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End 2004-03-05


Name Id Total Score Total Empires
Notorious 5 123399377 10
Wicked 4 1688015 9
Wisdom 1 1209267 6
Hyperion 8 1197408 7
Deactivations Alliance 13 720251 8
Great Danes 39 670380 11
The Terran League 11 650704 6
BadBoyz 54 635239 5
The Dragon 14 504228 6
Falcon Wolf 44 446441 5
NOOBs 52 432265 7
The Newcommers 56 327794 5
TNT 68 245761 2
ZookRon 64 204873 2
Clueless 31 195676 1
HolidayCamp 10 184881 3
The Imperials 60 170585 3
SKURGE 43 157706 7
Buzzkill 30 140680 1
C4 71 124344 1
SoulStars 57 118026 2
SwissCheese 72 117858 1
Lord Zorg 47 116382 1
Helix 65 90155 2
Aijen 42 76780 1
Asylum 38 58376 1
The Journeyman 59 57294 1
Squadron Elite 73 44226 1
Mainframe 49 42235 3
Flame of Darkness 74 40534 1
Wannderer 58 36914 1
dutybound 46 31723 1
Justice 55 27434 1
Ultimate Warriors 27 24916 1
the wombles 78 24409 1
Phykitikus 63 23894 1
The star League 40 22362 3
dankskingdom 70 20939 1
The Greater Good 9 15731 5
ruiz 75 15690 1
peaceloveingnations 51 14706 1
4th Reich 76 13967 1
foundation earth 20 13773 1
The Outfit 79 13638 1
Tower of Champions 23 10786 2
Iurisdictio 3 8309 1
just join 34 7564 1
Death Dealers 35 7122 1
the balck ram 41 5776 1
Dreagonia 26 5488 1
oink 6 4498 1
overtrans 21 3142 1
Together_United 28 420 1


P Empire Id X Y FId Score AP Last Change A W
1 Wish 2655 7 6 5 16141877 0 2004-03-06 00:34:59 W
2 Thug Luv 2889 9 4 5 13096106 179 2004-03-05 13:25:39 W
3 1NationUnderAGroove 4769 3 9 5 12813853 0 2004-03-06 00:32:42 W
4 MightyMoose 2836 2 9 5 12410963 58 2004-03-05 19:33:37 W
5 Wolverine 1 4 7 5 12228449 228 2004-03-05 18:31:28 W
6 Rockhampton 3406 8 3 5 11848896 13 2004-03-06 00:33:53 W
7 DoA 4221 10 8 5 11810144 0 2004-03-06 00:33:53 W
8 Wolfshield 1409 1 2 5 11241737 454 2004-03-05 14:02:52 W
9 simstar 742 7 5 5 11086649 74 2004-03-06 00:34:54 W
10 Middle Earth 2612 3 9 5 10720703 196 2004-03-06 00:25:50 W
11 Trick 3946 3 3 4 513947 31 2004-03-06 00:34:53 W
12 Knowledge 3603 8 1 1 469786 30 2004-03-06 00:20:29 W
13 frizermus 4507 1 10 4 348595 27 2004-03-05 22:46:30 W
14 Dedalus 4755 4 10 4 284149 7 2004-03-06 00:34:59 W
15 TigerWars 3902 1 1 8 242089 84 2004-03-06 00:17:44 W
16 Paranoid 5448 6 10 68 218594 14 2004-03-05 23:04:01 W
17 Serpent Bane 3608 7 10 1 218012 38 2004-03-06 00:00:16 W
18 Omen 3963 2 3 8 204776 159 2004-03-05 19:54:18 W
19 Triumverate 2185 4 8 8 204185 39 2004-03-06 00:20:54 W
20 Rainbow Land 4949 5 10 31 195676 2 2004-03-06 00:22:43 W
21 Jackel 5060 3 9 54 181498 432 2004-03-05 23:36:57 W
22 conquerer 5103 10 4 13 165042 1 2004-03-06 00:34:57 W
23 Kai of the Brunnen G 4206 1 3 1 163267 500 2004-03-05 15:33:17 W
24 Valinor 4654 9 7 1 162407 24 2004-03-06 00:34:37 W
25 ChaosFactorX 4297 10 1 4 161541 157 2004-03-05 17:14:01 W
26 storm 1386 7 6 11 160807 70 2004-03-05 21:12:47 W
27 Gweak 5244 8 1 54 154927 166 2004-03-05 09:55:14 W
28 Sedwyn 5408 5 10 - 153174 24 2004-03-05 21:20:20 W
29 Moolinger 2857 2 6 8 142650 136 2004-03-05 20:55:03 W
30 Swan Knights 4619 9 10 8 142312 57 2004-03-05 21:20:50 W
31 UFO 4938 2 9 39 141171 84 2004-03-05 23:59:15 W
32 BuzLiteYear 4650 10 9 30 140680 369 2004-03-04 06:40:38 W
33 Zookland 5512 10 7 64 139859 65 2004-03-05 13:45:18 W
34 Asgard 416 9 1 1 139068 289 2004-03-06 00:16:51 W
35 Spartapus 5295 4 1 52 138097 107 2004-03-05 23:26:57 W
36 Devastation 5036 7 3 54 137420 20 2004-03-05 21:43:57 W
37 Arusia 5074 4 7 13 132905 54 2004-03-05 15:39:47 W
38 Flipdoolpoop 2043 3 7 8 131802 238 2004-03-05 23:24:55 W
39 kelvin 5436 7 9 8 129594 6 2004-03-06 00:34:51 W
40 Cain 5062 9 3 13 129211 20 2004-03-05 21:15:45 W
41 The_Forgotton 5150 6 4 44 128241 69 2004-03-05 16:06:17 W
42 deathtime 4837 5 6 - 124680 64 2004-03-05 20:53:33 W
43 Zeon 5423 1 7 71 124344 9 2004-03-06 00:03:43 W
44 Frantic 3884 6 6 4 123395 84 2004-03-05 23:26:02 W
45 Delta Charlie One 4512 3 4 14 122522 22 2004-03-05 21:02:12 W
46 Loon 5139 7 1 - 121481 28 2004-03-05 21:05:56 W
47 Phoenix 4209 3 9 72 117858 500 2004-03-05 22:35:30 W
48 Unforgivn 5321 1 10 4 117660 39 2004-03-05 22:34:23 W
49 Warlords 5198 3 5 - 116505 48 2004-03-05 21:04:51 W
50 zongo666 5061 3 8 47 116382 383 2004-03-03 14:27:36 W
51 appleyard 5431 9 3 - 114810 29 2004-03-05 21:21:39 W
52 analites 4848 9 4 11 111529 25 2004-03-05 21:07:45 W
53 The realm 4432 4 10 10 106323 18 2004-03-05 23:23:09 W
54 Wolff Killers 5031 5 10 44 105581 88 2004-03-05 15:30:00 W
55 GOO 5322 9 3 52 102369 108 2004-03-05 23:16:35 W
56 Talsman 4090 9 6 11 100308 54 2004-03-05 21:02:24 W
57 thoraskriger 5027 9 2 39 100014 47 2004-03-05 19:49:52 W
58 Budtron 5379 2 8 - 98303 352 2004-03-05 19:20:36 W
59 dark desire 5417 8 4 56 98224 164 2004-03-05 19:52:24 W
60 Dark squad 5397 1 5 56 96582 292 2004-03-06 00:34:55 W
61 Hibernia Stratus 5351 5 8 11 95294 22 2004-03-05 22:17:08 W
62 Vlad 4366 1 1 11 95260 21 2004-03-05 22:35:04 W
63 Balbuster 4965 6 7 54 93729 58 2004-03-05 14:58:00 W
64 StiveSteen 5053 7 1 39 92691 9 2004-03-05 23:28:06 W
65 The Dark Plague 5227 4 10 52 92459 57 2004-03-05 19:33:23 W
66 picheleira 5324 6 9 44 90553 40 2004-03-05 18:09:57 W
67 Protoss Warriors 5446 1 7 60 88945 69 2004-03-05 22:58:42 W
68 Desomators 4953 4 2 14 88605 313 2004-03-04 07:24:03 W
69 stop....carryon 4989 6 10 39 88109 125 2004-03-05 22:56:29 W
70 Ablards Tigris 4679 6 8 11 87506 39 2004-03-05 18:02:20 W
71 silverwood 5365 4 9 14 85802 206 2004-03-05 23:31:55 W
72 mephisto 5504 3 4 - 83423 60 2004-03-05 14:57:48 W
73 Aijen 5125 2 8 42 76780 192 2004-03-05 05:56:30 W
74 E_1 5317 8 3 - 75452 1 2004-03-06 00:27:39 W
75 Philadelphia 2 5376 8 8 65 75270 447 2004-03-03 01:43:10 W
76 UnitedSouls 5212 4 8 57 73695 448 2004-03-05 19:47:12 W
77 alpha centari 4973 5 5 14 73463 41 2004-03-06 00:33:26 W
78 I rule2 5388 1 8 14 71985 500 2004-03-05 21:12:10 W
79 Devastater 2956 4 7 13 71741 15 2004-03-05 22:51:46 W
80 DeViL 5325 4 3 39 68744 500 2004-03-04 14:05:32 W
81 Cobra 5063 4 7 54 67665 38 2004-03-05 22:45:43 W
82 Katttahi 5003 4 3 13 66695 6 2004-03-06 00:33:34 W
83 Mashteuiatsh 5199 4 1 44 66309 500 2004-03-03 14:20:27 W
84 Narya 3904 9 9 4 66259 500 2004-03-05 12:46:58 W
85 gaulron 5511 8 10 64 65014 347 2004-03-03 15:00:55 W
86 sam 3636 1 8 13 62221 189 2004-03-05 18:09:44 W
87 Razeria 5174 2 6 14 61851 500 2004-03-03 20:27:14 W
88 stupido 4321 3 6 38 58376 500 2004-03-05 19:46:33 W
89 JohnyRocket 2186 7 5 4 57452 313 2004-03-05 03:06:04 W
90 Crimson legion 5375 6 6 59 57294 222 2004-03-05 13:23:26 W
91 Woven fury 3265 6 4 1 56727 246 2004-03-05 22:49:05 W
92 manticore 5447 7 10 - 56719 222 2004-03-05 13:32:56 W
93 bloodgulch 5171 4 4 44 55757 500 2004-03-02 14:39:31 W
94 The loosers 5353 3 1 56 55048 477 2004-03-05 15:26:25 W
95 real player 5439 6 8 52 53926 482 2004-03-05 09:05:35 W
96 allstars 4435 3 8 13 53197 164 2004-03-05 13:35:17 W
97 Travelling Hit Crew 5350 9 7 60 49428 154 2004-03-04 22:57:42 W
98 Vali 5048 2 6 39 48155 443 2004-03-05 17:10:56 W
99 hourgalss 5363 4 7 - 47943 500 2004-03-05 09:32:13 W
100 stars 4317 1 5 - 47360 500 2004-03-05 18:58:09 W
101 BS 5304 8 6 - 46743 42 2004-03-05 17:31:27 W
102 SoulsAllMighty 5406 1 1 57 44331 500 2004-03-05 22:13:10 W
103 Baedreyl 5544 9 6 73 44226 39 2004-03-05 20:59:53 W
104 MyDomain06 4932 10 5 - 44171 53 2004-03-05 15:46:57 W
105 borsch 5183 2 3 43 43677 500 2004-03-05 10:48:25 W
106 SPQR 4797 1 8 39 41996 500 2004-03-05 13:41:29 W
107 Joker 5141 8 8 10 41315 500 2004-03-03 07:33:21 W
108 The Pigfighters 5340 4 5 56 40609 332 2004-03-04 16:02:21 W
109 Talath 5515 5 6 74 40534 128 2004-03-05 15:04:34 W
110 hackney crew 4814 8 4 13 39239 500 2004-03-05 13:36:35 W
111 Davidos 5470 8 4 52 38327 197 2004-03-04 19:16:12 W
112 Thundarr 5072 6 5 - 37359 500 2004-03-04 18:01:41 W
113 Valhalla 5344 7 4 56 37331 500 2004-03-02 12:37:24 W
114 Snowkingdom 5277 9 1 10 37243 500 2004-03-03 07:30:59 W
115 Wannderer 5398 7 3 58 36914 500 2004-03-02 05:17:19 W
116 Spam Blockers 5456 10 2 - 36622 158 2004-03-05 13:39:50 W
117 Avatar 5519 3 6 39 35731 64 2004-03-05 13:54:39 W
118 Alianna Shadows 5213 4 6 43 34212 500 2004-03-02 16:30:44 W
119 Laminar 5207 7 7 - 32514 500 2004-03-03 19:51:19 W
120 Clavat 5479 1 10 60 32212 500 2004-03-04 17:44:03 W
121 galactic rulers 5021 2 7 46 31723 500 2004-03-05 17:35:29 W
122 SpaceFalcons 5037 3 4 - 29643 500 2004-03-05 20:54:04 W
123 PeaceMaker 5502 3 7 - 29476 244 2004-03-05 23:17:10 W
124 omocrons place 5401 8 2 - 28592 500 2004-03-03 00:43:38 W
125 gorillaFACE Bananas 5359 5 1 - 28308 500 2004-03-03 08:24:12 W
126 Chaos Team 5395 8 2 - 27979 17 2004-03-05 21:46:10 W
127 Equitas 4390 2 1 55 27434 520 2004-02-28 13:50:55 W
128 The UNSC 5441 5 3 - 27279 390 2004-03-04 22:13:13 W
129 Nitros 5285 10 8 68 27167 330 2004-03-03 19:40:11 W
130 Killomorda 5077 10 6 27 24916 329 2004-03-03 17:43:48 W
131 bradden 5488 2 7 - 24555 81 2004-03-05 11:07:39 W
132 bananarama 5548 4 8 78 24409 18 2004-03-05 21:36:52 W
133 Spangdahlem 5071 9 2 - 23927 500 2004-03-03 05:10:57 W
134 Necromas 5491 7 4 63 23894 500 2004-03-02 15:43:36 W
135 Worthy 5506 2 10 - 23568 245 2004-03-05 20:22:15 W
136 orkidee 5454 7 8 39 21539 218 2004-03-04 12:28:06 W
137 Distant fox 5443 3 9 - 21437 284 2004-03-04 03:58:10 W
138 avalon 5494 9 5 39 21083 22 2004-03-05 20:55:24 W
139 danks hood 5137 3 9 70 20939 206 2004-03-04 16:39:06 W
140 SWORDIANS 4288 9 5 - 20708 500 2004-03-03 07:29:02 W
141 zec 5516 1 2 - 19532 500 2004-03-04 01:00:57 W
142 harkers 5475 7 6 - 19460 4 2004-03-05 23:57:29 W
143 Tirath 5086 7 9 - 19353 500 2004-02-29 17:05:32 W
144 shelagh 5187 10 1 43 18724 500 2004-02-23 16:14:28 W
145 hammer 5214 3 3 43 18440 500 2004-02-23 16:08:58 W
146 The Vale 5503 10 2 - 18297 500 2004-03-03 10:57:03 W
147 Unforgiven 5528 6 4 - 18234 9 2004-03-05 23:05:41 W
148 Necro 5347 2 2 - 18162 500 2004-03-01 00:36:40 W
149 stargang 4928 10 9 - 17673 500 2004-02-21 22:09:37 W
150 Rafael 5281 6 6 - 17601 500 2004-02-29 23:21:54 W
151 king prawn 4744 6 7 - 16740 500 2004-03-02 15:24:31 W
152 absolute 5004 6 8 40 16605 500 2004-03-02 13:40:43 W
153 Perathia 5291 3 8 - 16402 500 2004-03-01 16:02:40 W
154 gummy 5149 3 8 49 16324 500 2004-02-28 02:35:00 W
155 Spacejumpers 5122 5 2 49 16158 500 2004-03-05 13:54:29 W
156 Ruiz 5553 2 10 75 15690 63 2004-03-05 14:21:43 W
157 MoeJoe 5563 9 8 - 15412 134 2004-03-05 20:58:45 W
158 Relic 5182 6 9 43 15055 500 2004-03-03 01:57:38 W
159 Skywalker 5341 4 7 4 15017 192 2004-03-05 15:34:08 W
160 spartrek 5217 8 9 - 14924 500 2004-03-05 10:04:50 W
161 Teelock 5538 9 8 65 14885 447 2004-03-02 22:04:23 W
162 Ronaldinho 5250 2 10 - 14827 500 2004-03-02 13:38:48 W
163 Krasus 5555 8 4 - 14813 17 2004-03-05 21:47:15 W
164 Valerio 5231 6 1 51 14706 500 2004-03-02 15:21:18 W
165 VTSPACEBARE 5394 9 3 - 14549 500 2004-03-04 01:32:37 W
166 Breeders of the Peace 5501 3 1 - 14437 93 2004-03-05 09:09:19 W
167 Kamarag 5177 8 2 - 14417 500 2004-03-03 01:49:29 W
168 BakaRyu 5524 2 4 - 14408 431 2004-03-03 13:26:01 W
169 Australian Empire 5153 6 5 - 14215 500 2004-02-29 05:12:02 W
170 joint 5246 8 5 43 14192 500 2004-02-22 10:08:17 W
171 hamstaris 5269 5 8 - 14005 672 2004-03-03 10:44:58 W
172 Rheinland 5582 9 9 76 13967 48 2004-03-05 16:35:24 W
173 claudias sex toy 4381 9 2 20 13773 500 2004-02-29 16:37:43 W
174 The Outfit 5484 9 1 79 13638 14 2004-03-05 22:13:07 W
175 Ravenous 5157 1 6 - 13554 500 2004-03-03 05:29:49 W
176 galactic killaz 5320 7 2 43 13406 500 2004-03-03 00:37:49 W
177 Quaggas 5110 2 2 - 13384 500 2004-03-02 15:25:59 W
178 PurpleKnight 5592 10 9 - 13284 67 2004-03-05 13:54:48 W
179 Mandaloria 5081 8 10 - 12054 500 2004-03-02 15:19:04 W
180 Sylvan 5587 4 6 - 11989 3 2004-03-06 00:12:09 W
181 pino 5570 6 1 - 11954 43 2004-03-05 18:37:45 W
182 Heavens Armada 5127 9 4 - 11905 500 2004-03-03 05:32:40 W
183 KINGDUM_COME 5459 3 6 - 11657 500 2004-03-02 02:41:43 W
184 The Harts 5407 1 3 - 11500 500 2004-03-03 05:41:40 W
185 LBCMAFFIA 4818 4 5 - 11344 500 2004-02-26 16:27:30 W
186 Sharkatons 5591 7 8 - 11166 27 2004-03-06 00:32:54 W
187 Grine 5473 2 3 39 11147 131 2004-03-05 18:05:59 W
188 Frisches Haff 5442 6 5 - 11114 500 2004-03-03 14:44:22 W
189 Alaszar 5468 9 4 - 11111 500 2004-02-29 11:28:59 W
190 The DeLioncourt Empire 5428 2 9 - 10987 500 2004-02-28 02:32:25 W
191 Quasar 5119 3 7 - 10703 500 2004-03-05 13:26:49 W
192 star power 5495 5 7 - 10467 500 2004-03-01 20:57:37 W
193 Distant Thunder 5034 4 5 - 10423 500 2004-03-02 02:35:33 W
194 evil666 5251 1 1 - 10348 500 2004-03-01 14:03:20 W
195 jaz3150 5510 1 1 - 10314 148 2004-03-05 05:17:13 W
196 dark side 5206 2 2 - 10251 500 2004-03-05 13:34:41 W
197 Reach 5306 9 4 - 9864 414 2004-03-04 18:37:12 W
198 Gravity 5162 6 10 - 9768 500 2004-03-01 14:40:44 W
199 Galatica 5054 9 2 49 9753 500 2004-02-18 04:42:24 W
200 Death Angels 5433 5 3 - 9566 500 2004-03-03 01:52:39 W
201 Nini 5478 7 2 - 9493 500 2004-03-01 01:33:13 W
202 Rippers 5160 6 6 - 9467 500 2004-02-27 12:01:56 W
203 Bretonia 5339 2 10 - 9349 500 2004-02-27 14:46:18 W
204 Vanguards 5562 9 4 - 9300 320 2004-03-04 00:13:05 W
205 montys madness 5580 9 4 - 9299 152 2004-03-04 23:19:53 W
206 jlittle318318 5120 6 1 - 9203 500 2004-02-15 23:26:43 W
207 silvaland 5245 1 9 - 9197 500 2004-03-05 13:23:37 W
208 Borges 5121 7 5 - 8707 500 2004-03-02 15:03:26 W
209 angels of death 5229 2 5 - 8558 500 2004-03-01 14:43:07 W
210 metal 5156 7 2 - 8528 500 2004-02-20 02:12:17 W
211 reno 5371 6 2 - 8432 500 2004-03-01 20:52:06 W
212 Assassins 5116 2 7 - 8389 500 2004-03-03 05:41:10 W
213 Techstar 5429 7 10 - 8371 500 2004-02-26 17:24:02 W
214 Empire of Doc KillRoy 5600 6 8 - 8360 13 2004-03-05 22:23:43 W
215 The Fallen 5145 4 9 - 8335 500 2004-03-05 17:25:26 W
216 Veritas 4388 5 3 3 8309 500 2004-03-01 14:40:30 W
217 HouseofColos 5008 1 4 - 8225 500 2004-03-01 14:00:17 W
218 shadowmaster 5599 1 9 - 8146 40 2004-03-05 17:54:55 W
219 antiwolf 5590 8 6 - 8052 111 2004-03-05 06:48:15 W
220 V 4828 1 9 - 8007 500 2004-02-15 16:32:08 W
221 Thid 5133 7 10 - 7988 500 2004-02-24 10:27:27 W
222 GoldStar 5118 9 6 - 7974 500 2004-03-03 05:06:39 W
223 Mohnkee 5356 6 3 - 7958 500 2004-02-23 02:16:18 W
224 janusdoom 5124 3 2 - 7843 500 2004-02-28 02:07:42 W
225 Battalgia 5057 1 4 - 7774 500 2004-03-05 13:29:08 W
226 Raishyr 5399 5 4 - 7769 500 2004-02-26 09:07:20 W
227 Skyjackers 5167 1 9 - 7746 500 2004-02-18 13:16:23 W
228 ZAYB 5583 8 6 - 7636 141 2004-03-05 01:08:25 W
229 butts of justice 5042 6 6 34 7564 500 2004-02-19 04:38:56 W
230 pockets 5180 10 1 - 7515 500 2004-02-25 22:50:08 W
231 etopia 5378 9 8 - 7201 500 2004-02-24 08:12:02 W
232 inuyasha7205 5152 8 10 - 7188 500 2004-02-25 22:43:24 W
233 inner world 5377 8 6 - 7178 500 2004-02-25 16:32:03 W
234 Anilators 5052 6 7 - 7162 500 2004-02-26 16:34:31 W
235 merciless 5415 6 2 - 7152 500 2004-02-25 22:50:08 W
236 dml 5530 5 1 - 7124 470 2004-03-02 18:12:03 W
237 Angels 5087 7 10 35 7122 914 2004-02-15 22:52:40 W
238 inuyasha720 5147 7 3 - 7116 500 2004-02-14 23:02:04 W
239 Super Cow Pie 5520 6 10 - 7061 500 2004-03-01 20:02:43 W
240 alsco 5243 4 3 - 6999 500 2004-02-27 01:21:17 W
241 HolyLegion 5560 4 9 - 6971 307 2004-03-04 23:02:30 W
242 Vaginaians 5168 2 9 - 6749 500 2004-03-01 05:26:11 W
243 Snitzels 5049 8 8 - 6636 500 2004-02-15 19:13:34 W
244 Terran 5256 8 5 - 6567 500 2004-03-05 13:21:51 W
245 Abh Nation 5175 7 8 - 6515 500 2004-02-17 22:35:01 W
246 patchoria 5117 1 6 - 6499 500 2004-02-13 14:54:11 W
247 Concordia 5294 2 7 - 6482 500 2004-02-25 10:08:28 W
248 bobert 4966 5 6 - 6481 500 2004-02-11 16:20:23 W
249 degauss 4233 7 6 - 6420 500 2004-02-29 23:18:00 W
250 Swisha House 5527 3 4 - 6386 240 2004-03-05 07:03:57 W
251 x4xk3 5556 6 6 - 6319 69 2004-03-05 18:36:20 W
252 MrFurious 5083 1 5 - 6272 500 2004-03-03 05:05:07 W
253 Get Backers 5581 4 4 - 6185 220 2004-03-04 22:54:51 W
254 Validators 5169 5 7 - 6173 500 2004-03-01 13:32:57 W
255 Ulrich 4915 8 9 - 6119 500 2004-03-01 16:53:18 W
256 Empire of Darkness 4817 3 5 23 6105 500 2004-02-13 00:23:57 W
257 Jedi 5248 6 1 52 5950 500 2004-03-01 00:46:17 W
258 Hobo Land 5412 5 9 - 5831 500 2004-02-27 14:03:22 W
259 Imperium Confederation 5242 2 8 - 5784 500 2004-02-17 22:13:19 W
260 The black Empire 5055 8 6 41 5776 500 2004-02-27 04:15:33 W
261 The Cone Empire 5338 8 8 - 5775 500 2004-03-01 10:07:54 W
262 omega_sector 5069 5 3 - 5700 500 2004-02-26 18:39:59 W
263 fartsquad 5546 4 2 - 5699 338 2004-03-04 15:55:09 W
264 Havoc pack 5452 5 5 - 5580 500 2004-02-27 20:51:31 W
265 Shadow Realm 5022 1 1 26 5488 500 2004-02-14 01:34:44 W
266 Ganjus 5019 5 7 - 5484 500 2004-03-01 14:45:23 W
267 killer X 5589 4 1 - 5418 123 2004-03-05 04:05:26 W
268 Kronborg 4939 8 7 40 5382 499 2004-03-02 15:53:53 W
269 Matuu 5500 6 3 - 5381 500 2004-02-29 21:03:52 W
270 dominaria 5163 1 9 - 5339 500 2004-02-25 20:17:35 W
271 wankeren 5040 5 8 - 5335 500 2004-02-15 19:09:23 W
272 Romulan Star Empire 5508 7 10 - 5305 500 2004-03-01 13:56:21 W
273 Aiea 4910 4 4 - 5247 500 2004-03-01 16:08:05 W
274 Stormers 5200 4 6 - 5244 500 2004-02-28 08:15:13 W
275 rooney 5268 8 5 - 5224 500 2004-03-01 12:48:59 W
276 Biker Boyz 4979 8 2 - 5129 500 2004-02-18 21:28:38 W
277 Jammen 5474 9 6 - 5096 500 2004-02-28 19:03:56 W
278 MWAG 5112 10 5 - 5084 500 2004-02-15 09:41:25 W
279 Phatty Doobage 5435 9 6 - 5069 500 2004-02-27 23:55:59 W
280 Thorium 5532 8 8 - 5055 500 2004-03-03 18:35:04 W
281 Krusaders 5601 7 4 - 5027 15 2004-03-05 22:02:15 W
282 Harleon 5493 7 9 - 4995 500 2004-02-29 18:22:32 W
283 calmlands 5481 10 7 - 4950 500 2004-02-29 01:21:37 W
284 Ferlenti 5577 1 1 - 4938 277 2004-03-04 18:44:25 W
285 Guss122 5059 4 3 - 4886 500 2004-02-15 19:07:32 W
286 Bish 5531 10 3 - 4881 470 2004-03-02 18:15:00 W
287 asdf 5241 1 2 - 4803 500 2004-02-17 01:48:59 W
288 DaHara 5044 1 7 - 4743 500 2004-02-13 21:46:12 W
289 JaBoG 4819 1 6 23 4681 500 2004-02-12 00:12:42 W
290 Presto 5046 7 2 - 4664 500 2004-02-10 17:24:46 W
291 ashollas 4026 7 9 - 4636 500 2004-02-27 12:16:22 W
292 Cajunworld 5000 6 5 - 4608 500 2004-02-17 06:00:02 W
293 Daimon 5129 2 8 - 4585 500 2004-02-13 21:57:17 W
294 Dominique 5360 9 1 - 4579 500 2004-02-26 22:42:25 W
295 hyperdrive 5372 3 4 - 4561 500 2004-02-24 01:19:53 W
296 Craz_Vyparium 5466 1 9 - 4558 500 2004-02-28 08:43:55 W
297 bigmanpigman 4016 7 3 6 4498 500 2004-02-28 09:26:53 W
298 Paradoxis 5267 1 9 - 4472 500 2004-02-28 17:05:58 W
299 Estahior 5001 9 6 - 4425 500 2004-02-11 16:07:54 W
300 Barz Empire 4730 2 4 - 4408 500 2004-02-18 16:19:05 W
301 Scientific Council 5319 8 5 - 4389 500 2004-02-28 17:09:02 W
302 Kidd_Dizzy Imperiam 4535 1 6 - 4386 500 2004-02-27 21:23:28 W
303 Milky Madness 5108 7 3 - 4365 500 2004-02-14 21:27:30 W
304 Dark_powers 5067 2 4 - 4362 500 2004-02-11 16:47:29 W
305 Mithrim 5346 4 1 - 4293 500 2004-02-22 17:30:36 W
306 British Empire 5274 5 1 - 4276 500 2004-02-26 14:47:04 W
307 melniboneans 5575 2 4 - 4193 169 2004-03-04 20:22:35 W
308 Muff 5276 5 1 - 4183 500 2004-03-01 12:44:19 W
309 Alemein 5258 8 8 - 4080 500 2004-02-19 16:14:58 W
310 Cowdor 4532 2 6 - 4062 500 2004-02-13 06:50:24 W
311 Lex 4350 8 5 - 4053 500 2004-02-12 16:06:51 W
312 GrimsbyTown 5101 6 3 - 4024 500 2004-02-12 12:22:49 W
313 Gwydder 5427 5 5 - 4018 500 2004-03-01 23:52:05 W
314 Pahnub 5026 7 3 - 3997 500 2004-02-27 10:56:15 W
315 HetenMitserugi 5400 3 3 - 3997 500 2004-02-27 11:01:17 W
316 Killa Gang 5011 1 3 - 3947 500 2004-02-26 14:44:58 W
317 moogle 4918 1 5 - 3921 500 2004-02-11 23:56:32 W
318 loraq 5023 7 9 - 3860 500 2004-02-12 13:35:19 W
319 Pyro 5102 9 7 - 3858 500 2004-02-13 15:30:01 W
320 Hobbis 5041 5 9 - 3797 500 2004-02-10 20:37:18 W
321 Shay_Ra 4908 3 9 - 3796 500 2004-02-09 18:13:58 W
322 DiDJaSuPTeR 4798 7 6 - 3788 500 2004-02-12 16:04:19 W
323 Rhynot 4934 3 2 - 3773 500 2004-02-11 00:52:38 W
324 Manifestion 4983 7 4 - 3773 500 2004-02-12 00:04:31 W
325 Hunger City 4484 5 1 - 3745 500 2004-02-11 00:58:12 W
326 RedDemocracyofValkan 5094 9 10 - 3704 500 2004-02-14 03:08:10 W
327 herbals 5404 8 4 - 3658 500 2004-02-28 17:04:27 W
328 The Zerg 4835 1 8 9 3643 500 2004-02-06 14:47:18 W
329 MouserP 5099 4 7 - 3640 500 2004-02-13 21:40:11 W
330 Steak 4659 7 5 - 3637 500 2004-02-13 20:24:22 W
331 aj2k8 4980 4 8 - 3620 500 2004-02-09 17:57:34 W
332 stonitopia 5411 2 3 - 3615 500 2004-02-27 14:07:17 W
333 Immortalia 5586 1 3 - 3586 188 2004-03-05 02:22:32 W
334 Unbellum 4632 9 6 - 3549 500 2004-02-12 13:42:42 W
335 FCP 4991 3 4 - 3533 500 2004-02-11 23:57:56 W
336 Dishtopia 4959 7 5 - 3527 500 2004-02-08 01:19:37 W
337 Relm of Shadows 5283 3 2 - 3521 500 2004-02-18 23:33:46 W
338 The Terran 4836 1 5 - 3516 500 2004-02-11 00:45:51 W
339 Mumpumalanga 5606 10 7 - 3482 1 2004-03-06 00:27:38 W
340 Whore Land 5082 8 5 - 3468 500 2004-02-14 06:49:41 W
341 Daves Elbow 4997 2 3 - 3448 500 2004-02-11 00:49:35 W
342 Dark 5006 7 8 - 3440 500 2004-02-09 16:29:53 W
343 Reaper 5425 7 7 - 3404 500 2004-02-27 11:00:09 W
344 Cesura 5211 3 2 - 3387 500 2004-02-16 04:01:34 W
345 moglwi 4816 5 3 - 3359 500 2004-02-11 00:44:44 W
346 Roarke Ind 4944 4 5 - 3330 500 2004-02-11 00:58:45 W
347 latamoc 4954 6 7 - 3326 500 2004-02-11 15:53:38 W
348 Tiremsor Star Empire 5364 4 6 - 3312 500 2004-02-25 21:53:30 W
349 HENNERLAND 4943 6 7 - 3279 500 2004-02-09 14:15:35 W
350 Evolon 3929 3 6 - 3264 500 2004-02-23 20:32:11 W
351 The Protoss 4681 5 6 9 3259 500 2004-02-07 11:17:37 W
352 Live Chicken 4929 8 7 - 3188 500 2004-02-11 15:38:23 W
353 Vivii 4865 4 10 - 3172 500 2004-02-09 17:13:15 W
354 Uridian 4985 5 9 - 3168 500 2004-02-09 18:09:38 W
355 The Tau 4745 5 1 9 3157 500 2004-02-05 23:21:56 W
356 duQe 5409 1 2 - 3144 500 2004-02-25 17:45:48 W
357 Transcendant 4952 2 2 21 3142 500 2004-02-15 19:00:11 W
358 Zimz 5128 5 1 - 3121 500 2004-02-28 13:18:43 W
359 Gremlinian 5576 9 1 - 3076 343 2004-03-04 18:37:23 W
360 xocliw 4970 1 8 - 3060 500 2004-02-07 10:40:42 W
361 Great Crusader 4972 4 8 - 3053 500 2004-02-13 20:54:03 W
362 Heaven 5080 9 7 - 3020 500 2004-02-13 17:38:48 W
363 Gondor Of MiddleEarth 5158 6 2 - 3012 500 2004-02-14 16:07:13 W
364 Ethariana 5558 7 8 - 2987 500 2004-03-03 22:17:39 W
365 zentradi 4911 7 5 9 2911 500 2004-02-06 10:52:22 W
366 Kill Frenzy 4841 1 7 9 2761 500 2004-02-09 14:18:54 W
367 The Thangka Empire 5134 9 5 - 2748 500 2004-02-13 16:37:17 W
368 Unicorns Host 4921 4 9 - 2739 500 2004-02-05 22:20:13 W
369 Castrro 4933 3 6 - 2736 500 2004-02-06 00:19:14 W
370 British 5161 5 10 - 2729 500 2004-02-14 19:11:15 W
371 indalecio 5367 6 9 - 2678 500 2004-02-23 17:18:14 W
372 Xenon 5393 5 2 - 2664 500 2004-03-01 22:40:54 W
373 Reaper of War 5426 4 1 - 2663 500 2004-02-26 13:02:03 W
374 soad 4936 4 8 - 2633 500 2004-02-13 20:46:16 W
375 virox 4942 8 5 - 2588 500 2004-02-09 05:55:58 W
376 loxi 5136 1 3 - 2578 500 2004-02-13 17:03:03 W
377 Terran Alliance 4962 1 9 - 2535 500 2004-02-07 13:38:02 W
378 Vasteelians 4925 2 2 - 2518 500 2004-02-06 14:18:49 W
379 Shrike 5095 2 8 - 2507 500 2004-02-13 20:45:04 W
380 Doomhammer 4905 8 1 - 2445 500 2004-02-08 01:16:49 W
381 swadow 4994 8 10 - 2445 500 2004-02-13 15:55:46 W
382 evil 5287 4 5 - 2442 500 2004-02-19 02:51:46 W
383 XZone 4807 3 8 - 2441 500 2004-02-09 14:15:49 W
384 holland 4996 3 1 - 2420 500 2004-02-08 12:20:46 W
385 Xero 5017 10 4 - 2350 500 2004-02-09 13:16:34 W
386 eXpertZ 5301 5 7 - 2338 500 2004-02-19 16:57:10 W
387 man 5457 6 9 - 2331 500 2004-02-27 22:19:24 W
388 Phrang 4960 9 2 - 2283 500 2004-02-09 05:54:27 W
389 firewarior 5574 8 3 - 2257 491 2004-03-04 14:25:14 W
390 shiver 5303 4 8 - 2213 500 2004-02-27 01:25:45 W
391 Colmanians 5151 9 10 - 2182 500 2004-02-14 02:49:45 W
392 Rodney 5449 5 5 - 2181 500 2004-02-27 19:27:15 W
393 moopheus city 5226 4 10 - 2176 500 2004-02-16 18:22:24 W
394 chu 5091 8 10 - 2159 500 2004-02-13 20:40:39 W
395 clouds empire 5445 7 2 - 2133 500 2004-02-27 08:20:52 W
396 Hostilnhel 4712 3 8 - 2092 500 2004-02-19 03:31:33 W
397 The winners 5567 8 4 - 2056 500 2004-03-04 01:55:33 W
398 Sketch 4999 10 4 - 2052 500 2004-02-08 14:59:23 W
399 STIFFY 4981 8 8 - 1997 500 2004-02-07 22:32:51 W
400 Paladin Empire 5480 4 1 - 1981 500 2004-02-29 01:07:03 W
401 blue moon 5330 6 7 - 1977 500 2004-02-21 23:44:06 W
402 comwiz 4403 4 5 - 1928 500 2004-02-09 13:14:30 W
403 dark nemesis 5414 1 5 - 1918 500 2004-02-27 14:28:42 W
404 Yid Army 4948 1 3 - 1897 500 2004-02-06 18:45:21 W
405 Solaris Mortae 5603 6 6 - 1882 398 2004-03-05 22:18:55 W
406 usa 4475 5 4 - 1826 500 2004-02-14 02:53:23 W
407 Kassiopee 4974 5 3 - 1794 500 2004-02-07 17:51:52 W
408 United Alliance 4930 5 5 - 1791 500 2004-02-05 23:14:17 W
409 tamriel 4956 8 1 - 1713 500 2004-02-06 21:58:22 W
410 Twiddites 5607 8 7 - 1644 356 2004-03-06 00:21:32 W
411 Sarainar 5585 2 6 - 1638 499 2004-03-05 02:20:27 W
412 Ferrettopia 5203 7 9 - 1636 500 2004-02-15 22:34:32 W
413 Maxximus 4917 9 6 - 1622 500 2004-02-05 17:00:33 W
414 Firedevilx 4937 1 8 - 1611 500 2004-02-06 08:48:45 W
415 Dark Ones 4558 2 9 - 1608 500 2004-02-28 15:07:56 W
416 Nemrolem 1793 5 6 - 1605 1074 2004-02-27 07:21:04 W
417 Riven Dale 5135 8 6 - 1521 500 2004-02-13 16:50:31 W
418 el camino1 5278 4 1 - 1491 500 2004-02-18 17:06:41 W
419 Echorium 5090 6 8 - 1450 500 2004-02-11 23:09:06 W
420 kurtis 5537 5 4 - 1448 500 2004-03-02 20:46:07 W
421 The Collective 5381 1 3 - 1444 500 2004-02-24 12:52:07 W
422 cujonomic empire 5549 8 1 - 1439 500 2004-03-04 14:02:57 W
423 mobs united 5045 1 9 - 1393 500 2004-02-11 14:54:45 W
424 bball_dude 5218 10 7 - 1367 500 2004-02-16 14:53:40 W
425 Empri 5450 8 1 - 1343 500 2004-02-27 20:03:35 W
426 alteron 5594 5 9 - 1342 490 2004-03-05 14:14:11 W
427 Zanarkand 5551 3 1 - 1304 500 2004-03-03 17:56:05 W
428 Farmers United 5492 8 6 - 1297 500 2004-02-29 19:52:56 W
429 Alexandrian 5430 8 3 - 1264 500 2004-02-26 15:02:14 W
430 als group 5569 5 9 - 1170 500 2004-03-05 12:31:15 W
431 Dao Evil Empire 5290 10 9 - 1168 500 2004-02-19 04:01:59 W
432 DOMINEON 4850 1 2 - 1162 500 2004-02-05 16:14:30 W
433 Troy 5192 8 5 - 1159 500 2004-02-15 14:15:17 W
434 terran republic 5337 4 9 52 1137 500 2004-03-01 00:52:21 W
435 Goober 5405 1 3 - 1135 500 2004-03-04 18:33:30 W
436 viperdude 4914 5 2 - 1097 500 2004-02-05 15:41:08 W
437 Gorlack Empire 5104 7 2 - 1078 500 2004-02-12 17:28:57 W
438 simple 5233 5 1 - 1065 500 2004-02-19 03:45:34 W
439 the damned 5194 1 3 - 1002 500 2004-02-15 17:10:32 W
440 coonass moon 5588 3 3 - 971 500 2004-03-05 04:16:50 W
441 the realm of gondor 4923 6 1 - 964 500 2004-02-05 21:38:46 W
442 Dark Panther 5416 4 9 - 957 500 2004-02-28 18:56:33 W
443 Coachcowvill 5164 1 2 - 933 500 2004-02-18 05:36:20 W
444 Black Tornado 5374 7 9 - 904 500 2004-02-24 04:25:35 W
445 Twinsun 4920 1 3 - 897 500 2004-02-05 19:29:09 W
446 PePinO 5534 2 4 - 873 500 2004-03-02 20:08:49 W
447 Valhallah 5271 9 7 - 868 500 2004-02-18 10:25:41 W
448 Inisfallen 5550 6 6 - 866 500 2004-03-03 17:14:41 W
449 camana corp 5236 3 2 - 863 500 2004-02-16 23:17:28 W
450 Starfleet 5578 7 10 - 859 500 2004-03-05 08:34:06 W
451 Moria 4992 3 6 - 847 500 2004-02-08 03:38:01 W
452 The Stone Roses 5472 4 10 - 834 500 2004-02-28 18:29:12 W
453 Parolia 4976 9 1 - 833 500 2004-02-07 18:08:23 W
454 The lost empire 5545 9 1 - 830 500 2004-03-03 15:18:48 W
455 kalkack 5014 10 10 - 801 500 2004-02-09 01:18:53 W
456 Red Empire 4733 4 9 - 794 500 2004-03-02 19:38:39 W
457 frost 5517 6 3 - 792 500 2004-03-01 15:42:32 W
458 Empyreal 4946 2 1 - 790 500 2004-02-06 17:07:25 W
459 B 5552 3 7 - 753 500 2004-03-03 18:12:31 W
460 Draconus Combine 5541 2 2 - 743 500 2004-03-03 02:39:44 W
461 German Pride 5451 5 10 - 742 500 2004-02-27 20:20:34 W
462 Phoenix Combine 5286 1 10 - 719 500 2004-02-19 02:32:57 W
463 Lord Killalot 5559 10 10 - 713 500 2004-03-03 22:12:08 W
464 Byliskes 5113 7 9 - 685 500 2004-02-12 21:55:16 W
465 kikoman 5288 2 6 - 650 500 2004-02-19 02:53:11 W
466 The Roman Empire 5186 2 4 - 649 500 2004-02-16 07:06:46 W
467 towers of pain 4926 1 2 - 629 500 2004-02-08 16:19:41 W
468 Draxor 5509 9 10 - 604 500 2004-03-01 08:34:46 W
469 Oh Dirty Bastard 5097 5 2 - 602 500 2004-02-12 02:16:20 W
470 The Chosen One 5015 8 1 - 579 500 2004-02-09 04:28:21 W
471 yo yo 5432 8 1 - 579 500 2004-02-26 19:19:13 W
472 EvilestEmpire 5316 4 7 - 578 500 2004-02-19 23:49:28 W
473 delta quad 1936 4 8 - 575 1114 2004-02-05 00:35:58 W
474 Aries 5458 3 10 - 572 500 2004-02-28 00:41:49 W
475 Maloq 5373 5 5 - 565 500 2004-02-24 01:06:26 W
476 genius 5368 7 6 - 564 500 2004-02-23 19:43:02 W
477 Crimson 4990 2 4 - 563 500 2004-02-08 02:55:14 W
478 Galactic Ieon 5307 7 4 - 548 500 2004-02-19 18:28:13 W
479 Yaman 5464 6 4 - 546 500 2004-02-28 05:02:40 W
480 Landusia 5089 6 1 - 531 500 2004-02-11 22:56:11 W
481 Lich base 5557 4 3 - 527 500 2004-03-03 21:30:57 W
482 Haldir 5065 7 8 - 525 500 2004-02-11 04:52:13 W
483 Blue death 4904 8 1 - 521 500 2004-02-05 02:45:33 W
484 dark earth 5056 8 4 - 520 500 2004-02-10 23:34:26 W
485 Varden 4975 8 6 - 512 500 2004-02-07 17:56:47 W
486 Xel Naga 5012 3 1 - 497 500 2004-02-08 22:56:49 W
487 Mystic Falls 5155 8 2 - 496 500 2004-02-14 10:51:32 W
488 Nuzz 5465 8 3 - 494 500 2004-02-28 06:40:03 W
489 ogaick 5170 1 5 - 492 500 2004-02-14 19:06:43 W
490 KonokoZ 5392 5 1 - 491 500 2004-03-04 17:30:49 W
491 EmporerDeath 4993 4 4 - 489 500 2004-02-08 19:20:25 W
492 Wei 5326 2 1 - 483 500 2004-02-21 17:30:26 W
493 Tek 5540 9 10 - 479 500 2004-03-03 05:36:53 W
494 XeBRoD 5047 9 2 - 478 500 2004-02-10 21:15:31 W
495 Arghotum 4892 2 5 - 466 500 2004-02-26 17:15:55 W
496 Levitron 5461 9 4 - 458 500 2004-02-28 03:51:26 W
497 druggies 5255 5 8 - 458 500 2004-02-17 20:19:21 W
498 Bobs Army 5193 2 2 - 455 500 2004-02-15 14:14:54 W
499 Space munkys 4909 9 10 - 449 500 2004-02-05 11:30:10 W
500 Galiga Empire 4958 2 8 - 447 500 2004-02-06 23:55:45 W
501 Prodia 4964 9 10 - 445 500 2004-02-07 06:18:13 W
502 g 5505 7 9 - 442 500 2004-03-01 02:14:16 W
503 fantasia 5608 9 10 - 441 493 2004-03-06 00:34:52 W
504 Cupit 5197 1 7 - 440 500 2004-02-15 17:56:08 W
505 Raven Empire 5310 9 9 - 440 500 2004-02-25 01:23:17 W
506 Karazan 5387 2 1 - 439 500 2004-02-24 18:51:02 W
507 Fantasiastic 5348 9 1 - 437 500 2004-02-22 19:57:10 W
508 vlado 5323 3 8 - 435 500 2004-02-21 13:40:23 W
509 lobster 5595 4 9 - 435 500 2004-03-05 13:54:30 W
510 vandole empire 5009 10 4 - 434 500 2004-02-08 21:49:37 W
511 Midian 5355 1 6 - 434 500 2004-02-23 01:04:17 W
512 pooty pants 5370 8 5 - 433 500 2004-02-23 23:08:35 W
513 christopher morgan 5138 7 8 - 431 500 2004-02-13 17:53:29 W
514 GoatOfMendes 5210 5 7 - 428 500 2004-02-16 02:52:48 W
515 Majohma 5191 5 1 - 428 500 2004-02-15 21:23:59 W
516 Darkblade 5542 6 8 - 428 500 2004-03-03 03:15:38 W
517 spirits 5522 1 8 - 428 500 2004-03-01 22:29:22 W
518 earth 5597 7 4 - 428 500 2004-03-05 16:49:00 W
519 Canada 5146 6 1 - 426 500 2004-02-13 23:56:04 W
520 Graven 4382 9 4 - 425 500 2004-03-02 02:51:18 W
521 Death from Above 4967 9 3 - 425 500 2004-02-07 08:09:15 W
522 Ndiin 4978 9 1 - 425 500 2004-02-07 21:33:36 W
523 The Jordw Federation 5109 3 9 - 425 500 2004-02-12 20:16:51 W
524 spuge 5571 3 4 - 425 500 2004-03-04 12:16:24 W
525 veasel 5361 7 9 - 424 500 2004-02-23 10:17:08 W
526 humanfly 5084 4 10 28 420 500 2004-02-11 21:38:06 W
527 Smokes Dynasty 5292 2 2 - 418 506 2004-02-26 07:25:40 W
528 Terminators 4912 9 5 - 417 500 2004-02-11 14:03:59 W
529 Megrid 5497 1 3 - 416 500 2004-02-29 19:39:15 W
530 TYREE 4845 3 6 - 415 500 2004-02-06 07:21:34 W
531 Krondor 5421 10 10 - 413 500 2004-02-26 00:58:28 W
532 matrum 5247 7 7 - 406 500 2004-02-17 09:53:16 W
533 yraurbef 5195 10 2 - 405 500 2004-02-15 16:44:47 W
534 killer61090 5126 8 6 - 404 500 2004-02-13 10:38:33 W
535 Defendra 5064 6 9 - 403 500 2004-02-11 04:40:32 W
536 ryan.m 5518 8 9 - 401 500 2004-03-01 18:23:09 W
537 Western Nimlee 5254 5 1 - 400 500 2004-02-17 20:12:10 W
538 joo 5462 3 3 - 398 500 2004-02-28 04:24:49 W
539 Talon 5455 5 1 - 398 500 2004-02-27 21:13:19 W
540 Intrepida 5424 3 1 - 397 500 2004-02-26 06:10:30 W
541 Randomia 5223 2 9 - 397 500 2004-02-16 16:19:36 W
542 smil 5596 7 10 - 396 500 2004-03-05 14:36:07 W
543 Rudanjo 5362 5 7 - 395 500 2004-02-23 10:35:17 W
544 Britonian 5390 7 5 - 395 500 2004-02-24 20:10:27 W
545 Kublai 5402 9 2 - 395 500 2004-02-25 12:23:21 W
546 Eat it too 5420 10 4 - 395 120 2004-03-05 07:54:21 W
547 Luminoso 5476 10 6 - 395 500 2004-02-28 22:00:51 W
548 Hedgehog 5568 6 2 - 393 500 2004-03-04 04:05:45 W
549 spudgun 5189 1 2 - 390 500 2004-02-15 13:15:31 W
550 bandit order 5222 4 5 - 390 500 2004-02-16 16:07:30 W
551 Behemoth 5280 1 6 - 390 500 2004-02-18 21:54:04 W
552 TheHive 4957 7 2 - 389 500 2004-03-05 22:07:35 W
553 Tyler Land 5098 4 5 - 389 500 2004-02-12 03:02:53 W
554 Tommyola 5584 7 5 - 385 500 2004-03-05 02:14:21 W
555 Kulkdreas 4166 2 5 - 375 500 2004-02-11 22:02:50 W
556 Europa 5358 10 9 - 375 500 2004-02-23 04:38:33 W
557 kiro 4323 5 1 - 375 500 2004-02-11 22:58:16 W
558 radburn 4344 8 7 - 375 500 2004-02-08 06:18:32 W
559 Kadatonic 4627 1 10 - 375 500 2004-02-06 02:31:04 W
560 Lithui 4746 5 7 - 375 500 2004-02-06 12:02:24 W
561 The Reign 4795 1 8 - 375 500 2004-02-09 06:06:59 W
562 JonasLand 5354 5 6 - 375 500 2004-02-23 00:03:25 W
563 Blue Diamond Club 4857 9 5 - 375 500 2004-02-05 17:20:39 W
564 Mercyless 5208 8 2 - 375 500 2004-02-16 00:00:35 W
565 Pluto 4903 8 9 - 375 500 2004-02-05 02:27:11 W
566 greasy axe garage 4906 4 1 - 375 500 2004-02-05 04:36:36 W
567 RAnger 4913 4 4 - 375 500 2004-02-05 14:51:43 W
568 Apocalypse 4916 1 3 - 375 505 2004-02-05 16:53:08 W
569 Shadows 4919 4 7 - 375 500 2004-02-05 18:59:32 W
570 PraY_4_aNaRchY 4924 9 4 - 375 500 2004-02-05 21:25:44 W
571 Zion 4927 4 5 - 375 500 2004-02-05 22:12:32 W
572 Federation 4931 1 7 - 375 500 2004-02-05 23:15:12 W
573 deputydan33 4935 7 9 - 375 500 2004-02-06 02:55:07 W
574 pyraxis 4950 4 4 - 375 500 2004-02-06 19:08:31 W
575 Melkorio 4955 10 4 - 375 500 2004-02-06 20:57:40 W
576 tork 4963 2 3 - 375 500 2004-02-07 04:58:53 W
577 First Dragoon 5335 9 3 - 375 500 2004-02-22 03:32:13 W
578 shadow 4971 3 2 - 375 500 2004-02-07 12:57:41 W
579 donno 4977 2 10 - 375 500 2004-02-07 19:13:08 W
580 Atlantica 4982 7 10 - 375 500 2004-02-07 22:33:08 W
581 Impression 4984 7 10 - 375 500 2004-02-07 23:28:47 W
582 Candyman 5013 3 3 - 375 500 2004-02-08 23:24:37 W
583 PulmWedge 5018 2 7 - 375 500 2004-02-09 11:02:10 W
584 Patriot 5030 10 10 - 375 500 2004-02-09 23:03:09 W
585 Gaara 5038 3 6 - 375 500 2004-02-10 08:36:26 W
586 donny bad ass 5039 10 6 - 375 500 2004-02-10 10:37:01 W
587 united sytems 5068 3 6 - 375 500 2004-02-11 05:25:54 W
588 Bronx 5076 8 9 - 375 500 2004-02-11 19:30:21 W
589 Squirtopia 5085 2 6 - 375 510 2004-02-11 21:39:27 W
590 Alfrulesall 5088 1 1 - 375 500 2004-02-11 22:33:54 W
591 Oz 5111 9 1 - 375 500 2004-02-12 20:17:44 W
592 reddwarf 5115 8 3 - 375 500 2004-02-12 23:20:15 W
593 Adam 5148 9 3 - 375 500 2004-02-14 01:44:27 W
594 Jodo 5130 3 2 - 375 500 2004-02-13 13:45:25 W
595 BJ Blowers 5131 3 2 - 375 500 2004-02-13 15:27:18 W
596 Arcturian Republic 5144 2 3 - 375 500 2004-02-13 23:20:40 W
597 CPSINBAD 5159 10 5 40 375 500 2004-02-14 17:15:36 W
598 Blade_Master 5165 7 7 - 375 500 2004-02-14 17:41:55 W
599 Kitty Force 5172 8 8 - 375 500 2004-02-14 20:18:17 W
600 tyworld 5173 8 1 - 375 500 2004-02-14 21:09:15 W
601 Mylluby 5178 7 3 - 375 500 2004-02-14 23:37:47 W
602 Dake 5179 2 2 - 375 500 2004-02-14 23:46:52 W
603 kingonians 5190 7 10 - 375 500 2004-02-15 13:18:00 W
604 Omnicron 5202 8 10 - 375 500 2004-02-15 22:24:30 W
605 The Imperium 5221 10 1 - 375 500 2004-02-16 15:58:11 W
606 Doom 5240 5 3 - 375 500 2004-02-17 01:04:34 W
607 bare naked 5219 2 2 - 375 500 2004-02-16 14:58:36 W
608 savage 5225 2 6 - 375 500 2004-02-16 16:59:27 W
609 nightmare 5232 9 10 - 375 500 2004-02-16 21:52:08 W
610 magroth 5237 9 2 - 375 500 2004-02-16 23:22:56 W
611 Metallica 5252 6 7 - 375 500 2004-02-24 15:49:32 W
612 ghetto 5253 10 10 - 375 500 2004-02-17 16:34:24 W
613 BLACKDOG 5259 1 1 - 375 500 2004-02-17 22:49:05 W
614 Rob_Warrior 5263 6 3 - 375 500 2004-02-18 01:59:51 W
615 Arghonit 5266 3 8 - 375 500 2004-02-18 06:26:13 W
616 NeoTaken 5273 3 8 - 375 500 2004-02-18 12:42:14 W
617 Geekdom 5275 6 2 - 375 500 2004-02-18 14:55:44 W
618 Edas 5284 8 2 - 375 500 2004-02-19 01:15:40 W
619 MistyEve 5282 6 2 - 375 500 2004-02-18 22:09:50 W
620 Hipocampus 5289 2 3 - 375 500 2004-02-19 03:24:05 W
621 Periphery 5539 6 5 - 375 500 2004-03-03 00:17:14 W
622 The Unforgiven World 5308 1 3 - 375 500 2004-02-19 18:40:25 W
623 Neptune Confederation 5311 3 1 - 375 500 2004-02-19 21:17:49 W
624 Hanszen Guardians 5312 5 6 - 375 505 2004-02-19 21:45:03 W
625 ResTech 5313 7 8 - 375 500 2004-02-19 21:46:32 W
626 Alliance1 5315 2 5 - 375 500 2004-02-19 22:14:16 W
627 galactica 5332 9 7 - 375 500 2004-02-22 00:40:16 W
628 Pwnica 5345 10 4 - 375 500 2004-02-22 16:51:14 W
629 Russian Fedaration 5343 5 8 - 375 500 2004-02-22 14:39:00 W
630 Empire of Stars 5357 6 8 - 375 500 2004-02-23 04:04:58 W
631 pp 5349 4 2 - 375 500 2004-02-22 20:16:04 W
632 Galaxy Pod 5352 6 6 - 375 500 2004-02-22 23:41:15 W
633 RainingHell 5382 9 4 - 375 500 2004-02-24 12:57:10 W
634 Rebel Alliance 5384 9 9 - 375 500 2004-02-24 15:44:10 W
635 Light Crawlers 5385 9 8 - 375 500 2004-02-24 17:40:41 W
636 Moderator 5389 8 5 - 375 500 2004-02-27 18:35:23 W
637 Drike 5396 8 6 - 375 500 2004-02-24 22:36:37 W
638 chuckpaint 5410 6 3 - 375 500 2004-02-25 18:38:12 W
639 The Empire of Xanous 5422 6 4 - 375 500 2004-02-26 02:38:03 W
640 midget oopa loompas 5418 7 1 - 375 500 2004-03-03 02:24:38 W
641 Gern 5438 3 6 - 375 500 2004-02-27 03:29:09 W
642 Argon 5460 7 10 - 375 500 2004-02-28 01:48:24 W
643 gordon 5444 3 9 - 375 500 2004-02-27 08:00:25 W
644 Unreal 5453 6 10 - 375 500 2004-02-27 20:35:39 W
645 Olympus 5463 10 10 - 375 500 2004-02-28 04:55:14 W
646 deadly donuts 5467 8 4 - 375 500 2004-02-28 08:41:03 W
647 Dod 5471 10 6 - 375 500 2004-02-28 17:02:53 W
648 Victim 5477 1 9 - 375 500 2004-02-28 22:41:29 W
649 Walka11 5483 8 9 - 375 500 2004-02-29 03:32:27 W
650 Diamond lords 5485 3 4 - 375 500 2004-02-29 07:21:07 W
651 Vestoss 5486 1 7 - 375 500 2004-02-29 08:30:04 W
652 PEST 5489 1 4 - 375 500 2004-02-29 11:31:53 W
653 SYBEX 5490 1 5 - 375 500 2004-02-29 14:41:47 W
654 republic 5496 8 3 - 375 500 2004-02-29 18:57:18 W
655 olavs brigade 5498 10 3 - 375 500 2004-02-29 20:25:12 W
656 insipid 5513 2 8 - 375 500 2004-03-01 12:28:13 W
657 Synapse 5514 3 7 - 375 500 2004-03-01 12:26:45 W
658 Ivalice 5523 9 8 - 375 500 2004-03-02 00:38:44 W
659 Palomides 5525 7 2 - 375 500 2004-03-02 01:50:40 W
660 Enterlozers 5521 7 3 - 375 500 2004-03-01 20:59:02 W
661 Dato 5526 10 3 - 375 500 2004-03-02 11:54:45 W
662 The Final Frontier 5533 7 4 - 375 500 2004-03-02 19:55:07 W
663 next_gen 5529 6 1 - 375 500 2004-03-02 16:46:55 W
664 Arachnid 5535 6 3 - 375 500 2004-03-02 20:07:38 W
665 Dragonian 5543 10 3 - 375 500 2004-03-03 03:44:12 W
666 sascommand 5565 8 5 - 375 500 2004-03-04 01:31:50 W
667 The Horchensian Empire 5566 4 3 - 375 500 2004-03-04 03:40:19 W
668 Loreland 5554 10 3 - 375 500 2004-03-03 20:06:05 W
669 Zeulos 5572 10 8 - 375 500 2004-03-04 18:07:37 W
670 Krisp 5573 7 9 - 375 500 2004-03-04 13:54:00 W
671 fizzgog007 5579 1 8 - 375 500 2004-03-04 20:41:41 W
672 xbt domination 5598 6 5 - 375 500 2004-03-05 17:30:35 W
673 Shu 5604 6 3 - 375 500 2004-03-05 22:51:03 W
674 x151 5605 4 7 - 375 500 2004-03-05 23:51:02 W
675 Barrow 2492 4 10 - 0 500 2004-01-09 14:43:24 W
676 Shadow Wind 1643 1 10 - 0 1114 2004-01-31 21:57:50 W
677 Altera 2215 5 6 - 0 500 2004-01-24 00:47:54 W
678 slot-car 2301 9 9 - 0 500 2004-01-26 06:11:36 W
679 Weegie 2476 6 6 - 0 500 2004-01-23 07:53:32 W
680 GUE 4162 9 6 - 0 500 2004-01-06 18:24:49 W
681 Collective 2599 2 9 - 0 500 2004-01-19 05:12:25 W
682 Potland 4172 9 4 - 0 500 2004-01-07 04:09:17 W
683 Kingston 4168 10 3 - 0 500 2004-01-13 20:22:16 W
684 CountDooku 4169 1 10 - 0 500 2004-01-07 02:33:20 W
685 EmpireManly 4170 3 8 - 0 500 2004-01-13 20:13:15 W
686 carnos 4171 7 1 - 0 500 2004-01-07 03:31:26 W
687 keownsadick 4156 6 6 - 0 500 2004-01-06 12:58:05 W
688 rok 4161 5 3 - 0 500 2004-01-06 18:30:02 W
689 SharlenesPPL 4157 5 1 - 0 500 2004-01-06 13:21:26 W
690 joeys house 4159 3 6 - 0 500 2004-01-06 16:02:22 W
691 Googlia 4160 6 3 - 0 500 2004-01-06 17:54:09 W
692 bruteland 2995 3 3 - 0 500 2004-02-04 16:01:06 W
693 Fairy Floggers 3065 2 6 - 0 500 2004-01-29 23:48:22 W
694 Jellikit 4164 9 3 - 0 500 2004-01-06 20:12:20 W
695 Gondor 4165 5 8 - 0 500 2004-01-06 20:23:50 W
696 Great 4167 10 4 - 0 500 2004-01-06 22:37:39 W
697 LegendKillers 3294 3 1 - 0 500 2004-01-16 14:29:04 W
698 ocelot 3301 1 4 - 0 500 2004-03-02 01:59:53 W
699 angelic layer 3396 5 8 - 0 500 2004-01-16 02:44:18 W
700 hybok 3433 7 2 - 0 500 2004-01-30 18:17:03 W
701 Conan 3401 9 6 - 0 500 2004-01-27 18:42:41 W
702 Fount 4902 9 5 - 0 500 2004-02-04 23:37:09 W
703 Holy Legion 3473 8 4 - 0 500 2004-01-31 03:49:31 W
704 LoL 3489 2 2 - 0 500 2004-02-04 16:00:45 W
705 Paranor 4907 7 9 - 0 500 2004-02-05 06:48:28 W
706 The Royal Fury 4894 4 7 - 0 500 2004-02-04 19:18:47 W
707 Nelson 4893 7 4 - 0 500 2004-02-10 22:57:02 W
708 pandemonium 3799 9 4 - 0 500 2004-01-18 17:14:39 W
709 Hernes Hallow 3801 6 3 - 0 500 2004-02-01 02:48:45 W
710 supastar 3818 4 2 - 0 500 2004-01-10 12:37:49 W
711 Jacob Empire 3854 4 1 - 0 500 2004-01-23 03:33:49 W
712 The Vorkosigan 3869 6 8 - 0 500 2004-01-19 05:07:19 W
713 IGDN 3873 10 10 - 0 500 2004-01-08 18:19:08 W
714 urdacai 3913 7 1 - 0 500 2004-01-26 12:44:28 W
715 osmosis 3956 3 8 - 0 500 2004-01-23 03:28:52 W
716 Sparrier Republic 3966 6 8 - 0 500 2004-01-27 07:48:38 W
717 PaxR 3969 10 7 - 0 500 2004-01-23 03:40:20 W
718 Lauhon 3991 7 5 - 0 500 2004-01-16 06:53:38 W
719 Lucifer 3997 3 6 - 0 500 2004-02-04 05:26:51 W
720 Chorus of Pain 4008 3 2 - 0 500 2004-01-10 05:59:45 W
721 kringle 4030 6 2 - 0 500 2004-01-31 09:03:59 W
722 Terrans 4054 6 5 - 0 500 2004-01-28 14:52:47 W
723 starempires 4057 6 8 - 0 500 2004-01-13 20:18:07 W
724 Aznium 4059 9 8 - 0 500 2004-01-07 04:11:13 W
725 Dark Force 4069 3 9 - 0 500 2004-01-30 15:32:58 W
726 Mobius1 4082 2 10 - 0 500 2004-01-27 07:47:21 W
727 powder 4098 3 7 - 0 500 2004-02-03 21:33:34 W
728 Weirdos 4108 7 7 - 0 500 2004-02-04 23:58:47 W
729 ender 4109 4 1 - 0 500 2004-01-16 16:39:33 W
730 Stealth 4124 4 4 - 0 500 2004-01-23 03:31:01 W
731 thorondor 4121 2 5 - 0 500 2004-01-13 20:27:10 W
732 nightblades empire 4129 6 10 - 0 500 2004-01-13 00:49:14 W
733 VAX 4143 7 8 - 0 500 2004-01-08 18:29:00 W
734 Shalian 4173 9 8 - 0 500 2004-01-07 07:18:21 W
735 Lucifogo 4196 10 4 - 0 500 2004-01-08 05:45:42 W
736 Paladin 4176 5 9 - 0 500 2004-01-07 15:10:43 W
737 stupidplace 4195 3 8 - 0 500 2004-01-08 04:22:07 W
738 Urmelis 4182 7 8 - 0 500 2004-01-22 04:12:45 W
739 ChaoticNeutral 4184 1 8 - 0 500 2004-01-07 20:29:30 W
740 BoneBreaker 4185 4 5 - 0 500 2004-01-22 04:04:23 W
741 sogol 4186 10 6 - 0 500 2004-01-07 21:17:01 W
742 Eredar 4187 5 7 - 0 500 2004-01-13 15:11:35 W
743 miroku 4188 5 4 - 0 500 2004-01-11 22:24:53 W
744 Weasel 4189 2 6 - 0 500 2004-01-07 23:01:54 W
745 betz 4191 7 10 - 0 500 2004-01-08 03:04:29 W
746 Rush Of Ice 4995 6 6 - 0 500 2004-02-08 10:55:05 W
747 doriath 4197 5 9 - 0 500 2004-01-08 07:18:26 W
748 General 4199 5 1 - 0 500 2004-01-08 08:46:17 W
749 Bungarra 4200 3 6 - 0 500 2004-01-14 01:55:22 W
750 jubersmightfulempire 4201 5 4 - 0 500 2004-02-04 16:05:42 W
751 Pure Evil 4202 7 4 - 0 500 2004-01-17 04:06:44 W
752 patneo15 4212 9 6 - 0 500 2004-01-09 01:01:02 W
753 Morgul 4207 8 6 - 0 500 2004-01-20 08:10:08 W
754 SweetVirus 4211 5 5 - 0 500 2004-01-14 20:47:35 W
755 Arnor 4213 2 6 - 0 500 2004-01-09 01:19:25 W
756 Pimps And Hoes 4214 8 1 - 0 500 2004-01-09 01:27:21 W
757 CrIp 4215 1 1 - 0 500 2004-01-27 01:29:54 W
758 DUNE 4216 6 3 - 0 500 2004-01-31 03:47:27 W
759 Covanant 4219 6 5 - 0 500 2004-01-09 08:35:31 W
760 Roman47 4220 1 3 - 0 500 2004-01-25 02:42:14 W
761 Nexion 4222 10 7 - 0 500 2004-01-12 12:04:27 W
762 Suppa 4223 8 7 - 0 500 2004-01-09 15:32:55 W
763 ginsters 4224 10 10 - 0 500 2004-01-24 12:16:34 W
764 Baltmona 4225 8 4 - 0 500 2004-01-11 11:42:04 W
765 Rover 4226 3 5 - 0 500 2004-01-09 17:04:40 W
766 KWM 4232 1 5 - 0 500 2004-01-10 01:16:11 W
767 enterprises 4229 7 3 - 0 500 2004-01-26 04:00:23 W
768 Insomnia 4230 1 7 - 0 500 2004-01-23 19:28:04 W
769 HotShot 4236 1 8 - 0 500 2004-01-10 05:03:10 W
770 Ganation 4238 10 7 - 0 500 2004-01-11 14:20:50 W
771 harvest moon 4240 5 10 - 0 500 2004-02-01 12:16:44 W
772 InsanityElite 4241 9 5 - 0 500 2004-01-13 23:54:00 W
773 putri biru 4243 5 7 - 0 500 2004-01-10 10:17:47 W
774 Arteris 4246 4 8 - 0 500 2004-01-10 17:06:59 W
775 Spider Lair 4247 1 4 - 0 500 2004-01-24 02:04:49 W
776 Slavery 4255 2 2 - 0 500 2004-02-04 02:49:47 W
777 thebums 4249 2 10 - 0 500 2004-01-23 07:57:30 W
778 tiberius04 4256 2 1 - 0 500 2004-01-11 03:10:48 W
779 Abh 4251 8 3 - 0 500 2004-01-10 23:21:44 W
780 garidian 4252 10 2 - 0 500 2004-01-26 20:21:59 W
781 felixthecat 4254 6 10 - 0 500 2004-01-11 15:34:20 W
782 dvdsv 4257 5 10 - 0 500 2004-01-22 04:03:50 W
783 Return Of The King 4258 10 1 - 0 500 2004-01-13 20:15:32 W
784 Wolf Pack 4259 5 8 - 0 500 2004-01-11 05:40:25 W
785 Diego 4260 8 7 - 0 500 2004-01-11 07:09:39 W
786 Mojo 4267 9 4 - 0 500 2004-01-13 20:33:49 W
787 Dave 4264 1 4 - 0 500 2004-01-11 14:30:54 W
788 fooslord 4282 4 3 - 0 500 2004-01-12 03:40:40 W
789 Ramsey 4266 10 5 - 0 500 2004-01-11 16:16:24 W
790 We Strike Back 4269 10 7 - 0 500 2004-01-11 18:34:29 W
791 azzman666 4270 6 6 - 0 500 2004-01-25 02:37:08 W
792 Izic 4271 6 9 - 0 500 2004-01-11 19:31:49 W
793 magic 4272 3 4 - 0 500 2004-01-11 19:54:01 W
794 Travellers 4275 7 8 - 0 500 2004-02-07 01:14:31 W
795 The One 4277 5 3 - 0 500 2004-01-11 23:22:02 W
796 Galaktos 4279 5 9 - 0 500 2004-01-12 00:46:26 W
797 Tsur 4281 9 1 - 0 500 2004-01-12 02:15:17 W
798 Roronia 4280 7 8 - 0 500 2004-01-12 01:05:47 W
799 flames 4285 9 6 - 0 500 2004-01-12 08:41:11 W
800 spooney 4286 1 9 - 0 500 2004-01-23 10:32:38 W
801 Demos 4287 3 2 - 0 500 2004-01-19 17:07:40 W
802 Equinox 4298 2 6 - 0 500 2004-01-13 00:51:22 W
803 Scunthonians 4289 10 3 - 0 500 2004-01-12 15:46:10 W
804 Jota Ese 4296 4 8 - 0 500 2004-01-13 23:59:41 W
805 Megalomaniacs 4291 5 6 - 0 500 2004-01-12 19:30:35 W
806 Deadland 4293 8 3 - 0 500 2004-01-12 21:43:16 W
807 the killer 4294 2 1 - 0 500 2004-01-20 06:26:25 W
808 Enlightenment 4295 1 8 - 0 500 2004-01-16 19:58:05 W
809 STEVIOland 4302 6 6 - 0 500 2004-01-16 01:33:58 W
810 freeAlliance 4300 7 7 - 0 500 2004-01-16 17:02:51 W
811 Space Marines 4301 8 7 - 0 500 2004-01-13 02:29:03 W
812 Katral 4303 9 5 - 0 500 2004-01-29 00:43:19 W
813 Big guys 4304 8 1 - 0 500 2004-01-29 00:12:50 W
814 sKARAbRAE 4305 2 6 - 0 500 2004-01-13 04:49:14 W
815 Darth Malak 4899 8 4 - 0 500 2004-02-04 21:38:13 W
816 reven 4308 9 3 - 0 500 2004-02-02 12:49:44 W
817 Originative 4310 5 5 - 0 500 2004-01-23 03:31:24 W
818 mingys 4311 10 10 - 0 500 2004-01-13 10:31:12 W
819 The Kylian Empire 4324 10 1 - 0 500 2004-01-23 06:46:10 W
820 Mooglia 4313 7 4 - 0 500 2004-01-27 19:14:58 W
821 Cutieland 4315 4 6 - 0 500 2004-01-13 16:19:29 W
822 geirrod 4318 9 5 - 0 500 2004-01-13 17:20:38 W
823 White Nightmare 4319 3 1 - 0 500 2004-01-13 19:43:22 W
824 theluch 4320 7 10 - 0 500 2004-01-13 18:53:49 W
825 Moslandia 4325 10 9 - 0 500 2004-01-30 21:45:56 W
826 Spider 4327 1 7 - 0 500 2004-01-31 18:16:59 W
827 Ristar 4328 7 10 - 0 500 2004-01-14 01:17:11 W
828 Army of the Rising Sun 4329 6 6 - 0 500 2004-01-31 03:51:57 W
829 Caedis_Draco 4330 5 2 - 0 500 2004-01-14 04:55:53 W
830 Kornadizas 4333 5 10 - 0 500 2004-02-10 02:50:16 W
831 Syn thy Vile 4332 9 4 - 0 500 2004-01-25 02:34:36 W
832 Human Federation 4334 7 8 - 0 500 2004-02-02 10:17:26 W
833 colloseum 4336 2 9 - 0 500 2004-01-14 12:30:49 W
834 Diablo 4338 6 4 - 0 500 2004-01-15 19:01:34 W
835 WILSON 4340 2 4 - 0 500 2004-01-14 16:47:56 W
836 blade 4342 10 10 - 0 500 2004-01-26 20:20:16 W
837 Excremia 4343 10 4 - 0 500 2004-01-15 19:53:09 W
838 Siatana 4347 8 8 - 0 500 2004-01-23 03:35:34 W
839 Lunaria 4348 4 2 - 0 500 2004-02-04 08:32:30 W
840 The Empire 4352 8 1 - 0 500 2004-01-16 05:22:27 W
841 darkstar618 4354 10 2 - 0 500 2004-01-15 01:27:25 W
842 Illusion 4356 10 10 - 0 500 2004-01-15 02:54:24 W
843 helms deep 4357 10 4 - 0 500 2004-01-15 03:34:12 W
844 Samuri X 4358 6 9 - 0 500 2004-01-25 03:55:27 W
845 Zarazian 4361 1 4 - 0 500 2004-01-15 07:29:48 W
846 Loonatic 4365 9 2 - 0 500 2004-01-15 16:59:02 W
847 Machkam 4369 3 1 - 0 500 2004-01-21 18:27:36 W
848 asa151 4362 7 8 - 0 500 2004-01-15 12:55:36 W
849 REAPERS 4364 4 5 - 0 500 2004-01-15 13:06:32 W
850 smcnamara 4367 3 3 - 0 500 2004-01-15 20:18:38 W
851 Slith Firewalkers 4368 3 2 - 0 500 2004-01-21 18:13:43 W
852 HYPER LEET PWNERS 4371 5 3 - 0 500 2004-02-04 02:39:53 W
853 LOPEZ SUCKS 4373 7 5 - 0 500 2004-01-17 02:52:21 W
854 ARCHON 4376 10 8 - 0 500 2004-01-16 07:18:30 W
855 The blue rogues 4377 5 9 - 0 500 2004-01-27 01:27:15 W
856 amce 4378 10 3 - 0 500 2004-01-16 14:53:37 W
857 Mumin 4392 2 10 - 0 500 2004-01-31 19:19:08 W
858 Dark Saints 4385 7 1 - 0 500 2004-01-22 03:54:05 W
859 Ed Hunter 4384 7 8 - 0 500 2004-01-31 03:57:01 W
860 Advanced Republic 4386 5 6 - 0 500 2004-01-17 02:54:57 W
861 Regubus 4389 7 3 - 0 500 2004-01-17 03:47:09 W
862 IGRG 4391 3 2 - 0 500 2004-01-17 05:13:43 W
863 Zaprox 4394 10 4 - 0 500 2004-01-17 06:25:08 W
864 The Holy Alliance 4395 6 2 - 0 500 2004-01-18 07:17:31 W
865 Seyail 4397 10 10 - 0 500 2004-01-17 12:51:34 W
866 Alpha Tango Zulu 4398 7 4 - 0 500 2004-01-22 21:14:04 W
867 westo 4399 9 5 - 0 500 2004-01-29 11:37:52 W
868 helpme 4400 7 8 - 0 500 2004-01-26 17:14:09 W
869 Defiant 4402 1 4 - 0 500 2004-01-28 01:25:23 W
870 Freaks From Hell 4412 3 4 - 0 500 2004-01-23 06:58:47 W
871 Theophilus 4404 3 5 - 0 500 2004-01-17 18:39:26 W
872 Chaopia 4407 3 5 - 0 500 2004-01-17 22:45:36 W
873 Reiska X 4410 7 10 - 0 500 2004-01-17 23:56:18 W
874 allenmayan 4414 4 8 - 0 500 2004-01-23 03:43:12 W
875 smorgen 4411 1 3 - 0 500 2004-01-18 01:29:50 W
876 landofevilpastrychefs 4413 9 2 - 0 500 2004-02-01 12:09:51 W
877 Draco 4418 1 4 - 0 500 2004-01-18 06:04:32 W
878 Ultimate army 4419 1 8 - 0 500 2004-01-24 06:01:03 W
879 XanTorania 4422 10 10 - 0 500 2004-01-18 11:31:08 W
880 Natal 4423 7 1 - 0 500 2004-01-18 13:54:30 W
881 New Haven 4425 9 8 - 0 500 2004-01-18 15:45:59 W
882 Badabinger 4428 4 7 - 0 500 2004-01-18 19:57:12 W
883 The Steens 4429 3 8 - 0 500 2004-01-18 21:00:31 W
884 Warlord Wayne Empire 4431 1 4 - 0 500 2004-02-04 10:19:31 W
885 quel thalas 4433 5 6 - 0 500 2004-01-18 23:22:31 W
886 axiz 4436 7 7 - 0 500 2004-01-31 02:09:36 W
887 Tubby Little Buckaroos 4437 9 10 - 0 500 2004-01-31 22:16:46 W
888 The Gaurdians 4440 1 9 - 0 500 2004-01-21 23:51:33 W
889 Dark Skull 4438 6 5 - 0 500 2004-01-31 03:49:58 W
890 phantom7736 4441 4 10 - 0 500 2004-01-19 18:44:55 W
891 Dordanus 4443 1 8 - 0 500 2004-01-19 03:38:14 W
892 Titirlistan 4444 6 10 - 0 500 2004-02-04 23:06:36 W
893 Novan 4447 9 1 - 0 500 2004-01-31 09:55:47 W
894 enforcer 4448 10 2 - 0 500 2004-01-19 07:21:29 W
895 Runary 4453 6 3 - 0 500 2004-01-27 20:50:10 W
896 ZentauriusPrime 4455 6 5 - 0 500 2004-01-20 13:02:25 W
897 Iron Legion 4457 5 4 - 0 500 2004-01-21 15:48:25 W
898 bearblues 4463 7 8 - 0 500 2004-02-04 23:36:38 W
899 aRaGoN 4465 2 6 - 0 500 2004-01-20 16:23:43 W
900 Shimu 4466 2 9 - 0 500 2004-01-20 17:29:39 W
901 Helix 4469 9 1 - 0 500 2004-01-19 20:19:26 W
902 jhawk 4470 7 9 - 0 500 2004-01-19 21:13:22 W
903 The SuAal Empire 4471 4 5 - 0 500 2004-01-24 16:34:54 W
904 Fitzy 4478 6 2 - 0 500 2004-01-20 02:33:11 W
905 Dooglites 4479 10 2 - 0 500 2004-01-20 03:06:07 W
906 Mukilteo 4480 5 7 - 0 500 2004-01-20 07:06:24 W
907 Figs In Space 4490 3 5 - 0 500 2004-02-03 12:57:34 W
908 AnTz 4482 3 7 - 0 500 2004-01-30 14:27:44 W
909 ShadowFlame 4481 8 10 - 0 500 2004-01-21 14:26:10 W
910 claric 4483 7 8 - 0 500 2004-01-27 07:41:42 W
911 Topclipia 4503 5 1 - 0 500 2004-01-24 14:46:04 W
912 Nothorius 4488 1 1 - 0 500 2004-01-20 16:09:56 W
913 ordos 4489 4 10 - 0 500 2004-01-20 16:49:07 W
914 Delraich 4491 9 7 - 0 500 2004-01-20 17:22:37 W
915 xsimonater 4492 9 3 - 0 500 2004-01-20 17:43:39 W
916 Netdigger 4494 5 7 - 0 500 2004-01-20 18:56:16 W
917 Streetsweeper 4496 1 10 - 0 500 2004-01-27 03:49:38 W
918 Jased 4497 3 1 - 0 500 2004-01-20 19:54:59 W
919 Boetsville 4502 2 8 - 0 500 2004-01-21 00:39:34 W
920 LB24 4505 10 10 - 0 500 2004-01-21 02:52:50 W
921 Dritz 4506 3 3 - 0 500 2004-02-01 21:41:20 W
922 1234567 4508 8 5 - 0 500 2004-01-21 11:49:48 W
923 Inuyoukai 4525 9 6 - 0 500 2004-01-21 22:19:36 W
924 ZL republic 4533 10 5 - 0 500 2004-01-29 00:06:40 W
925 starshipx 4513 1 7 - 0 500 2004-01-21 14:29:29 W
926 X_Factor 4519 10 3 - 0 500 2004-01-29 00:50:36 W
927 Kakaroto 4515 7 8 - 0 500 2004-01-24 16:24:42 W
928 RavenLoft 4518 2 10 - 0 500 2004-01-31 21:44:27 W
929 Academica 4520 10 3 - 0 500 2004-03-01 16:17:59 W
930 IrishRepublic 4522 2 8 - 0 500 2004-01-21 19:56:17 W
931 Diablo69 4528 1 9 - 0 500 2004-01-24 02:07:40 W
932 New Yevon 4529 9 10 - 0 500 2004-01-30 23:02:16 W
933 Necromium 4531 5 7 - 0 500 2004-01-22 00:12:15 W
934 thomas 4536 7 4 - 0 500 2004-01-22 05:21:28 W
935 io 4538 9 5 - 0 500 2004-01-26 03:55:46 W
936 Mandalorian 4542 7 10 - 0 500 2004-01-22 14:27:25 W
937 No Luv 4539 10 4 - 0 500 2004-02-05 00:15:51 W
938 TiCoN 4548 9 4 - 0 500 2004-01-22 19:44:52 W
939 EmpireName 4543 5 7 - 0 500 2004-01-22 16:17:18 W
940 The 3rd Dimension 4890 6 4 - 0 500 2004-02-04 16:42:26 W
941 sawedoff 4545 8 6 - 0 500 2004-02-01 19:11:39 W
942 Crania 4561 2 6 - 0 500 2004-01-23 00:22:31 W
943 Empire 4546 3 5 - 0 500 2004-01-22 18:28:24 W
944 House of Pride 4547 4 7 - 0 500 2004-01-31 07:12:56 W
945 TAU 4553 5 7 - 0 500 2004-01-23 15:27:25 W
946 Tec9 4550 7 8 - 0 500 2004-02-03 21:54:56 W
947 Neflaka 4554 1 4 - 0 500 2004-01-22 22:30:22 W
948 JaWs 4555 4 4 - 0 500 2004-01-28 17:30:31 W
949 The Republic 4557 1 1 - 0 500 2004-01-22 22:01:40 W
950 drizzt 4564 2 9 - 0 500 2004-02-02 09:16:53 W
951 salem 4562 2 1 - 0 500 2004-01-23 00:18:37 W
952 Macedonian Empire 4566 1 7 - 0 500 2004-01-29 00:44:52 W
953 faris 4567 1 4 - 0 500 2004-01-23 06:47:22 W
954 certonia 4581 2 1 - 0 500 2004-01-26 03:58:26 W
955 Orion 4568 9 7 - 0 500 2004-01-23 08:48:52 W
956 Eastern Guard 4571 3 8 - 0 500 2004-01-23 09:14:37 W
957 Vomitory Planet 4572 7 3 - 0 500 2004-01-26 20:31:15 W
958 drum 4574 4 6 - 0 500 2004-01-23 15:36:59 W
959 whyme35 4576 5 8 - 0 500 2004-01-23 17:46:13 W
960 Argentum 4577 5 7 - 0 500 2004-01-27 18:39:52 W
961 enVec 4578 8 9 - 0 500 2004-01-23 18:47:10 W
962 mayor 4579 5 10 - 0 500 2004-02-01 21:38:37 W
963 jack08 4585 8 3 - 0 500 2004-01-24 02:03:18 W
964 zerowolf 4589 3 4 - 0 500 2004-01-24 04:48:24 W
965 Mercenaries 4588 8 5 - 0 500 2004-01-24 04:12:59 W
966 Loony Land 4594 8 2 - 0 500 2004-01-24 09:55:08 W
967 darkus 4595 8 3 - 0 500 2004-01-24 10:01:29 W
968 the undead 4596 4 10 - 0 500 2004-02-04 02:30:50 W
969 ak47 4599 10 9 - 0 500 2004-02-04 15:34:59 W
970 Hobo United 4602 9 6 - 0 500 2004-01-29 01:05:12 W
971 Posion Clan 4613 7 5 - 0 500 2004-01-25 00:58:43 W
972 lord 4603 9 2 - 0 500 2004-01-25 01:34:29 W
973 HUH 4888 1 1 - 0 500 2004-02-04 15:50:35 W
974 galac 4605 8 1 - 0 500 2004-01-24 18:01:59 W
975 sarensteinine 4606 5 5 - 0 500 2004-01-24 18:27:50 W
976 wkdmain 4607 5 2 - 0 500 2004-01-24 18:46:24 W
977 Hikaru 4608 4 1 - 0 500 2004-01-26 03:57:36 W
978 gangus 4609 1 10 - 0 500 2004-01-24 22:22:36 W
979 Boylett 4610 7 5 - 0 500 2004-01-25 02:39:12 W
980 Dygig 4611 8 2 - 0 500 2004-01-26 04:18:36 W
981 Darkleon 4614 9 6 - 0 500 2004-01-25 01:27:48 W
982 Redworld 4615 9 5 - 0 500 2004-02-01 15:42:42 W
983 PlanetVegeta 4616 2 9 - 0 500 2004-01-27 17:15:39 W
984 West Side of Mars 4617 4 1 - 0 500 2004-01-25 04:29:08 W
985 Sophiana 4618 4 5 - 0 500 2004-02-29 07:12:55 W
986 Orchid Dreams 4620 7 3 - 0 500 2004-01-31 04:10:17 W
987 Luna 4643 8 4 - 0 500 2004-01-26 02:37:08 W
988 Empire of Tears 4622 2 10 - 0 500 2004-01-25 12:51:42 W
989 gorje 4624 5 10 - 0 500 2004-01-25 15:29:47 W
990 Rosetopia 4628 3 3 - 0 500 2004-01-25 16:35:05 W
991 Skull Mountain 4629 7 9 - 0 500 2004-01-25 16:36:34 W
992 Commander_Data 4631 2 10 - 0 500 2004-02-02 16:09:03 W
993 Alatia 4634 1 3 - 0 500 2004-01-25 20:07:56 W
994 Ragol 4638 9 4 - 0 500 2004-01-25 21:20:17 W
995 lost dragons 4636 3 3 - 0 500 2004-01-25 21:08:49 W
996 thcobl 4637 5 3 - 0 500 2004-01-26 06:33:54 W
997 The Galactic Empire 4642 7 7 - 0 500 2004-01-26 02:00:21 W
998 Sigil 4644 2 5 - 0 500 2004-01-26 02:54:31 W
999 God 4640 9 2 - 0 500 2004-01-26 04:19:48 W
1000 Vanyel 4645 3 3 - 0 500 2004-01-27 14:43:54 W
1001 r3dcloud 4641 5 3 - 0 500 2004-01-26 00:35:52 W
1002 Zephyr 4670 6 1 - 0 500 2004-01-27 00:53:56 W
1003 YakuzAngel 4657 8 9 - 0 500 2004-01-31 10:39:48 W
1004 Konningsberg 4651 1 8 - 0 500 2004-01-31 03:46:14 W
1005 Emperium 4652 6 7 - 0 500 2004-01-28 12:17:06 W
1006 YakuzaAngels 4658 6 2 - 0 500 2004-02-03 17:57:24 W
1007 Tzar 4660 6 10 - 0 500 2004-02-05 00:00:15 W
1008 Skrul 4671 8 9 - 0 500 2004-01-27 11:44:10 W
1009 United Man Kind 4663 1 2 - 0 500 2004-02-04 22:47:45 W
1010 Super Empire 4665 3 2 - 0 500 2004-01-31 10:45:54 W
1011 bychman 4674 7 6 - 0 500 2004-01-27 05:16:57 W
1012 Ryujin 4666 2 4 - 0 500 2004-01-27 07:52:11 W
1013 Tzar2 4667 1 9 - 0 500 2004-02-02 16:44:40 W
1014 booo 4669 3 8 - 0 500 2004-01-27 00:40:29 W
1015 Klipton 4672 5 8 - 0 500 2004-02-04 22:50:36 W
1016 Justriteians 4676 4 9 - 0 500 2004-01-27 08:10:56 W
1017 sp2 4677 1 6 - 0 500 2004-01-27 09:15:48 W
1018 Skinners 4692 7 2 - 0 500 2004-01-28 01:26:51 W
1019 Terran Colonies 4683 4 4 - 0 500 2004-01-27 15:09:27 W
1020 nimajneb 4697 4 2 - 0 500 2004-02-09 00:04:48 W
1021 Sticky Gum 4686 4 6 - 0 500 2004-01-27 20:50:48 W
1022 hellas 4687 1 4 - 0 500 2004-01-27 21:33:12 W
1023 Slodeson 4688 4 4 - 0 500 2004-01-29 00:52:44 W
1024 Andalites 4691 6 2 - 0 500 2004-01-28 01:28:08 W
1025 Reaper_of_you 4694 5 3 - 0 500 2004-01-28 02:23:33 W
1026 Fedration 4695 8 10 - 0 500 2004-01-28 02:25:26 W
1027 SABER 4696 9 3 - 0 500 2004-02-02 19:38:35 W
1028 ShadowDragon 4698 3 10 - 0 500 2004-01-30 22:29:22 W
1029 auron99999 4700 6 2 - 0 500 2004-02-04 02:26:13 W
1030 fedaration 4701 6 5 - 0 500 2004-01-31 03:53:35 W
1031 darkmark 4702 6 3 - 0 500 2004-01-28 14:10:26 W
1032 warhawk 4711 8 5 - 0 500 2004-01-29 02:17:03 W
1033 Christians growth 4706 9 4 - 0 500 2004-02-04 02:53:28 W
1034 Solaris 4707 7 7 - 0 500 2004-01-28 23:43:25 W
1035 Illuminati 4708 2 9 - 0 500 2004-01-28 21:47:50 W
1036 Toilet 4709 2 6 - 0 500 2004-02-04 21:22:23 W
1037 Ushdugery 4715 6 10 - 0 500 2004-01-31 20:27:16 W
1038 The Tholians 4717 10 7 - 0 500 2004-01-29 09:16:36 W
1039 rockers 4725 9 7 - 0 500 2004-01-29 15:56:56 W
1040 TemPLaR 4718 9 10 - 0 500 2004-02-01 12:33:17 W
1041 14 Shades of Grey 4719 5 2 - 0 500 2004-01-29 10:22:59 W
1042 domn 4729 4 10 - 0 500 2004-01-31 01:20:06 W
1043 Blithe Hegonomy 4731 7 8 - 0 500 2004-01-29 20:53:49 W
1044 Blademaster5189 4721 4 7 - 0 500 2004-01-29 13:34:32 W
1045 P.I.M.P Nation 4722 2 8 - 0 500 2004-01-29 14:20:10 W
1046 killerk 4723 8 6 - 0 500 2004-01-29 14:44:18 W
1047 Magical Land 4727 3 10 - 0 500 2004-01-29 17:51:36 W
1048 sanjurro 4728 9 9 - 0 500 2004-01-29 19:15:33 W
1049 Ivina 4736 3 4 - 0 500 2004-01-30 01:22:02 W
1050 Ghostmaker 4735 2 9 - 0 500 2004-01-30 00:41:01 W
1051 SirFuckYou 4738 2 8 - 0 500 2004-01-30 01:34:07 W
1052 Sweeter 4739 10 2 - 0 500 2004-01-31 03:58:32 W
1053 Relyt 7 4740 9 5 - 0 500 2004-02-01 23:28:19 W
1054 keal 4741 8 3 - 0 500 2004-02-04 23:11:32 W
1055 Aleph 4742 3 6 - 0 500 2004-01-30 05:53:43 W
1056 the_kki_elite 4747 5 2 - 0 500 2004-01-30 12:40:38 W
1057 defiance 4765 3 3 - 0 500 2004-01-31 00:58:35 W
1058 Unic 4748 3 10 - 0 500 2004-02-10 17:08:43 W
1059 leepeers 4749 2 8 - 0 500 2004-01-30 16:20:18 W
1060 Squidonia 4766 2 3 - 0 500 2004-02-02 09:22:58 W
1061 CoNFLicToR 4752 2 8 - 0 500 2004-01-30 20:56:49 W
1062 Dark Throne Empire 4753 2 9 - 0 500 2004-01-31 19:04:49 W
1063 Cowdor Guardian 4757 2 5 - 0 500 2004-02-04 16:50:10 W
1064 spuds 4758 10 5 - 0 500 2004-01-30 22:12:21 W
1065 slayer town 4759 10 6 - 0 500 2004-01-30 22:01:32 W
1066 Golgothinians 4760 5 1 - 0 500 2004-02-03 11:22:34 W
1067 Glock Land 4762 4 6 - 0 500 2004-01-30 23:15:57 W
1068 New Solomon 4764 4 1 - 0 500 2004-01-30 23:46:04 W
1069 Hidden_M 4767 8 4 - 0 500 2004-01-31 01:49:19 W
1070 Attica 4768 6 3 - 0 500 2004-01-31 02:59:51 W
1071 phils empire 4772 3 3 - 0 500 2004-01-31 10:16:15 W
1072 BaNhAm 4771 6 1 - 0 500 2004-02-02 15:54:05 W
1073 locklaw 4773 4 7 - 0 500 2004-02-03 05:19:47 W
1074 Sagaturia 4774 2 6 - 0 500 2004-02-04 23:13:39 W
1075 rumblecheeks 4775 5 10 - 0 500 2004-01-31 14:23:26 W
1076 Sumfie 4776 10 9 - 0 500 2004-01-31 14:24:05 W
1077 Awakening Dreams 4777 9 4 - 0 500 2004-01-31 14:44:15 W
1078 Jagi Contemplati 4779 3 6 - 0 500 2004-02-02 09:52:23 W
1079 The Skullz 4778 10 7 - 0 500 2004-01-31 15:05:09 W
1080 Tolaria 4780 1 8 - 0 500 2004-01-31 15:57:55 W
1081 darkhorn 4781 6 8 - 0 500 2004-01-31 17:15:28 W
1082 SLiT CiTy 4791 8 9 - 0 500 2004-02-01 03:38:23 W
1083 42 4785 7 8 - 0 500 2004-01-31 22:09:11 W
1084 The Spaceland of Kings 4792 10 10 - 0 500 2004-02-01 04:15:10 W
1085 Gagoff 4789 8 3 - 0 500 2004-02-05 16:22:47 W
1086 SniperXL 4786 8 5 - 0 500 2004-01-31 23:05:28 W
1087 hurricane cougar 4787 7 2 - 0 500 2004-01-31 23:28:13 W
1088 Remus 4794 1 7 - 0 500 2004-02-01 05:09:05 W
1089 Black 4796 7 10 - 0 500 2004-02-01 05:17:42 W
1090 Lightshields 4800 8 3 - 0 500 2004-02-01 07:39:06 W
1091 Devil s Home 4802 9 1 - 0 500 2004-02-02 18:40:34 W
1092 lakey 4803 6 3 - 0 500 2004-02-01 12:02:03 W
1093 Venderan 4822 6 3 - 0 500 2004-02-01 21:37:07 W
1094 AlphaCentauri 4805 10 7 - 0 500 2004-02-02 16:39:33 W
1095 Milonthra 4806 10 7 - 0 500 2004-02-01 16:17:58 W
1096 Lafiel 4810 10 9 - 0 500 2004-02-01 18:06:29 W
1097 long_john_silver 4811 3 10 - 0 500 2004-02-01 18:06:51 W
1098 Chaotical illusion 4815 4 1 - 0 500 2004-02-04 05:53:33 W
1099 Katari Prime 4820 10 3 - 0 500 2004-02-01 21:17:52 W
1100 Dinito 4821 4 1 - 0 500 2004-02-01 21:22:46 W
1101 whispers of hell 4823 6 6 - 0 500 2004-02-01 23:44:44 W
1102 New Mongolia 4826 5 8 - 0 500 2004-02-02 00:15:16 W
1103 Cyrule 4829 3 10 - 0 500 2004-02-02 01:43:12 W
1104 Renegades 4830 5 2 - 0 500 2004-02-02 03:32:11 W
1105 hellthugs 4833 8 8 - 0 500 2004-02-02 17:59:11 W
1106 tarkains 4834 4 2 - 0 500 2004-02-02 07:27:58 W
1107 English 4853 1 3 - 0 500 2004-02-03 01:49:26 W
1108 Benevolent 4839 4 8 - 0 500 2004-02-02 13:24:10 W
1109 the dark angles 4840 2 9 - 0 500 2004-02-05 00:06:56 W
1110 vankoo 4843 6 1 - 0 500 2004-02-04 12:15:25 W
1111 sad 4844 9 3 - 0 500 2004-02-02 16:14:00 W
1112 Mandalorian Empire 4849 7 2 - 0 500 2004-02-02 21:59:28 W
1113 Diabolic Kitten 4854 5 5 - 0 500 2004-02-04 23:04:38 W
1114 D4R_REBEL_D4R 4856 1 4 - 0 500 2004-02-03 06:27:02 W
1115 Red Dragon Empire 4872 7 9 - 0 500 2004-02-03 23:19:55 W
1116 selery 4858 8 2 - 0 500 2004-02-03 11:13:26 W
1117 Criminals 4859 8 8 - 0 500 2004-02-03 11:51:16 W
1118 Crystallia 4860 8 9 - 0 500 2004-02-03 11:38:35 W
1119 dagno 4864 4 4 - 0 500 2004-02-03 17:34:19 W
1120 The Possum Empire 4861 4 6 - 0 500 2004-02-03 15:44:20 W
1121 Magas 4862 9 5 - 0 500 2004-02-03 16:05:08 W
1122 Experienced Smuggler 4863 10 1 - 0 500 2004-02-15 05:10:28 W
1123 House Intergue 4866 4 2 - 0 500 2004-02-04 20:09:08 W
1124 Raptors Domain 4876 6 6 - 0 500 2004-02-04 15:24:43 W
1125 Detirna 4874 8 7 - 0 500 2004-02-04 00:08:22 W
1126 Meta Consortium 4868 7 5 - 0 500 2004-02-03 22:04:48 W
1127 MortIIs 4870 7 6 - 0 500 2004-02-03 22:33:07 W
1128 Triad 4871 7 6 - 0 500 2004-02-03 22:31:00 W
1129 Hiveminder 4875 5 6 - 0 500 2004-02-04 01:29:11 W
1130 Lesser of Many Evils 4878 8 3 - 0 500 2004-02-04 04:50:52 W
1131 Lortha 4877 9 3 - 0 500 2004-02-04 02:00:21 W
1132 unholy 4880 3 7 - 0 500 2004-02-04 06:52:20 W
1133 The Federation 4884 6 1 - 0 500 2004-02-04 08:16:02 W
1134 kings 4885 4 1 - 0 500 2004-02-04 10:06:15 W
1135 Sword Worlds 4886 2 1 - 0 500 2004-02-04 10:42:11 W
1136 DRACON56 4889 10 6 - 0 500 2004-02-04 16:09:08 W
1137 wildthing20042005 4887 7 2 - 0 500 2004-02-04 15:09:19 W
1138 sQuick 4940 3 3 - 0 500 2004-02-13 13:09:10 W
1139 Colonius 4947 7 8 - 0 500 2004-02-06 18:19:31 W
1140 Minoa 4951 3 3 - 0 500 2004-02-06 19:21:35 W
1141 goons world 4969 10 5 - 0 500 2004-02-07 09:36:50 W
1142 Jamison 4986 1 1 - 0 500 2004-02-08 23:47:01 W
1143 morgan 4998 4 7 - 0 500 2004-02-08 14:39:50 W
1144 Dowza 5016 4 3 - 0 500 2004-02-09 06:27:39 W
1145 Menzoberranzan 5033 5 6 - 0 500 2004-02-10 02:00:22 W
1146 JCarson 5051 7 2 - 0 500 2004-02-10 22:04:09 W
1147 Coors 5043 9 6 - 0 500 2004-02-10 15:50:28 W
1148 Welsh Federation 5073 4 8 - 0 500 2004-02-11 15:25:46 W
1149 the deadfighter 5078 7 5 - 0 500 2004-02-11 20:15:10 W
1150 JusticeMK1 5092 10 7 - 0 500 2004-02-11 23:33:57 W
1151 killom 5093 9 3 - 0 500 2004-02-11 23:59:23 W
1152 Bodman 5105 1 2 - 0 500 2004-02-12 17:33:40 W
1153 aap 5107 7 9 - 0 500 2004-02-12 18:26:11 W
1154 Blastika 5132 3 3 - 0 500 2004-02-13 15:48:10 W
1155 sinsir 5140 7 9 - 0 500 2004-02-13 20:40:39 W
1156 Arie_gang 5142 5 9 - 0 500 2004-02-13 21:41:25 W
1157 Harker Heights 5154 2 8 - 0 500 2004-02-14 03:35:11 W
1158 b4m 5166 4 8 - 0 500 2004-02-14 17:46:12 W
1159 me 5176 6 9 - 0 500 2004-02-14 21:58:02 W
1160 Tictac 5188 2 1 - 0 500 2004-02-15 11:56:30 W
1161 Joshu 5196 2 3 - 0 500 2004-02-15 17:33:23 W
1162 Siiss 5215 4 3 - 0 500 2004-02-16 11:21:30 W
1163 da1nonly 5230 8 6 - 0 500 2004-02-16 21:22:31 W
1164 wes 5440 4 6 - 0 500 2004-02-27 04:00:22 W
1165 OddBall 5235 1 2 - 0 500 2004-02-16 23:06:33 W
1166 biting dog 5264 1 3 - 0 500 2004-02-18 08:10:13 W
1167 Saiyaz 5257 2 7 - 0 500 2004-02-17 20:58:26 W
1168 fire 5261 6 3 - 0 500 2004-02-17 23:05:38 W
1169 akindo 5260 2 9 - 0 500 2004-02-17 23:01:33 W
1170 Get of Fenris 5265 1 7 - 0 500 2004-02-18 05:53:55 W
1171 1000110 5507 2 3 - 0 500 2004-03-01 02:44:55 W
1172 fontaine 5279 9 10 - 0 500 2004-02-18 21:15:12 W
1173 Tester 5296 3 9 - 0 500 2004-02-19 12:11:05 W
1174 Advance 5302 5 2 - 0 500 2004-02-19 15:15:58 W
1175 braindeath 5305 10 5 - 0 500 2004-02-19 15:57:43 W
1176 classicmanempire 5314 8 5 - 0 500 2004-02-19 22:03:03 W
1177 1 5334 2 9 - 0 500 2004-02-22 03:18:41 W
1178 hellordofhel 5329 8 1 - 0 500 2004-02-21 23:16:05 W
1179 Wichita 5333 6 4 - 0 500 2004-02-22 01:49:58 W
1180 Traters 5328 8 6 - 0 500 2004-02-21 22:48:50 W
1181 XdarkmanX 5336 10 9 - 0 500 2004-02-22 06:08:09 W
1182 frarey 5380 10 10 - 0 500 2004-02-24 10:25:36 W
1183 Kazziana 5403 9 6 - 0 500 2004-02-25 13:06:02 W
1184 Hobo101 Land 5413 5 10 - 0 500 2004-02-25 19:42:35 W
1185 Ultimate Games 5419 7 6 - 0 500 2004-02-25 23:38:32 W
1186 Revalons 5437 3 7 - 0 500 2004-02-27 01:47:54 W
1187 Space Germany 5434 7 9 - 0 500 2004-02-26 22:30:41 W
1188 la 5469 3 4 - 0 500 2004-02-28 09:51:11 W
1189 lo 5482 9 9 - 0 500 2004-02-29 03:16:42 W
1190 9417 5487 7 7 - 0 500 2004-02-29 10:07:44 W
1191 Cuba 5499 7 10 - 0 500 2004-02-29 20:37:26 W
1192 Alex 5536 9 7 - 0 500 2004-03-02 20:06:37 W
1193 Rogues 5564 2 5 - 0 500 2004-03-04 01:19:05 W
1194 rv 5547 4 3 - 0 500 2004-03-03 16:13:00 W
1195 Cameron 5561 7 7 - 0 500 2004-03-03 22:56:05 W
1196 SigSauer 5593 3 5 - 0 500 2004-03-05 13:39:13 W
1197 Shortodie 5609 10 4 - 0 500 2004-03-06 00:26:43 W
1198 xorocs 5602 8 3 - 0 500 2004-03-05 21:58:02 W
^ : previous won the empire first place
* : previous won the federation first place