speelmaatje 7121 5 5 - 0 500 2004-06-02 19:30:31 W
543 devil1191 7123 10 5 - 0 500 2004-06-03 05:49:12 W
544 Foojies 7124 2 4 - 0 500 2004-06-03 05:55:45 W
545 EvilDan 7125 1 10 - 0 500 2004-06-03 06:08:17 W
546 ColdOne 7126 8 2 - 0 500 2004-06-03 08:08:54 W
547 niko 7128 4 4 - 0 500 2004-06-04 21:57:50 W
548 raaar 7309 3 3 - 0 500 2004-06-15 02:16:35 W
549 drake 7130 7 4 - 0 500 2004-06-09 06:02:55 W
550 Romania 7132 4 4 - 0 500 2004-06-03 17:51:38 W
551 ploppy 7134 9 4 - 0 500 2004-06-03 21:41:50 W
552 jinx 7135 8 2 - 0 500 2004-06-27 21:46:51 W
553 Ellesmera 7137 10 1 - 0 500 2004-06-03 23:58:01 W
554 djdilligaf 7139 8 3 - 0 500 2004-06-04 04:27:06 W
555 buckweat67 7140 8 6 - 0 500 2004-06-04 22:01:53 W
556 The Faded Light 7142 8 2 - 0 500 2004-06-04 21:02:22 W
557 Thanathos 7143 6 5 - 0 500 2004-06-04 11:42:06 W
558 space rodent 7144 6 6 - 0 500 2004-06-04 13:42:13 W
559 The Freehold 7145 3 9 - 0 500 2004-06-25 08:06:45 W
560 Zebulon 7146 10 6 - 0 500 2004-07-01 14:58:20 W
561 MTG 7147 1 6 - 0 500 2004-06-10 15:04:44 W
562 Reaper 7150 7 4 - 0 500 2004-06-11 16:53:02 W
563 Armekt 7148 9 7 - 0 500 2004-06-11 15:26:55 W
564 Jakyll Dominion 7149 8 3 - 0 500 2004-06-08 03:58:40 W
565 poop 7151 2 7 - 0 500 2004-06-05 00:21:06 W
566 Savid Empire 7152 3 5 - 0 500 2004-06-07 02:01:54 W
567 Netherrelm 7153 5 7 - 0 500 2004-06-04 22:31:47 W
568 bob the conquer 7155 3 2 - 0 500 2004-06-05 06:37:40 W
569 Cybercat 7156 3 9 - 0 500 2004-06-15 08:52:13 W
570 ILA 7158 3 5 - 0 500 2004-06-09 12:26:01 W
571 Thousand Sons 7159 8 8 - 0 500 2004-06-12 11:01:44 W
572 Jurai 7160 8 10 - 0 500 2004-06-05 15:43:20 W
573 matas 7161 4 4 - 0 500 2004-06-06 14:10:09 W
574 Medatopia 7164 8 8 - 0 500 2004-06-05 19:02:07 W
575 terror 7162 9 1 - 0 500 2004-06-05 17:47:33 W
576 Forgin 7163 8 1 - 0 500 2004-06-11 04:14:10 W
577 Karelia 7165 3 7 - 0 500 2004-06-05 19:49:33 W
578 No Mercy 7167 4 3 - 0 500 2004-06-07 01:26:23 W
579 Imploruum 7169 7 6 - 0 500 2004-06-20 21:18:23 W
580 DarkFator 7170 1 6 - 0 500 2004-06-06 09:56:42 W
581 Mannheim 7171 8 5 - 0 500 2004-06-11 18:16:22 W
582 Crapland 7328 10 5 - 0 500 2004-06-17 02:40:10 W
583 DemiGods 7173 10 4 - 0 500 2004-06-06 21:21:50 W
584 camalot 7174 8 4 - 0 500 2004-06-08 02:20:31 W
585 Koroby 7176 7 8 - 0 500 2004-06-07 06:00:00 W
586 Lugnut 7177 3 9 - 0 500 2004-06-19 05:42:35 W
587 Doscoones 7179 3 5 - 0 500 2004-06-07 09:18:48 W
588 Imperial Yi 7413 8 6 - 0 500 2004-06-26 19:39:07 W
589 Urumpy 7180 3 5 - 0 500 2004-06-07 11:25:18 W
590 Zodiac 7181 1 9 - 0 500 2004-06-07 11:36:54 W
591 mines of moria 7182 7 3 - 0 500 2004-06-08 03:52:38 W
592 Namani 7183 9 2 - 0 500 2004-06-07 11:56:30 W
593 horan 7185 8 2 - 0 500 2004-06-07 13:11:59 W
594 Mad Russian 7187 7 3 - 0 500 2004-06-26 00:09:05 W
595 Frackania 7189 2 1 - 0 500 2004-06-07 21:53:15 W
596 Beasty 7188 2 8 - 0 500 2004-06-07 20:15:53 W
597 Rivendell 7190 7 9 - 0 500 2004-06-11 22:03:40 W
598 Kings 7191 7 2 - 0 500 2004-06-24 03:57:31 W
599 bird sanctuary 7193 2 4 - 0 500 2004-06-08 05:25:15 W
600 Mexican 7194 3 8 - 0 500 2004-06-26 00:01:08 W
601 ASDERFGGHYJIKL890 7195 10 2 - 0 500 2004-06-08 10:31:38 W
602 slognad 7196 9 1 - 0 500 2004-06-08 10:53:47 W
603 7788 7197 1 9 - 0 500 2004-06-08 10:55:46 W
604 DarkIce 7198 10 1 - 0 500 2004-06-08 12:26:53 W
605 federation 7201 1 3 - 0 500 2004-06-08 15:29:45 W
606 Last hope 7199 9 3 - 0 500 2004-07-07 03:04:35 W
607 sidetopia 7200 6 3 - 0 500 2004-06-08 15:11:10 W
608 Norm 7202 9 10 - 0 500 2004-06-08 19:35:30 W
609 maacjaac 7204 6 6 - 0 500 2004-06-22 20:13:40 W
610 borfy 7205 10 5 - 0 500 2004-06-08 22:01:09 W
611 Boonya1 7352 2 8 - 0 500 2004-06-19 01:11:03 W
612 The Elites 7211 3 9 - 0 500 2004-06-11 10:12:20 W
613 Geeko 7207 1 8 - 0 500 2004-06-08 23:21:37 W
614 OKSONOWWHAT 7208 5 8 - 0 500 2004-06-08 23:27:14 W
615 Hexton 7209 8 1 - 0 500 2004-06-08 23:36:57 W
616 Morglbl Land 7215 10 8 - 0 500 2004-06-09 17:48:16 W
617 britannica 7216 8 3 - 0 500 2004-06-09 20:33:21 W
618 NewSerbia 7217 10 2 - 0 500 2004-06-09 18:26:53 W
619 Total Annihilation 7218 9 10 - 0 500 2004-06-09 18:49:51 W
620 bad bashers 7219 10 3 - 0 500 2004-07-08 19:35:43 W
621 Wilomi 7220 9 4 - 0 500 2004-06-09 19:44:37 W
622 xuxa 7221 9 5 - 0 500 2004-06-09 20:27:29 W
623 Harjiv 7222 1 8 - 0 500 2004-06-11 20:24:05 W
624 Storm Dominion 7225 9 10 - 0 500 2004-07-10 02:40:48 W
625 sam samson 7223 5 3 - 0 500 2004-06-09 22:50:48 W
626 Pyro 7226 2 10 - 0 500 2004-06-10 04:27:40 W
627 ERock 7228 7 9 - 0 500 2004-06-10 08:03:32 W
628 Boracay 7229 9 9 - 0 500 2004-06-14 01:24:35 W
629 Wolf pack 7230 9 6 - 0 500 2004-06-10 13:45:16 W
630 MORGS 7231 10 7 - 0 500 2004-06-10 13:47:18 W
631 Williams 7232 9 9 - 0 500 2004-06-10 14:18:05 W
632 Beauty 7233 4 5 - 0 500 2004-06-10 15:44:12 W
633 Desolation 7234 7 1 - 0 500 2004-06-10 15:48:39 W
634 Ratzel 7235 2 9 - 0 500 2004-06-12 16:55:31 W
635 Troy 7236 1 2 - 0 500 2004-06-25 23:56:11 W
636 The Shian 7237 10 1 - 0 500 2004-06-10 18:04:03 W
637 The Void 7239 8 7 - 0 500 2004-06-10 20:24:44 W
638 Laughinton 7238 3 4 - 0 500 2004-06-10 19:19:58 W
639 sykesy emperial 7240 1 4 - 0 500 2004-06-10 22:53:27 W
640 Wu Tang 7243 1 6 - 0 500 2004-06-19 03:04:07 W
641 MountainDewFanatic 7244 10 6 - 0 500 2004-06-14 00:54:14 W
642 Protoss 7245 10 8 - 0 500 2004-06-11 21:46:22 W
643 LastStand 7246 5 3 - 0 500 2004-06-11 09:19:10 W
644 Bedfordia 7247 3 7 - 0 500 2004-06-11 10:30:54 W
645 Deltanines 7248 6 3 - 0 500 2004-06-14 15:58:41 W
646 Kenshi 7249 10 7 - 0 500 2004-06-11 16:31:17 W
647 Anarchy Realm 7250 6 1 - 0 500 2004-06-11 18:17:31 W
648 death04 7251 9 6 - 0 500 2004-06-11 20:46:54 W
649 KaliGa 7252 8 2 - 0 500 2004-06-11 18:45:04 W
650 zippy 7254 8 9 - 0 500 2004-06-11 19:30:43 W
651 mikerez 7255 2 8 - 0 500 2004-06-12 22:26:09 W
652 Sith Empire 7257 2 8 - 0 500 2004-06-11 23:36:43 W
653 kill40 7259 4 5 - 0 500 2004-06-12 02:32:39 W
654 Ottomans 7258 4 7 - 0 500 2004-06-12 06:15:25 W
655 Kesh 7260 9 4 - 0 500 2004-06-12 04:28:00 W
656 Eden 7261 5 9 - 0 500 2004-06-14 19:52:02 W
657 killah 7262 6 6 - 0 500 2004-06-12 06:46:02 W
658 Sir. Herskind 7263 4 8 - 0 500 2004-06-18 18:51:34 W
659 Ciudad de Stalin 7264 6 4 - 0 500 2004-06-12 09:36:40 W
660 ash 7266 5 1 - 0 500 2004-06-12 14:31:55 W
661 Jas4life 7412 3 7 - 0 500 2004-06-25 13:34:49 W
662 Morrowind 7267 4 8 - 0 500 2004-06-14 00:36:15 W
663 Dragons 7268 3 8 - 0 500 2004-06-12 15:38:00 W
664 Rainbow 7269 10 1 - 0 500 2004-06-12 17:56:11 W
665 skittles 7270 4 6 - 0 500 2004-06-12 17:52:01 W
666 hotchick286 7273 10 3 - 0 500 2004-06-14 15:16:01 W
667 Dark Doidge 7274 9 1 - 0 500 2004-06-12 18:37:57 W
668 aa 7437 7 5 - 0 500 2004-07-06 00:15:31 W
669 nick 7275 2 9 - 0 500 2004-06-18 18:43:47 W
670 Barton 7588 9 8 - 0 500 2004-07-07 02:00:38 W
671 Xplicit Storm 7281 1 6 - 0 500 2004-06-15 13:14:10 W
672 Plasmaprism 7282 6 10 - 0 500 2004-06-13 12:58:04 W
673 Vangoria 7283 9 6 - 0 500 2004-07-18 14:24:43 W
674 necrone lord of iron 7287 5 2 - 0 500 2004-06-18 01:55:45 W
675 Salvi 7284 4 9 - 0 500 2004-06-13 18:13:59 W
676 the greeks 7285 5 4 - 0 500 2004-06-14 15:16:51 W
677 Cheesecake 7286 9 5 - 0 500 2004-06-13 19:51:45 W
678 Hotwireds Domain 7288 3 2 - 0 500 2004-07-14 02:08:49 W
679 fadaching 7289 9 1 - 0 500 2004-06-13 23:46:43 W
680 Pegasus 7291 1 4 - 0 500 2004-06-14 08:23:38 W
681 CodeBlue 7292 5 5 - 0 500 2004-06-14 10:38:54 W
682 Shovora 7411 9 4 - 0 500 2004-06-25 00:02:41 W
683 HellFire 7294 3 7 - 0 500 2004-06-21 04:03:05 W
684 Chic Flic 7295 6 4 - 0 500 2004-06-16 12:11:36 W
685 BLSempire 7296 2 4 - 0 500 2004-06-14 15:28:37 W
686 Wolf 259 7297 8 7 - 0 500 2004-06-19 03:37:48 W
687 Master Of Orian 7298 2 5 - 0 500 2004-06-14 18:05:26 W
688 jimmyo 7299 2 7 - 0 500 2004-06-24 15:33:48 W
689 Hobo_Wayne 7301 5 8 - 0 500 2004-06-19 11:16:15 W
690 The Coroner 7304 3 4 - 0 500 2004-06-22 03:40:25 W
691 nitrowave 7302 6 7 - 0 500 2004-06-14 22:25:02 W
692 ELYSIUM 7303 5 8 - 0 500 2004-06-14 22:51:30 W
693 Toronto 7305 3 10 - 0 500 2004-06-14 23:56:55 W
694 Vendia 7306 9 10 - 0 500 2004-07-09 16:52:05 W
695 the elite forces 7310 7 9 - 0 500 2004-06-15 04:01:12 W
696 Bongdonia 7311 7 3 - 0 500 2004-06-15 06:01:02 W
697 Cross 7422 1 4 - 0 500 2004-06-26 02:22:03 W
698 Pegasoland 7313 4 8 - 0 500 2004-07-01 17:00:18 W
699 Pleu2 7421 10 4 - 0 500 2004-06-26 00:41:41 W
700 POOPIES 7315 3 8 - 0 500 2004-06-15 15:09:27 W
701 shortydave 7316 4 8 - 0 500 2004-06-19 17:37:24 W
702 HeavyArms 7436 3 4 - 0 500 2004-07-01 22:09:38 W
703 Zvodnik 7466 6 5 - 0 500 2004-07-06 20:14:19 W
704 Tiny 7318 8 2 - 0 500 2004-06-15 23:38:37 W
705 Assasinators 7320 1 9 - 0 500 2004-06-16 01:03:54 W
706 Scor3op 7324 7 5 - 0 500 2004-06-16 11:33:22 W
707 Phobos 7571 2 2 - 0 500 2004-07-06 02:41:11 W
708 puremoney 7327 10 10 - 0 500 2004-06-21 03:59:23 W
709 Doonhaven 7331 10 2 - 0 500 2004-06-27 06:29:35 W
710 Trojen123 7332 7 10 - 0 500 2004-06-17 12:47:56 W
711 TheTitans 7333 2 9 - 0 500 2004-06-17 13:19:53 W
712 Kampo 7335 7 2 - 0 500 2004-06-17 15:02:33 W
713 necrom 7336 2 3 - 0 500 2004-06-17 19:52:33 W
714 Weststreet 7339 10 2 - 0 500 2004-06-23 03:14:49 W
715 Netmonster 7340 7 9 - 0 500 2004-06-18 07:54:59 W
716 Hellmonds Empire 7342 7 9 - 0 500 2004-06-19 13:03:59 W
717 Aldebaran 7343 4 6 - 0 500 2004-06-19 11:17:19 W
718 Sludgeland 7344 6 3 - 0 500 2004-06-22 12:06:26 W
719 Metropolis 7345 6 2 - 0 500 2004-06-21 11:44:22 W
720 StarFleet 7347 1 1 - 0 500 2004-06-18 16:46:12 W
721 Mytharian Realms 7349 4 7 - 0 500 2004-06-18 19:00:55 W
722 Barada 7350 1 6 - 0 500 2004-06-18 20:27:03 W
723 wadeperry 7353 6 4 - 0 500 2004-06-19 04:45:45 W
724 Lost Dream 7354 5 4 - 0 500 2004-07-05 03:30:40 W
725 Project Mayhem 7355 4 7 - 0 500 2004-06-29 01:17:48 W
726 stinger 7356 10 7 - 0 500 2004-06-19 14:10:00 W
727 faeoon 7358 6 4 - 0 500 2004-06-19 21:57:57 W
728 Strandas 7357 6 2 - 0 500 2004-06-19 19:22:58 W
729 Haven 7359 1 6 - 0 500 2004-06-19 23:14:28 W
730 Wold 7360 6 10 - 0 500 2004-06-25 06:52:19 W
731 Lone Wolf 7361 4 6 - 0 500 2004-06-28 15:39:52 W
732 Dinos 7362 8 1 - 0 500 2004-06-20 01:57:50 W
733 Reztonia 7363 1 9 - 0 500 2004-06-20 20:07:56 W
734 Antipathy 7364 4 10 - 0 500 2004-06-22 12:11:17 W
735 Psychopathic 7367 6 3 - 0 500 2004-07-11 08:03:03 W
736 Dark Empire 7368 8 10 - 0 500 2004-06-24 21:10:28 W
737 Rayners 7514 6 10 - 0 500 2004-07-03 05:58:12 W
738 earth 2 7370 1 9 - 0 500 2004-06-21 14:37:48 W
739 Pylonic 7371 2 8 - 0 500 2004-06-22 09:06:20 W
740 Nerion 7372 7 7 - 0 500 2004-06-25 18:45:27 W
741 Gya 7374 7 9 - 0 500 2004-06-22 05:41:18 W
742 Land of Pooh 7375 4 5 - 0 500 2004-06-21 19:08:21 W
743 Alien Workers Union 7605 7 1 - 0 500 2004-07-08 15:30:33 W
744 Sullimaa 7380 3 2 - 0 500 2004-06-22 12:56:41 W
745 Teraxian 7381 4 9 - 0 500 2004-06-22 16:06:54 W
746 Gavitron 7383 6 10 - 0 500 2004-06-27 17:37:28 W
747 DeepStar 7540 6 3 - 0 500 2004-07-10 19:06:26 W
748 Shinzo 7386 3 1 - 0 500 2004-06-24 09:54:31 W
749 puiwaa 7387 8 9 - 0 500 2004-07-03 11:41:13 W
750 Cid 7388 9 3 - 0 500 2004-06-23 14:36:16 W
751 askaban 7389 7 3 - 0 500 2004-06-23 15:48:58 W
752 uknow 7390 6 4 - 0 500 2004-06-23 19:27:30 W
753 Black Lotus 7391 7 8 - 0 500 2004-06-26 16:32:23 W
754 rivendale 7392 3 10 - 0 500 2004-06-23 20:10:30 W
755 Domainia 7393 6 9 - 0 500 2004-06-23 23:48:56 W
756 Loregon 7394 10 6 - 0 500 2004-06-24 10:41:17 W
757 United Hamlette 7395 6 8 - 0 500 2004-06-23 23:53:41 W
758 arson 7396 6 6 - 0 500 2004-06-28 21:04:33 W
759 Pluto 7398 7 3 - 0 500 2004-06-24 07:08:08 W
760 Tenath 7399 6 6 - 0 500 2004-07-06 16:23:47 W
761 Remisa 7400 9 4 - 0 500 2004-06-24 12:31:49 W
762 G Unit Soldiers 7401 5 4 - 0 500 2004-06-24 10:52:20 W
763 Jedi OutKasts 7403 10 10 - 0 500 2004-06-24 19:08:41 W
764 Larkin 7404 10 3 - 0 500 2004-06-24 19:29:38 W
765 ChromeDome 7408 7 7 - 0 500 2004-06-26 00:16:12 W
766 AhmedGeddon 7409 8 5 - 0 500 2004-06-24 23:03:14 W
767 Kickyourass The Clown 7410 6 2 - 0 500 2004-06-24 23:42:12 W
768 Kwaparra 7414 3 8 - 0 500 2004-06-25 05:51:24 W
769 Noxx 7416 9 2 - 0 500 2004-06-25 07:33:31 W
770 Assassin 7418 5 5 - 0 500 2004-06-25 13:49:38 W
771 Zentero 7419 4 6 - 0 500 2004-06-25 17:02:26 W
772 AndosiA 7420 9 5 - 0 500 2004-06-26 11:26:48 W
773 galaxia 7424 3 3 - 0 500 2004-06-26 06:01:54 W
774 Borg Nexus 7425 9 8 - 0 500 2004-06-26 10:34:37 W
775 Artillary Goat 7426 6 4 - 0 500 2004-06-26 11:53:31 W
776 The Protoss Conclave 7427 3 10 - 0 500 2004-06-27 01:15:01 W
777 Mushroom 7428 9 4 - 0 500 2004-07-07 03:39:58 W
778 Franklin 7429 4 3 - 0 500 2004-07-06 00:13:36 W
779 kool98 7430 5 9 - 0 500 2004-07-08 06:32:18 W
780 ashlands 7432 2 8 - 0 500 2004-06-26 18:29:59 W
781 Ghanni 7433 10 3 - 0 500 2004-07-01 12:56:56 W
782 ruby roebuck 7434 1 8 - 0 500 2004-06-30 22:14:26 W
783 Murphy 7587 4 9 - 0 500 2004-07-07 00:22:29 W
784 Casperian 7440 10 9 - 0 500 2004-06-27 04:39:45 W
785 Irk 7441 4 4 - 0 500 2004-07-10 09:31:35 W
786 Bdino 7444 9 6 - 0 500 2004-07-08 03:52:10 W
787 Rage 7445 10 5 - 0 500 2004-07-09 20:51:32 W
788 kiol 7447 6 2 - 0 500 2004-06-27 21:00:32 W
789 REDead 7448 9 7 - 0 500 2004-07-04 13:21:58 W
790 Garoden 7449 8 7 - 0 500 2004-06-28 05:49:48 W
791 danny 7450 5 1 - 0 500 2004-06-28 06:28:16 W
792 Bolipatnja 7452 5 6 - 0 500 2004-06-28 11:47:38 W
793 Raptors 7453 4 4 - 0 500 2004-06-28 12:47:23 W
794 Arawnians 7456 9 6 - 0 500 2004-07-01 12:57:49 W
795 robboraffarule 7457 1 5 - 0 500 2004-07-08 17:37:25 W
796 oracles 7458 4 4 - 0 500 2004-06-28 15:26:03 W
797 Nutura 7459 6 4 - 0 500 2004-06-28 18:58:19 W
798 proot 7460 1 5 - 0 500 2004-06-28 19:00:27 W
799 Galactic Empire 7462 3 1 - 0 500 2004-06-28 20:33:28 W
800 Dominicus 7463 5 9 - 0 500 2004-07-07 03:48:35 W
801 Veroxia 7464 6 2 - 0 500 2004-06-28 23:30:11 W
802 Hellion 7465 1 8 - 0 500 2004-06-30 08:02:35 W
803 Chaotic Lands 7469 4 1 - 0 500 2004-06-29 03:57:15 W
804 Forces of Snow 7470 1 5 - 0 500 2004-06-29 05:33:58 W
805 Infantry1969 7471 2 3 - 0 500 2004-07-08 14:56:09 W
806 Sarapova 7473 10 1 - 0 500 2004-06-29 15:46:42 W
807 oompaloompa 7474 8 6 - 0 500 2004-06-30 08:00:28 W
808 Whitefern 7475 6 5 - 0 500 2004-06-29 17:12:13 W
809 Amerykanmdma 7476 8 1 - 0 500 2004-07-09 18:26:38 W
810 Galatic 7477 10 4 - 0 500 2004-07-07 03:04:18 W
811 WeeTopia 7478 8 1 - 0 500 2004-06-29 21:20:02 W
812 Baq 7479 5 1 - 0 500 2004-06-30 01:57:13 W
813 Stormsurge 7483 6 8 - 0 500 2004-07-04 12:27:09 W
814 Xero 7484 5 8 - 0 500 2004-07-04 10:32:14 W
815 COOP COOPERs 7488 5 4 - 0 500 2004-06-30 12:57:58 W
816 earth raiders 7489 1 7 - 0 500 2004-06-30 13:28:43 W
817 kiven 7492 6 6 - 0 500 2004-07-05 13:15:30 W
818 Dudunnic 7493 5 4 - 0 500 2004-06-30 18:24:43 W
819 Jungian Empire 7494 3 8 - 0 500 2004-06-30 20:36:39 W
820 Xinye 7495 3 6 - 0 500 2004-06-30 21:06:38 W
821 aaa 7496 7 3 - 0 500 2004-06-30 21:26:40 W
822 winnersofallppl 7499 6 7 - 0 500 2004-07-01 05:33:47 W
823 kreamo 7500 10 3 - 0 500 2004-07-01 06:52:44 W
824 foundations 7502 2 1 - 0 500 2004-07-01 08:56:51 W
825 destayne 7503 10 6 - 0 500 2004-07-01 10:41:25 W
826 martisland 7504 7 3 - 0 500 2004-07-02 09:14:33 W
827 galacticum imperium 7508 5 10 - 0 500 2004-07-07 09:43:17 W
828 Super Monkeys 7509 2 10 - 0 500 2004-07-01 16:14:07 W
829 Sashimisu 7510 5 8 - 0 500 2004-07-01 16:51:17 W
830 black hawk 7511 3 5 - 0 500 2004-07-18 23:09:42 W
831 reapers 7512 3 3 - 0 500 2004-07-15 05:52:16 W
832 Krish420 7513 2 2 - 0 500 2004-07-10 06:06:33 W
833 Kindatul Mulook 7518 2 2 - 0 500 2004-07-02 09:48:53 W
834 callahan 7519 5 6 - 0 500 2004-07-03 14:13:18 W
835 gothic serpent 7520 8 2 - 0 500 2004-07-08 18:06:20 W
836 DJ 7521 1 10 - 0 500 2004-07-07 01:35:57 W
837 Yellow 7522 2 8 - 0 500 2004-07-02 16:31:31 W
838 stuart 7523 2 9 - 0 500 2004-07-02 18:43:09 W
839 Anarchism 7525 3 5 - 0 500 2004-07-02 18:48:51 W
840 Tamaraz 7527 2 1 - 0 500 2004-07-06 09:24:26 W
841 totalnutter 7528 1 3 - 0 500 2004-07-02 23:01:26 W
842 Armageddon 7529 5 9 - 0 500 2004-07-02 23:33:02 W
843 RoCkY 7530 1 3 - 0 500 2004-07-05 03:31:12 W
844 Akaoka 7533 8 5 - 0 500 2004-07-03 15:09:32 W
845 Elder Dragons 7534 5 6 - 0 500 2004-07-03 15:38:38 W
846 Vendetta 7536 1 7 - 0 500 2004-07-05 08:40:26 W
847 bob land 7537 9 8 - 0 500 2004-07-03 20:01:41 W
848 GORBALS 7539 7 3 - 0 500 2004-07-03 23:09:45 W
849 Demon 7544 7 4 - 0 500 2004-07-05 22:53:03 W
850 the thugs 7547 5 10 - 0 500 2004-07-05 16:50:20 W
851 Kultis 7549 5 7 - 0 500 2004-07-04 13:01:40 W
852 Arakon 7550 10 8 - 0 500 2004-07-04 14:16:46 W
853 wuftie 7551 2 1 - 0 500 2004-07-04 16:00:34 W
854 oblivion 7552 7 6 - 0 500 2004-07-04 16:29:08 W
855 tacticus 7553 8 5 - 0 500 2004-07-05 04:07:28 W
856 New Age 7554 5 2 - 0 500 2004-07-04 19:32:48 W
857 Enforcer1234 7555 5 3 - 0 500 2004-07-04 20:03:25 W
858 Hummel 7556 6 8 - 0 500 2004-07-04 22:58:54 W
859 u2007 7562 9 8 - 0 500 2004-07-06 10:32:50 W
860 qwertz 7563 5 8 - 0 500 2004-07-17 20:48:59 W
861 Korbus 7564 5 5 - 0 500 2004-07-05 08:20:35 W
862 Wulfram 7565 5 3 - 0 500 2004-07-07 19:57:08 W
863 treezy 7566 1 4 - 0 500 2004-07-06 14:03:45 W
864 The Collins Empire 7568 4 1 - 0 500 2004-07-05 20:49:20 W
865 lord stumps coontree 7577 6 3 - 0 500 2004-07-08 04:45:00 W
866 Sym Inc. 7578 9 1 - 0 500 2004-07-06 06:30:49 W
867 Eratus 7579 5 2 - 0 500 2004-07-06 11:59:14 W
868 Azer 7581 4 3 - 0 500 2004-07-06 14:20:27 W
869 jubi85 7704 4 6 - 0 500 2004-07-17 02:22:08 W
870 Wales 7584 2 1 - 0 500 2004-07-06 18:51:12 W
871 invisible 7585 7 3 - 0 500 2004-07-06 22:05:47 W
872 The Scorpion Clans 7586 3 2 - 0 500 2004-07-07 10:06:19 W
873 Arania 7589 7 10 - 0 500 2004-07-07 04:04:19 W
874 Veskans 7592 4 1 - 0 500 2004-07-07 06:20:37 W
875 Conarium 7595 4 10 - 0 500 2004-07-07 09:55:25 W
876 Padreic 7596 9 9 - 0 500 2004-07-07 11:14:03 W
877 gladiator 7597 3 5 - 0 500 2004-07-07 11:33:34 W
878 Kingonia 7600 7 6 - 0 500 2004-07-07 16:17:23 W
879 hunters of allarack 7601 1 3 - 0 500 2004-07-07 17:28:08 W
880 blood elvs 7602 1 9 - 0 500 2004-07-07 17:04:10 W
881 phalanx 7714 9 9 - 0 500 2004-07-18 02:55:44 W
882 Riva 7604 6 8 - 0 500 2004-07-07 18:06:31 W
883 Georges Empire 7606 1 3 - 0 500 2004-07-09 07:54:03 W
884 Bloody_Valentine 7608 2 2 - 0 500 2004-07-09 18:23:09 W
885 Rakh Hunter 7614 4 9 - 0 500 2004-07-10 07:04:04 W
886 Fun Land 7621 8 8 - 0 500 2004-07-10 19:35:24 W
887 daltonganger 7630 1 3 - 0 500 2004-07-11 13:41:31 W
888 Hardwidge 7633 5 9 - 0 500 2004-07-11 20:23:12 W
889 Glacioucus 7671 4 10 - 0 500 2004-07-14 20:54:29 W
890 Feds 7672 4 10 - 0 500 2004-07-14 21:08:29 W
891 TheDynasty 7699 9 4 - 0 500 2004-07-16 14:57:02 W
892 BLUE DRAGONS 7701 6 2 - 0 500 2004-07-16 16:38:35 W
893 Mikeyrim 7702 1 1 - 0 500 2004-07-16 16:56:37 W
894 Rune Town 7723 4 10 - 0 500 2004-07-18 22:46:00 W
895 meatwad 7725 4 7 - 0 500 2004-07-18 23:58:21 W
896 Gumbie HQ 7734 2 4 - 0 500 2004-07-19 12:32:01 W
897 Shadowfury 7741 3 7 - 0 500 2004-07-19 17:50:44 W
898 SSR 7753 9 7 - 0 500 2004-07-20 06:47:28 W
899 kAmbiZzz 7756 9 9 - 0 500 2004-07-20 11:54:11 W
900 C. Theory 7761 5 9 - 0 500 2004-07-20 23:46:32 W
901 The Dark side 7763 10 5 - 0 500 2004-07-21 05:41:50 W
902 LewisTherinTelamon 7765 8 2 - 0 500 2004-07-21 08:28:29 W
903 Rayzor 7796 5 3 - 0 500 2004-07-23 08:10:15 W
904 Solstis 7801 4 8 - 0 500 2004-07-23 16:49:34 W
905 Pillar of Autumn 7803 4 10 - 0 500 2004-07-23 19:35:21 W
^ : previous won the empire first place
* : previous won the federation first place